t h i r t y - f i v e

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Chapter Thirty - Five:

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Chapter Thirty - Five:

"What the hell are you guys doing!?!" Soobin shouts as he walks into the room. Amber rolls her eyes and crossed her arms. "You finally arrived. We have been trying to reach you" one of the workers said. "You're gonna close the game, leaving Ms.(Y/N) in there? Are you nuts? Mr.Jung said you wanted them to stay in the game! That wasn't our deal!" he yells. "Well, the company changed it. We have no other choice but to shut down the game. Haven't you notice that the characters are getting deleted!?!" Amber said.

Soobin kicks the chair and knocks down the paper from the table. "Do you want to know what else I found out from Mr.Jung? Prince Jungkook isn't playing the role we assigned him" He said. "What do you mean? We made sure every character plays their part of the storyline" another employee said yet he shakes his head. "no, that's what he made you all think. I have no idea who messed up with his role but he's now playing the role of a yandere" Soobin said.

Amber shakes her head and goes onto the computer. "there's no way he should be acting like that. how the heck did he even turn into one? Are you sure that Mr.Jung was saying the truth?" she asked. "He told me that he witnessed Prince Jungkook brutality murder his guards. He also said that he even killed the villainess's family. This all started when we put Ms.(Y/N) in the game" Soobin explains.

"so you think putting her in the game caused a virus which changed Prince Jungkook's role?" and Soobin nodded. "That's a possibility. I think if we remove her, then we should be able to have the game back to the way it was before" he said.

"But we must do it quickly before her character gets deleted too"

You were still standing there in shock. You will be marrying Prince Jungkook in three days. This game has been making you go crazy. After Lisa was gone, Lady Anne, the main female role, disappeared. No one remembers her. It was scaring you. What if your chars disappeared? Would you too disappear from your world? Having that thought, you have been trying to find ways to escape before it could happen yet it's already been two years and you're still here.

Stuck in the stupid game. With no way out. And about to be wedded. You couldn't believe that you were going to get married at a young age. Your fiancé was speaking to his family and you were outside, drinking a glass of juice that Princess Somi handed to you. "Ah, Lady (Y/N)! you're here. I was looking for you. What are you doing here?" the princess walks out into the balcony.

You sighed and replied, "staring out at the stars. Is your brother looking for me?". She smiles and shakes her head. "No, he's busy talking to our cousin. I wanted to talk to you about something" she walks towards you. You suddenly felt a weird aura from her. "I don't think you're suitable enough to be my brother's wife. I don't understand what he sees in you," Princess Somi said.

For some reason, you started feeling tired and weak. you barely could keep your eyes open. "And it annoys me that my father chose him to rule when he doesn't know how his son really is. This has to happen. I apologize yet this is for my kingdom. If no one is going to stop my brother, then I will" she said before pushing you off the balcony.

Princess Somi quickly walks away as nothing happened. It did hurt her yet killing you was the only option she had. If you married Prince Jungkook, the whole kingdom would fall apart. He was willing to destroy Busan just for you. She didn't want that to happen. She walks over to her friends, listening to their conversation.

Lady Jisoo's eyes landed on the prince who suddenly looked worried. He walks over to her and the rest of the old student council members. "Have you seen (Y/N)? She was here a few minutes ago" Prince Jungkook said, sounding a bit worried. "No, we haven't seen her, Your Highness. Yet if you want, we can go searching for her. She must not have gone that far" she replied. Prince Jungkook nodded and they went searching for his fiancé.

Prince Jungkook looks around the whole ballroom yet he couldn't find you. You couldn't have left him or could you? He knows that you love him so much so why would you leave him. You two are even getting married soon so it was impossible. Yet the fear was there. He walks out of the room and calls his guards over to the garden.

"I want you all to search for my fiancé. She must be here in the castle if you don't find her in twenty minutes, I will punish you. Understand" the prince said and they nodded. He watches as the guards run off to look for the prince's missing fiancé. "seems like the future bride ran away" Prince Jungkook turns around and rolls his eyes.

"what are you doing here, King Yoongi?" he asked yet the king just smiles. "Can't I come over to congratulate you for turning eighteen, even though you still act like a child? maybe that's the reason why she left you" the king said, making the prince clenched his fist. "shut up, King Yoongi. You know nothing about us! she loves me no matter what!" Prince Jungkook said.

King Yoongi looks over at the clock and smiles. "Oh well look at the time. I should be heading back to my kingdom now. It was speaking to you. And if your fiancé does return, please do invite me to your wedding" he laughs before walking towards the gates. The king sees his carriage and enters it. He took a seat and sighed as he looks out of the window.

"cant believe your sister-in-law tried to kill you" he looks over to see your sleeping body.

you woke up breathing heavily. you remember that you were falling into the ground so you stood up and looked to see that you were still eighteen. "so I didn't die?" you asked yourself. "I caught you before you could. If you weren't important, I would have let you die but sadly you are" you turned your head and smiled brightly seeing that one of the main characters was still here.

"woah! why are you crying? is it because of what I just said?" King Yoongi asked, shocked to see tears rolling down your cheeks. you shook your head and wiped your tears away. "It's nothing. But I do have a question. How did I end up here? All I remember was being pushed off" you said. "As I said, I caught you and had my guard take you. I decided to make that fiancé of your suffer so I kidnapped you yet someone came to visit me this morning and told me that they needed to speak to you" King Yoongi said.

You tilt your head confused. "Who?" and the door then opens to reveal a tall man with a cloak and round glasses.

"Hello, Ms.(Y/N). My name is Choi Soobin and I'm here to take you back home. To our world"

two chapters left.

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