ʚ𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞ɞ // Bumped into you

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'Oh, he's so perfect. He's a god, so average and normal' Saiki felt a smile grow on his face while he thought about Satou.

"Heeeey saiki!!" It was toritsuka the pervy medium


"What are you doing?"

"Nothing, now leave me alone."

"Ooohhh I see now, you still stalking him?"

"It's not stalking now leave me alone."

"If it isn't stalking then what is it?"

".....i-i'm just observing"

"Mhmm suree"

"How many time do i have to say leave me alone for you to get it?"

"Jees calm down but fine I'll leave" toritsuka went to walk into the classroom

"Wait what are you doing?"

"Going to class did you forget that's my class?"



Saiki was following Satou home well I guess you can't really call this part stalking since he goes home that way as well. Saiki decided that maybe this time he should actually talk to him. He started to speed up to catch up to Satou who wasn't really that far ahead, when he reached a close proximity he tripped on a rock and fell to his knees.

"Ow-" Saiki said calmly. Saiki had hurt his knee but to him it didn't really hurt that much.

Satou turned around and say Saiki on his knees starting to get up, he ran to Saiki's side and decided to help him up he was holding up Saiki because he didn't want him to fall again.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine,.. thanks. You don't have to hold me up anymore I can walk i just scratched my knee nothing that bad"

"Your knee is bleeding though"

"Wait what?"

"I'll carry you home" Satou finally realized who he was helping "You're Saiki kosuo, right?"


They made it all the way to Saiki's house by the time they got there it was dark outside.

"Cyborg Cider-man number 2!!"

'What was yuuta doing out this late?' Saiki realized that we was still in Satou's arms when his thought had ended.

"Who?" Satou seemed confused and didn't seem to notice that he was still holding saiki in his arms.

"He's referring to me"

"Are you guys dating?" Yuuta said

"Huh?" 'Dating? Why would it seem like we are dating?' Saiki's cheeks started turning pink he stared at yuuta then look at Satou, Saiki quickly looked away trying to hide his blushing face. "No yuuta, we are not dating."

Satou seemed so stunned to even say anything his cheeks also started turning pink but quickly turned into a red blush. He didn't notice but he started holding Saiki a lot closer.

"Awh..." yuuta looked kind of sad towards what Saiki said. Yuuta's mom was then heard from the inside of her house she was heard calling yuuta back in, he quickly ran back inside the house which he lives in.

Saiki noticed he was a lot more closer to Satou then before. "Uh, Satou?" Saiki looked at Satou who was still blushing and was brought back to reality from hearing Saiki's voice.

"Oh- uhm, sorry about that" Satou let go of Saiki "Well I guess this is a bye?"

"What do you mean? It's to dark out to go back, you might get hurt." Satou clearly didn't think of that.

"O-Oh, well then what do I do, how will I get home?"

"You can stay over if you want."

"Oh okay, I'll ask my mom."
Hey mom can I stay at a friend's house?

Satou's mom:
Oh, of course.

Thanks mom!

Satou's mom:
You welcome sweetie, stay safe. Love you.

Of course I will, love you too mom!

'Woah such and ordinary conversation with a parent!'
"Should we go in now?"

"Oh yeah!"

Saiki opened the door as silently as possible but somehow his mother heard the door anyways, as saiki walked in she ran up to him and hugged him. Saiki can hear Satou laughing softly. His mother finally let go of him and looked at Satou.

"Saiki who is this? Oh! Is this a new friend!! Oh my god my baby boy is getting so popular!! I'm so proud of you!" She was really excited.

"Hi, I'm Satou" Satou reached his hand out and shook Saiki's mother's hand.

'Such an ordinary reaction!' Saiki stared at Satou then realized that Satou can see him, he turned back around and faced his mother. "Satou is staying the night here since it's already dark out."

"Oh okay! I can go make some dinner!" She smiled at them on her way to the kitchen.

Saiki grabbed Satou's arm without thinking and lead the way to his room. They walked in and saiki almost forgot that he was holding Satou's hand he decided to play it off as if he forgot he was, he wouldn't admit it but Satou's hand felt soft and Saiki just wanted to keep holding his hand.

Satou was looking down at their hands and blushing. 'Why do I like holding his hand? Should I let go?'

'No don't let go.'

Satou looked at Saiki, he then looked back down to their hands, he squeezed Saiki's hand softly and smiled. Saiki looked at him and blushes he then looks down at thier hands.

"Sorry, I'll let g-"

"No, no, it's fine!" Satou smiled at Saiki. Saiki smiled back but it was only noticeable if you were paying close attention to his lips and apparently Satou was. "You have a nice smile."

"Oh-...Thank you" that made saiki smile a bit more and his face went to a soft pink. "Oh uh we can sit down if you want."

"Yeah that'll be nice my feet are starting to hurt."

[ A/n : Cliffhanger!! Sorry I will update as soon as possible ]

958 words.

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