•🎃˛˚•˚𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝗼𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥˚•˚˛👻•

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[A/n : DISCLAIMER: this isn't apart of the main story this is just a special!! (Sorry the image at the top is so low quality I'm was at school when i started making this and I am not connected to the WIFI so i have horrible reception rn) ~( ̄▽ ̄~) ]

3RD Person

      There was a knock on saiki's door, he got up from his room hearing the child's thoughts as he was going down stairs to open the door.

'I hope cyborg-stridor man #2, can take me trick or treating!!' Yuuta's mind went to all the sweets the neighborhood houses would give out.

Saiki opened the door and Yuuta jumped with excitement. "Would you take me trick or treating!?" The child's voice rung with excitement. Saiki stared at Yuuta for awhile.

'If I take him trick or treating would I get sweets as well? He could just share some with me, but mom was already going to come back with treats, eh just more for me, I can just take some without him noticing you know like how a mom does to their children.' He replied to Yuuta with a brief "Sure."

"THANK YOU CYBORG-STRIDER MAN #2!!" Yuuta's smile reached ear to ear.

"Good grief..." Saiki sighed, 'he did really want to go trick or treating but, his mom had work so I can't really judge him for getting this happy but, seriously there is no need to yell.'

Yuuta tugged on Saiki's shirt "C'mon Cyborg-stridor man #2 we need to hurry if we want to get all the candy in the neighborhood!!"

"Good grief" Saiki walked out of the house and closed the door behind him, he knew his mother had a key to the house so he made sure to lock the door before he left with Yuuta to go trick or treating, just in case she came back while they were still out trick or treating. Saiki put on his ring so he didn't have to deal with everyone's thoughts while he was taking Yuuta trick or treating. Yuuta led the way to a house that had a reputation for giving out the best sweets. Once they reached the door Yuuta knocked on it with no hesitation, the owner of the house answered the door.

"TRICK OR TREAT!" Yuuta smiled and held out his basket. The house owner smiled and gave Yuuta 3 handfuls of candy the owner also made sure to add some extra chocolate bars into the basket.

"You have a very adorable costume!" The house owner smiled at Yuuta, Yuuta was wearing a costume of cyborg-strider man ( #1 ofc ) it was a tad bit big on him so the sleeves covered his hands but not fully. Yuuta returned the compliment with a smile then waved goodbye to the house owner. Saiki and Yuuta started walking to the other house in the neighborhood that had good reputations they saw a bunch of kids huddled up at one of the house's door they decided not to go to that one since the line would be to long and Saiki knew that Yuuta wouldn't want to wait. Yuuta led them up to a house that wasn't crowded Saiki recognized the house to be Satou's he looked down the street and saw the place where he made his first impression on Satou, down on his knees, how embarrassing. Yuuta knocked on the door and after awhile there was Satou the one who opened it he had a candy bull in his hand and looked down at Yuuta then his eyes met Saiki's.

"Oh, hi Saiki!" Satou smiled, he looked back down at Yuuta and gave him the candy bull. "Here you go, grab whatever candy you want!" Satou walked out of the house and closed the door. "So how is your night going so far?"

"It's going okay, I would've still been at home if Yuuta didn't ask me to take him Trick or treating." Saiki fidgeted with his fingers, still making eye contact with Satou. Hints of blush covered Saiki's face, he softly smiled at Satou. "How come you are giving out the treats?"

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