101. He Is An Idiot

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"He did what?" River had to control her voice as she reacted to what her best friend told her.

"He called the Director and made him give him one of the VIP rooms because he didn't want to go home or let the kids out of his sight." Jacqueline repeated. "Your husband is crazy!"

Though she said that, she would be lying if she said she wasn't a bit jealous of her best friend – River had indeed found an amazing and devoted man who cared so much about her and their kids.

"He really is." River rubbed her temple. "He is going to get it from me. This is a fucking hospital for god's sake."

Jacqueline wanted to point out that River did not correct her when she called Mateo her husband, and that they were basically a married couple with two kids and so River should just accept Mateo's proposal and live happily ever after with him, but she knew that this was not the right time for it and even if it was, River would eat her ear off if she said it.

"I tried telling him that.. But anyway, I talked to Natasha and she said we will shift you there in an hour and then you can spend some quality time with your husband and kids."

River let out a sigh, feeling a dull pain in her abdomen when she did. She guessed it was time for another dose of painkillers.

She looked up at Jacqueline and said in an even tone, "Don't think I haven't noticed how you are calling Mateo my husband."

Busted! Jacqueline gave her a cheeky grin. "I mean-" She started.

"I won't deny it, I like hearing the word husband for him." River admitted, much to Jacqueline's surprise. This is not the aromantic friend she used to know – the River from college was so against relationship and would barf at the thought of romance.

"You have changed." Jacqueline smiled. "For the better, if I say so myself."




River let out a sigh of exasperation while Mateo smiled sheepishly at her. He had Kiara sleeping on top of him while Adam took Lucas out because he was getting antsy. Mateo was not very keen about him leaving his sight but Adam had taken offense, asserting that the Mafia man was more than capable of protecting his nephew and that nothing would happen to the little boy as long as Adam Smith was alive and breathing.

The truth was that Mateo was as scared for Adam's life as much he was about the rest. Because even though the two fought like an old married couple, to Mateo, Adam was as much a brother as Leonardo and anything happening to any of them was terrifying to him.

But will the pig-headed Capo ever admit it to the world? That would be a big fat no.

River stared at him a bit more before a smirk appeared on her face.

"Hmm... I remember some people not believing Dmitri and I when we said someone was trying to pit the two mafias against one another. But now I hear they have finally digested it after two of us got shot." River said, thinking about what condition the Russian man child must be in.

"Hey, I would have believed it if you had come to that conclusion. But it was Dmitri who came up with it and you believe him way too blindly if you ask me."

River rolled her eyes, her eyes going straight to the peaceful sleeping face of her beautiful daughter. Oh, what she would do to maintain the peace and calm of the moment.

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