14. You Should Go

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"Dr. Johnson is here."

Though his first emotion on seeing her was some kind of contentment, it was quickly replaced by anger.

Mateo narrowed his eyes. He thought he had asked that fucker to give her two days off! Did he think he can do as he pleased just because Mateo was bedridden?

"Hey..." She said slowly.

"Hey doc, you deal with this grumpy ass while I get some coffee!" Adam grinned, winking at his best friend cryptically before leaving them alone.

Mateo felt all the more irritated by that. Yes, he wanted her. But she was also the last person he wanted to see him in such a condition. It was true that right now, she was his doctor, but he didn't want that. He wanted her to be his woman.

"Dr. Johnson, what are you doing here?" He asked, gritting his teeth. What are you doing here instead of getting your well-deserved rest?

"Um... I came to apologize for what happened." She said quietly, looking really embarrassed. "I must have been super tired. But I know that doesn't mean I can-"

"Doctor." Mateo said, though he was itching to call her River. "You don't have to apologize for that. I deliberately didn't wake you up because I knew you were beyond exhausted. What I meant was what are you doing here when you should be resting. Aren't you supposed to be off-duty?"

She blinked a few times before replying, "Oh, I was off duty the whole day. I just got back."

"Why did you get back?" Mateo really wanted to take his phone out right then and call that motherfucker. But he couldn't risk her finding out that he was using his position to keep her away from her work she was so obsessed with.

"Because I am on call tonight. They let half the faculty off in the morning. We are back now so that the rest can go home. There's going to be a temporary arrangement before we go back to following our schedule." She blabbered.

Cute. Mateo found himself thinking.

"It's pretty complicated huh?" He asked, completely forgetting his previously foul mood as he relaxed, happy to hold a conversation with his new most favorite person.

She nodded. She looked more relaxed now. The bags under her eyes were still prominent but she didn't look exhausted anymore. She must have rested well in the morning.

The door was pushed open right then. River turned around to face the new visitor while Mateo looked over, his mood souring yet again.

"I know visiting time's over but I pulled some strings." Dmitri Petrov, the son of a bitch, chuckled, his eyes wandering all over the gorgeous doctor in front of him.

"You are very pretty." He took her hand and kissed it, his thick Russian accent a treat to the ears. "Correction. You are extremely gorgeous."

"Thanks." Dr. Johnson blinked, giving the guy a weird look then discreetly wiping her hand on her white coat. Mateo noticed her actions and he felt a certain amount of contentment. Good.

"I will be off then." River turned to he patient and gave him a polite, a smile that he returned, surprising even her. Mateo wanted her to stay and he wanted to know more about her but he was not letting his woman stay any more minutes in the vicinity of the disaster named Dmitri Petrov, Mona's younger brother.

The two men watched River open the door and stop.

Marsileo and Wells lay unconscious, blocking the way.

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