61. Can We Talk Now?

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'Things really really aren't going well.' River thought to herself as she stared into space.

You figured that out now?

'You do realize you are part of my problem, right?' She felt like an idiot for continuing to talk to herself but she just couldn't help it.

I am just a reminder that we have a problem at hand.


The surgeon screamed into the pillow. The twins had their room fixed and stocked with a hundred toys and thus they were there with little Mia.

And as always, River was stuck in Mateo's room.

Why this time? Because of his grandmother it seemed.

She wondered why everyone and the whole fucking universe was hell bent on making them sleep together!

But that really wasn't the problem. The problem was that Mateo's mom had called and said they will be arriving the next evening because his grandmother took her time packing and all and making them do errands for her and they were coming back by car and that took about eight hours so they decided to set out at daybreak.

Abrianna Costello seemed like a very troublesome lady. That was not going to do poor River any good.

But neither was that the problem. The problem was that after her girl time with Jacqueline, she had come out to find the kids taking a nap in their room, Sebastian and Alison indeed had gone out on a date, Alessia and Adam had had a heated argument and she had locked herself up in her room and Adam had taken her mother, Susan out for sightseeing. Jacqueline had decided she needed to rest and she went to catch up with Nanna. Even River wanted to talk to her grandmother but the stupid nurse insisted that she needed to rest a bit because she had a panic attack but went ahead on a walk right after she woke up. And Mateo was nowhere to be seen. So having absolutely nothing do, River had to drag herself back to the room and assure the Italian nurse that she would stay put and she had nothing to worry about.

But being alone really wasn't doing any good. She felt suffocated. It was like someone had kept something super heavy on her chest and was pressing down on it. It was painful to breathe.

So she was lying on her stomach, face muffled by her pillow. She had also kept a pillow between her chest and the bed hoping for the pressure to do something to ease the dull ache in her chest. So far it wasn't helping either! Not one thing she tried was helping.

River didn't want to scare anyone with any more of her panic attacks. Nor did she want to irritate an already irritated someone being 'such a killjoy'. The thought of that certain someone converted some of her discomfort into annoyance, so that kind of helped?


'Shit.' She thought. 'Talk of the devil and he is sure to appear.'

The doctor quickly shut her eyes, pretending to nap. She felt the bed dip on the other side. "I know you are not asleep."

She opened her eyes a tad bit to peek through and was met with his quirked eyebrow.


River quickly sat up and looked at him with her ridiculously childish pout plastered across her face.

"Can we talk now?" He asked, his voice even, not giving away any emotion.

"No." She pouted stubbornly. She did not want to talk to him about anything because she was convinced that her baby daddy was a certified dumbass. And she did not want to talk about her troubles to anyone else because she did not want to worry the shit out of them. Everyone already had a lot on their plates and having to listen to her problems and troubles were the last thing they needed.

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