You Are The Only Exception:Ch 21 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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A/N: Enjoy!...... hopefully it's not too long.... I'm not even sure. (:

~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 21


He pulled me down the escalators, and when we reached the double doors of the ballroom, I finally pulled my hand from his. Everett turned to look at me, and I shyly looked down.

"It's okay." I heard him say, but even though I wasn't looking at him I knew he had a smile on his face.

He put a hand on my back, and pushed me forward. I staggered slightly, before I caught my balance. I began walking towards the table where I saw Riley, and Rikki sitting. I could feel Everett walking closely behind me, and I smiled once we reached the table, and sat down between them. I looked behind me, and saw that Everett wasn't there. I slightly slumped in my chair, and let out a disappointed sigh. I looked up to see Rikki staring at me.

I raised an eyebrow. "What?" I whispered quietly.

He chuckled. "Nothing love."

"Rikki, your laughing at me."

He smirked. "Not, I'm not."

Before I could respond I saw that Riley sat down a chair away from me, with a cake in his hand. I then started wondering when he left, and why I didn't hear him get up. Another figure sat next to me with two cake, and I noticed it was Everett. He pushed one of the cakes in front of me, and smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled.

I noticed his chair was closer to mine, and he suddenly leaned towards me. "Did I tell you,... you look beautiful tonight?" he whispered.

My breath caught, and I fumbled with my dress. "I, uh." I couldn't remember.

Either he moved his chair closer to mine, or he scooted mine closer towards his. I had a good feeling it was the first one. There was about a foot of space between us. "Breathe." I felt his breath tickling my cheek, and neck.

I sucked in air, and I quickly turned to look at him, and I had no idea how close his face was to mine. Our noses brushed together, and I leaned away. He smirked, and I heard a chuckling coming from Riley, and Rikki. I blushed, and picked up my fork, and took a bite out of the cake. 'Cream cheese filling.' I thought, trying to get my mind somewhere else. I placed my fork down on the plate, and sighed.

I stood up, and I felt a hand grab my wrist. I turned to see Everett looking curiously at me. "I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered. He stood up, but Rikki stopped him.

"Actually, I'll go with her." I turned to look at Rikki, and he was standing up already. I smiled, and nodded. I looked over my shoulder at Everett, he stared at Rikki, as if unsure, and then finally nodded.

We made our way around the tables, and weaved through the the people, and finally reached the lobby. I looked around trying to find the restrooms, and saw them in then corner near reception desk. I felt Rikki's hand on my lower back, and he gently pushed me forward. We stood in front of the ladies restroom, and I turned to look at Rikki, and he smiled down at me. He looked around, and saw that it was clear, and pushed himself, and me inside the restroom.

I gasped, what is it, and people pushing me today. I regained my balance, and silently thanked that it was a single stall bathroom. I turned to see Rikki locking the door. He turned to face me, and ran a hand through his hair. "Please tell me, your not gonna rape me."

He looked up at me, and chuckled. "Of course not Michelle, I just want to talk to you," he gave me a small smile. " in private." he finished.

"Okay,... and the girls bathroom was your only choice?" I said nervously.

he nodded. "I know you probably love him, right?"

"I-I don't know, m-maybe." I stuttered.

He gave me a genuine smile, and looked up at the ceiling. "You do Michelle, I can tell." he turned his gaze back to me, and he stepped towards me. "Michelle, do you know how I feel about you?" I shook my head, and watched him. "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. Your beautiful, and talented, caring, and loving. I care for you a lot, and I want you to know that I love you." he stated, and smile widened.

I felt my eyes begin to water, and I smiled back at him. He stood right in front of me, and gently grabbed my face. I placed one of my hands over his, and press my cheek more into his hand. "Rikki, I'm sor-"

"It's fine." I felt his breath on one of my cheeks. "Just this once, let me know how it feels to kiss you,... properly." he whispered.

I gave him a small smile, and a slight nod. His eyes were twinkling with happiness. He leaned down, and I felt his warm breath caress my lips. I opened my eyes, and saw that he was staring at me, with smile on his face, as if he was going to savor ever minute of this. He pressed his lips to mine, ever so gently.

It wasn't like Everett's. It was different, but it felt good. He lips began to get a bit rough, and they were inexperienced. I was one to talk, since I knew Rikki had much more experience in this category then I did. His tongue lightly touched my lower lip. I smiled onto his lips, and I felt him smile back. He knew I wasn't going to go any further. He pulled away and looked at me, a smile still on his face.

"And what if Everett finds out about this?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

I grabbed my chin with one hand, and stroked it with my thumb. "Well, him and me are not together or anything."

"Yet." he chuckled.

"How do you know?" I questioned.

"He's crazy if he-" but he stopped, and chuckled.

"Rikki I-"

He was still in front of me, and it felt nice as he stroked my cheek. "If anything happens, I'll be here for you. Your shoulder to cry on, and for an ear you can talk off." and with that last bit he smirked, and I laughed. "I can tell he cares for you Michelle, just by looking in his eyes."


"Yes." he whispered.

"Well, that's good, we wouldn't want you to beat him up, huh?" I smirked, and laughed.

"If he thinks about hurting your feelings,... I have people, who know people." and he smirked.

I laughed. "Well, we better get back."

He nodded. "You'll go first, and knock on the door, so I know it clear."

I smiled, and nodded my head. I walked towards the door, and stepped outside. I looked around, and saw that the coast was clear. I knocked twice on the door, and the door swung open quickly, and hit my elbow. "Ouch!" I shrieked.

I heard Rikki curse under his breath. "Are you okay?" he asked concerned.

"I think you dislocated my elbow." I whined, and gently touched my now throbbing elbow. "Do you always open doors with that much force."

"I'm really sorry." he reached to touch my elbow, but I flinched away, and narrowed my eyes at him, which only made him chuckle.

I stretched my arm out, which didn't hurt too bad. I sighed, and we made our way back to the table. I sat in my seat next to Everett, and I felt his eyes on me. I looked up, and we locked eyes. I blushed and looked away quickly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Everett look at Rikki. It was like he knew what happened. I played with the hem of my dress, and my face burned up. I looked up at Rikki, then switched my gaze back to Everett, and saw that he was looking down at me. He gave me a soft smile, as if he understood. He grabbed my hand from my lap, and his arm brushed against my sensitive elbow, and I whimpered.

"What happened?" he questioned, and gently grabbed my upper arm, and examined my elbow.

"Apparently Rikki likes to opened doors with too much force, in hopes of hitting someone with it, and leaving them bruised." I said, and smiled his way.

He grinned back sheepishly, and ran his fingers through his hair. "I said I was sorry."

"Yeah you did, but then you chuckled." I stated and glared at him.

"It's doesn't look that bad, but it might feel sore later." I looked back at Everett who was still looking at my elbow, he looked up at me, and gave me a mischievous smile. I felt his breath on my elbow, and his eyes never left mine. He gave my elbow a soft kiss, and smirked. "Better?"

I blushed. "I, um." I blushed harder knowing someone must have saw us. I heard Riley chuckling, and it suddenly felt a few degrees warmer in the room. Everett laughed through his nose, and put his arm around the back of my chair, and the warmth of his arm felt relaxing.

I thought about the song 'The Only Exception' by Paramore, and thought it would have been a perfect song to sing on stage.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, and I looked to my right to see Jesse standing there. "Do you think  you can sing one more song?" she asked.

I smiled, and nodded. "Yeah, sure."

"Yes, okay well I have a song all ready for you, and thought it would go perfect with all the couples, and everything." she smiled, and nodded for me to go to the stage.

I stood up, and walked towards the stage, and up the steps. The band smiled at me, and began strumming a familiar tone I knew. I smiled when I knew it was the song I wanted to sing. I grabbed the microphone, and smiled towards the crowd.

"When I was younger I saw my daddy cry, and curse at the wind. He broke his own heart, and I watched as he tried to re-assemle it. And Momma swore that she would never let herself forget, and that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exist." I looked towards my Mom to see she was looking at me like she was about to cry.

"But darling... You are the only Exception." I sang as I looked towards Everett, and I was surprised to see him still sitting, smiling sweetly at me.

My smile grew more, and I sang on. "Maybe I know somewhere deep in my soul that love never last. And we've got to find other ways to make it alone or keep a straight face. And I've always lived like this keeping a comfortable, distance. And up until now I swore to myself that I'm content with loneliness 'cause none of it was ever worth the risk."

"But you are the only exception." I glanced around the room, and saw couple hugging one another, and I kept smiling, and I waited for the music solo to finish.

"I've got a tight grip on reality, but I can't let go of whats in front of me here. I know you're leaving in the morning, when you wake up, leave me with some kind of proof it's not a dream." I sang, and gripped my necklace.

I looked around the room, and smiled, before I continued. "You are the only exception, you are the only exception, and I'm on my way to believing."

I smiled, and gave a short way to the crowd, and people sitting around the table, when the were clapping, and cheering for me. I stepped down from the stage, and made my way towards the my table, and took my seat in between Rikki, and Everett.

I turned to see Everett giving me a loving smile, and he put his arm behind my chair once again.

"You are my only exception too." he whispered in my ear, and I blushed, but smiled.

I soon found myself yawning, and I covered my mouth with my hand.

"Sleepy, Angel." I heard him whisper in my ear.

I felt so sleepy suddenly, and my eyes began to feel heavy. "Mhmm." was my only response. I felt myself leaning to my left side, and I fell onto something warm, like a shoulder. I snuggled closer, and sighed. I heard a chuckle in my ear.


I woke up on something comfortable, I opened my eyes, and found myself in a bed, and I was still wearing my dress. A blanket was covering me, and I slowly crawled out of bed. I looked around the room, but couldn't figure out where I was. I looked to my left towards the window, and saw a figure sleeping on the arm chair in the corner. Everett.

I saw a door to my right, and figured I'd opened the door. Hopefully it would lead to a hallway or something so I could figured out where I was. I walked towards the door, making careful steps, when suddenly a hand covered my mouth, and my arms were pulled behind my back. My eyes widened, and someone whispered in my ear. "Hello Michelle, " they started in a deep voice. "I want to play a game."

'What the hell is going on.' I thought, and my breathing picked up.

The tears slide down my face, but it's not like this person noticed. Their hand hovered over my mouth, and I sobbed, and whimpered.

"What the hell do you think your doing." A voice from behind us yelled. The person let me go, and I turned to see that it was Riley who was holding me, and he grin sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck. I looked behind him to see Everett had woken up. The tears continued to run down my face, and I slide to the floor. I haven't been more terrified in my life, and I tried to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Everett looked down at me, and he glared at Riley. "What did you do to her?" he asked as he walked towards me.

"Well I was just-" he started, but got cut off.

Everett sighed heavily, and crouched down in front of me. "Riley, you scared the hell out of her." He stated, while rubbing small circle in my back.

"I'm sorry Michelle." he sighed. "I'm just going to go to my room now."

"Yeah, good idea." and with that Riley left.

I wiped the tears off my face with the palm of my hand. "I'm s-sorry. You can go back to s-sleep, I-Im fine." I stuttered, and sniffled. I stood up, and waited for him to go back to his arm chair. I took deep breaths.

"No." he wrapped his arms around me. "Your upset, and I want to make you feel better first." he whispered.

I felt calmer. "Well, where am I?" I murmured against his chest.

"The hotel still. I was being a bit selfish today," he started "I wanted you all to myself. Your Mom suggested that you should stay with me, since you were already sleeping on my shoulder, and I happily agreed." he finished, and grinned. I blushed at the thought that my Mom knew, and that she didn't mind. "Oh, and I think she texted you." he gestured to my phone that was sitting on the night stand beside the bed.

I walked towards my phone, and I opened the new text I had, and read it.

Everett is the best thing that has ever happened to you Michelle. Your opening your heart to love, and I'm so glad it's him your allowing in. Remember, love is love no matter who you find it with.

I smiled, and sighed.

"I'm guessing it's good news?" he asked still standing in the same place, with his arms crossed over his chest.

I gave him a huge smile, and nodded. "Yes. How long have I've been sleeping, and what time is it?" The last question I asked was actually stupid, cause I could have simply looked at the clock on my phone.

It seemed that he didn't mind though. "It's two in the morning, and only about two hours. So you might want to change." He moved some clothes from the night stand onto my lap.

"Where did you get these from." I stared at my dark blue sweat pants, muscle shirt, bra, and underwear.

"They were at my house so I thought I wash them for you. I kept them in my car, and it was a good thing too." he grinned. I looked up at him, and blushed. He was wearing some black sweats, and a white V-neck shirt. I blushed even harder, when my gaze held longer than I wanted.

I began walking in the direction he pointed, and changed in the bathroom. After I changed I looked in the mirror to see my hair was still slightly curled, and my face was still flushed. I took a deep breath, and let it out slowly. I folded my dress neatly, and placed it on top of the counter.

I walked back towards the bedroom, and noticed he was leaning back in the arm chair. I made my way towards him, and he looked surprised, and stood up.

I looked up at him, and sighed. "Why me,... what's so special about me?" I asked, and closed my eyes, waiting for his answer.

I felt his hand cup one of my cheeks, and I opened my eyes. "Because, your one of a kind. Everything about you, Michelle, is unique. Your eyes, your smile, your talent, everything. You were closed off when I met you, but now your opening up your heart. Your actually loving, caring, smart, beautiful, and so much more. Michelle you are the best thing that's ever happened to me. Michelle I lov-"

He was cut off when there was a loud knock on our door, "Hey! I, uh, I left something in here." We heard Riley say. The door opened shortly after, and I took a step back, away from Everett.

"Hey." I smiled, and gave him a small wave.

 He let out a heavy sigh. "Good, your not made at me."

"Of course no-"

"How did you get in?" Everett cut me off.

"Oh, well I took one of your keys." he stated, and grinned.

"Put it back, and get out. I know you didn't leave anything."

Riley sighed. "Fine, good night Michelle." he smirked, placed the key card on the bed, and left the room.

I turned back towards Everett to see him shaking his head. He looked up at me, and gave me a small smile. "Finish what you were going to say."

"I, uh," From the lighting in the room, I saw a small tint of pink cover his cheeks.

I took one step towards him, but he was still about four steps away, and I smiled. "Finish."

He took a deep breath. "Michelle, I love you."

I knew what he was going to stay, but I was still surprised to heard them. I stared at him, and blinked. It was like my brain had shut down. I had no idea what to say back.

He walked the rest of the steps, and he now stood in front of me. "Now would be the time to say something, Michelle." He lifted his hand to touch a strand of my hair, but hesitated, and then finally he let his arm fall back to his side.

I blinked again. I slowly exhaled the breath I was holding, and started. "I love you too." I said, and smile at him, showing teeth, and all. I lifted my hand, and cupped one of his cheeks.

He placed one of his hands over mine. "You don't know how that makes me feel right now, hearing you say that." he smiled, and kissed the inside of my wrist. I tried to cover my yawn with my hand, but failed. He chuckled, and I felt it vibrate my hand. "Still sleepy, Angel."

I nodded, and he suddenly wrapped one of his arms around my waist, and his other went behind my knees, and he carried me to the bed.

He placed me gently on the bed, and I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me. I smiled back, while he began tucking the covers on me. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, and whispered. "Sweet dreams Angel." and he began to walk towards the arm chair.

I felt alone, and suddenly cold. "Wait." I said, when he was about to sit down. I propped myself up on my elbows. "Why,... why are you sleeping over there, and not in the bed?" I asked quietly.

"Because Michelle." He answered.

"But I want you too. Don't boyfriends, and girlfriends sleep in the same bed?"

"Who said we were together?"

My eyes widened, and I suddenly felt stupid. I fell back on the bed, and turned my back to him. "I'm sorry." I whispered. "Forget I said anything."

"Michelle I'm sorry." I heard him say. I suddenly felt weight on the other side of the bed. "Do you still want me in the bed?" he whispered a foot away from my ear.

I nodded slightly, and I felt the covers being lifted up, then down again. "I'm sorry." I repeated quietly.

"Michelle it's okay."

I turned my body and faced him. He smiled, but he kept his hands to himself. I touched one of his arms, and I felt him shiver slightly. I leaned towards him, and he closed his eyes. "Kiss me." I whispered.

"Michelle." he whispered as if to protest, but he still kissed me.

His lips around mine felt perfect. I felt one of his arms go around my waist. His kiss became more urgent, and impatient, and before I knew it he was on top of me. He kept his weight off me, and hovered only inches above my body. I put my hand to the back of his head to deepen the kiss, and I was also surprised at my own actions.

He pulled away, and that's when I noticed our heavy breathing. "Michelle, " he started. "we need to stop." I saw the lust in his eyes, and thought maybe he was right.

I nodded, but thought I would ask something. "Why?" I asked, and a small smirk made it's way across my lips.

He stared down at me, and smiled. "Because I might lose control."

"I like out of control people." and my smirk grew.

"Really?" and I felt his lips graze mine.

"Yes,..." I whispered, and he captured my lips with his once again. He kissed the side of my mouth, and then planted small kiss down my jaw line, and to my neck, where I felt him take a deep breath.

"Your still wearing the necklace I gave you. Does that mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he murmured against my skin, and I felt him smirking.

"Mhmm, yes." I whispered.

"Good, cause I want you, and only you." he lightly kissed my neck.

"I'm going to give you my heart again. Please don't break it." I whispered.

"Never." he whispered back, and I felt him begin to lightly suck on the skin on my neck. I thought he was going to  give me another love bite, but he stopped, and I inwardly sighed in relief. "Sleep time." he said, and lightly kissed my nose.

"Good night." I whispered as I snuggled into his chest.

"Night, sweet dreams Angel." he murmured against my hair, and wrapped an arm around my back.

We both drifted into a sound sleep, with smiles on our faced.


My eyes fluttered, and I closed them when the sunshine shined right into my eyes.

"I always dreamed of waking up like this." I heard Everett say.

"Like what?" I asked, with my eyes still closed.

"Next to you, my beautiful Angel."

I opened my eyes to see him smiling down at me. I smiled and a blush made its way across my cheeks, but I shivered from the temperature of the room. I finally noticed that I didn't have a blanket covering me, and I groaned. My teeth began to chatter. "I-I'm f-freezing."

"Well you would be warm if you didn't shove the blankets off the bed, or on my side." he laughed.

He threw a blanket around us, and pulled me closer to him, and I wrapped my arms around him when I noticed the warmth of his body. "Thanks you." I whispered.

I felt him wrap his arms around me, and he rolled on top of me. I looked up at him in shock, and he smirked down at my reaction. Both of his arms were on either side of my head, and one of his legs went in between mine. I put both of my hands on his chest, staring at him cautiously, while my face was burning up.

"Warm now?" he said with a smirk plastered on his face, and all I did was give a small nod. He shifted his upper weight to his one of his arms, and one of his finger on his other hand traced down my arm. His hand was now at the hem of my muscle shirt, and it inched its way under. I shivered at the touch of his hand on my stomach. I felt his hand move up to my belly button, and I looked away, since I knew what he was going to find. "You have you belly button pierced, but no ring in it? Were going to have to fix that." he chuckled.

"What do you mean?" I turned to look at him.

"I'm going to take you out today." he replied simply.


"Secret." he moved his head towards my stomach, and I was too shocked to do anything. My arms fell limp at my sides, as he lifted my shirt to above my belly button. He kissed the skin just below  it, and then actually kissed my belly button. I felt butterflies fluttering around in my stomach, he jumped off the bed, and pulled me with him. "Hurry, and shower, and then we can go."

I blinked, and stared at him. "I-I don't have any clothes."

"Remember I told you you left some at my place. Just go to the bathroom." he said, and kissed my cheek.

I walked into the the bathroom, and sure enough I saw a pair of black pants, a orange muscle shirt, and a pair of black underwear, and bra. My cheeks automatically burned at the thought of him washing my clothes. I shredded my clothes, and stepped into the shower, and used the little shampoo bottle that the hotel leaves on the sink.

I dried myself off when I finished showering, and wrapped around my hair, and placed it on my head. I put on my undergarments, and slipped into my pants, and shirt. I took the towel off my head, and sighed when I knew I didn't have a brush. I stepped out of the bathroom, and saw Riley sitting on the bed swinging his legs. I heard the door open, and saw Everett come in with a hair brush in his hands, deodorant, a small bottle of perfume, a pair of socks, a small tub of tooth paste, and a tooth brush.

"I bought all this at the souvenir shop down stairs, and I brought some of your shoes you left too." he looked up at me, and smiled.

"Thanks a lot." I said, and grinned.

"Well I brought your shoes." I turned to see Riley still swinging his legs, and a grin on his face. "They were in your Moms care, and she gave them to me before she left."

"Well thank you, and thanks again." I turned to see Everett walking towards me, and he placed all the stuff in my hands.

"No problem." he placed a kiss on my cheek. "I'm going to shower, and you can do your hair, and stuff, alright?"

"Uh, sure." I said not really sure at all, and I suddenly heard the shower running, and turned to see that the door was slightly open for me. I turned back to look at Riley to see he had showered, and that he was ready to go. He wore dark blue pants, and a V-neck shirt.

"You better hurry, he might walk out naked in front of you." he chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at him, and turned to walk into the bathroom. I placed everything on the sink counter, and ripped the tag off the hair brush. I parted my hair on the left side of my head, and brushed through my hair, when I finished I opened the deodorant, and put someone. I pulled my socks on, and I sprayed some perfume on my chest, and both wrist, and rubbed them together. I brushed my teeth next, and stared at myself in the mirror. "Better." I murmured to myself.

I walked out of the bathroom, and sighed.

"That's much better. You looked like Medusa earlier with all that wet hair." he said, and chuckled.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "That's so mean."

"No she didn't, and I know you found it hot Riley. At least she wasn't the one I found sucking their thumb in bed today." I looked over my shoulder to see Everett smirking at Riley.

"Hey that wasn't suppose to leave that room!" Riley whined.

I put my hand over my mouth to cover my laugh. "Can we go now?" I asked them both.

"As soon as you put your shoes on." Riley held up my shoes, and I grabbed them, and shoved on my vans.

I turned to see Everett putting on his shoes, and at the same time I noticed he was wearing some dark blue jeans, and a white V-neck shirt.

I heard Riley leave the room, and I quickly followed. I walked into the hallways, and suddenly a hand slipped into mine, and intertwined our finger. I looked up to see Everett smiling down at me.

We reached the parking lot, and I opened the back door to his Land Rover. "Your sitting in the front Michelle." I heard Everett say.

"Did you really think you were sitting in the back?" I looked to see Riley smirking at me, and I slowly climbing my way into the front seat, and buckled myself in.

"So, Michelle, do you like animals." I turned in my seat to look at Riley, and nodded my head, and sat back forward. I saw Everett out of the corner of my eye, smile.


"No way, were at a zoo!" I said excitedly, when I finished the taco we had bought.

"Have you ever been?" Everett asked quietly.


"Looks like you did good my friend." then Riley lightly punch Everett's shoulder, and laughed.

We circled the parking lot a couple of times, before we actually found a spot, which was that far from the entrance. I jumped of the car, and I had the biggest smile on my face. I felt Everett standing next to me, and my smile suddenly faded when I realized I didn't have any money to pay for my ticket, or for the gift shop.

"Well we got here kind of got here on time. What time is it like ten in the morning? That's such a big line." Riley stated.

"Not really." Everett said to Riley, and then he whispered to me. "Don't worry I'll pay for you."

I looked up at him, and shook my head. "I'll pay you back." I whispered.

He laughed through his nose. "Please, let me pay for you, your my girlfriend remember." I blushed, and he kissed my cheek, and grabbed my hand.

We stood in line for about twenty minutes. Everett, and I had to listen to Riley's complaining, along with the people around us. They had multiple line. One for families with strollers, another for the handicapped, and one for families without either of those. I sighed and began taking in the scenery.

Everett tugged me forward, and I hadn't realized we were next.

"Hello, how many?" the women asked kindly from behind the glass.

"Three adults." Everett responded, while throwing her a bright smile. I read a small poster that was taped onto the window, and read that they had a Military discount.

"Oh, I have a Military ID card." I said quickly, and fished out my wallet from my tote I was carrying. Everett looked down at me with confusion in my eyes. I gave the women my ID card, and she nodded in approval, and handed it back.

"Okay so your total amount will be thirty-one dollars, and twenty-five cents." Everett pulled out his wallet, and handed her three tens, and a five. "And your change will be three dollars, and seventy-five cents." she said, while handing Everett his change back, and a receipt. She then handed him a map of the zoo. "There you go, and have a great day."

"You too." I said, and gave her one last smile, before we went through the park gates.

"I didn't know you had a Military ID card?" Everett said from behind me.

I shrugged. "My Dad's retired Military." I said, while looking around. The map of the zoo was suddenly put in my hands, and I looked up at Everett in confusion.

"You pick where we go." he said, and nodded towards the made, and I eagerly opened it up. There were so many placed, and I wanted to go to each, and every one. I looked down at the map and saw 'Reptile House' and knew that's where I wanted to go first. I looked from the map, and up at the zoo, and saw it was just straight ahead. "The Repile House." I said, and looked up at Everett, and he nodded.

"Yes! That's exactly where I wanted to go first." and Riley eagerly walked ahead of us.

I grabbed Everett's hand, and we began walking and I tried to keep up with Riley, but I had no suck luck. I cursed at the length of my short legs, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Everett smiling at me, as if he was happy that I was happy.

We reached the entrance of the Reptile house, and Everett reached above my head to hold the door open for me, since Riley didn't. I laughed at how he was being such a kid. I went to the first tank to see what lived in there. I read the sign on the right side of the tank to see that the reptile in this tanks was called a Corn Snake. I leaned closer to the tank to see if I could spot it, but couldn't. I looked under the artificial plant they had put in.

"Behind the water dish." Everett whispered in my ear.

I shifted my gaze. "Aw, it's a baby snake." I stated. "Well for now." I added.

I moved to the next one, which had a Armenian Viper, and then I moved to the next tank to see a snake that was four and a half feet in length, and I blinked at it, and read the name card to see that it was a Gaboon Viper. I shivered at the sight of it, and I heard Everett chuckle at my reaction from behind me.

We looked through the rest of the tanks to and I found myself looking at a Komodo Dragon, Leopard Gecko's, Amazon Tree Boa, American Aliigators, a Green Anaconda, a Mexican Pigmy Rattlesnake, a Alligator Snapping Turtle, and so much more.

When I saw the doors to exit the exhibit, I stopped. I was missing a snake, and I knew it. "Are you ready for the next one?" Everett asked me.

"Where's the King Cobra?" I asked. He blinked at me, and then looked around. I saw one last tank by the door, and walked towards it, the label stated that the King Cobra was in it. I bent over, and I quickly spotted the tan snake, and the pale yellow cross bands that went down the length of it's body. I saw that it's belly was a cream color, and the scales looked smooth. I stared at it in amazement. I stood straight, and saw that Everett was looking over my shoulder.

I held out my hand towards him, and he grabbed it, and we walked outside. "There you guys are, I thought I lost you!" Riley sighed.

I pulled out the map, and the Amazonia caught my eye, and walked towards that exhibit next. I stared into the large netted, and fenced exhibit where I saw Spider Monkeys swing, and another that held a couple of Jaguars, and inside another exhibit was a pair of Ocelot, and their small kitten playing with one of their parent's tails.

An Armadillo was in another. A pair of Capuchins in another exhibit, and a pair of Tamarins right next to them. We went through a door which lead to the deck of the free flight area. It was like a huge dome that was fenced off, and rope netting was placed in some locations so the birds that were flying around wouldn't get loose. I looked at the poster that was on the railing of the deck to see that the birds perched around us were Scarlet Ibis, and somewhere in this exhibit a couple of Giant Anteaters roaming the ground below, before they both started drinking from the pond.

I leaned against the railing, and took in the exhibit, and scenery around us, and the families around us pointing and explaining to their kids what kind of creatures these were. I heard a twenty-five cent machine near by, and saw that fish pellets were in it instead. Everett dropped some in my hands, and I stared at the pond below us to see that fish were actually swimming in there. I dropped one pellet, and the nearest fish snatched it up quickly.

"Aw, look at the little fish!" I turned and expected to see a kid, but it wasn't.

"Riley, those are big Koi, and Goldfish." I said, and smirked.

He shrugged. "Yeah, I guess your right." he said, and laughed, I dropped the rest of the food, and looked up to see a pair of Macaws perched on a near branch, and I smiled when I saw them cleaning each others feathers. A pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders, and I looked up to see Everett smiling down at me. He leaned down, and quickly pecked my lips.

"Aw come on, there are kids around here." Riley whined, but chuckled.

I blushed, and laughed sheepishly, and ducked under Everett's arms to get away. We exited this exhibit, and I looked at the map again.

We stopped by the Twilight House, which was filled with bats. and another exhibit named TOADally, which we saw a yellow-Banded Poison Arrow Frog, Salamanders, Golden Dart Frogs, and a bunch more. We made our way up to the Hixon Bird House.

We entered the circular building with a Central glass-domed area that is covered with large trees, shrubs, and low plants, and also contains a small pond. Each enclosure had different types of bird from all parts of the world. Some from the deserts of American Southwest such as the Roadrunner, or the cute Burrowing Owls. Then came the Coastal beach birds like the Black-necked Stilt, and the Inca Tern. Next came the South American Rain Forest birds, and birds from the jungles of Asia, and many other places.

We made our way down to the Lory Landing exhibit, and on the way saw Kangaroo's, and Spekes' Gazzelle, and finally Spooted Hyena. We walked up the ramp to the exhibit to see that it was fenced, and netted off too. The birds flew freely inside, each chirping for attention, playing with one another, or to get a drink of the nectar in the nearest Zoo staff or Visitors hand.

I read a sign saying that a cup of Lory nectar was available for only one dollar and twenty-five cents. I opened my mouth to say something but a cup of nectar was in my hands already, and I looked up to see Riley grinning down at me. Before I could thank him, he started pushing me towards the large, or rather humongous aviary filled with zoo guest, and staff, and also filled with hundreds of Lories, and Rainbow Lorikeets. As soon as I stepped inside the Exhibit a Rainbow Lorikeet landed on my hand, and began drinking up the nectar. I watched in amazement as another landed.

I began walking up the steps, and onto the deck that was placed in the exhibit. "That's not fair, how did you get them to drink your nectar." I turned to see Riley reaching out to one of the lories that was perched on a rope.

I noticed my cup no longer had nectar, and the birds were waiting on my hand. "Riley here." I called. He walked over to me, and stood there not knowing what to do. "Hold your cup out to them." I suggested, and as soon as they saw he had nectar, they jumped onto his hand. I looked behind Riley to see Everett feeding a lory. I threw my cup in the special trash can made for throwing the cups away. Everett looked up at me, and smiled. He gave Riley the rest of the nectar that was in his cup, and walked over to me, and leaned against the railing. I stood next to him, and did the same.

"Oh now your all flocking to me. The man with only two nectar cups." I heard Riley say.

I laughed at the sight of Riley. Lories, and Lorikeets were now up his arm, and a few rested on his shoulders, and one had just landed on his head. I took out my phone, and Riley turned around, and noticed I was going to take a pictured, so he smiled, and shrugged while the birds were still up, and down his arms. It was a funny sight to see, and I laughed when I finished taking the picture.

The birds flew away when Riley slowly put his arms down. "Here let me take a picture of you two." he suggested. I nodded, and handed him my phone.

I went to stand beside Everett, but he pulled my back towards his chest, then wrapped his arms across my stomach. I placed mine hands on his arms, and I felt his chin rest on the top of my head. A Rainbow Lorikeet suddenly landed on my shoulder, and I smiled at it, and then the camera.

"Perfect." Riley beamed at us, and handed my phone back.

We exited this exhibit, and just walked along as saw a Common Warthog, a Red Kangaroo, a Sumatran Tiger, and a pair of African Lion, a pair of Addra Gazzelle, a pair of Antelope, a Domestic Sheep and a Wallaby. We also passed the Salt Water Crocodile, and a group of duck, and one Bald Eagle.

Our next stop was the Treetop Lookout where we saw a Porcupine, and more birds. When we walked back down we stopped by the Cheetahs exhibit, and on the other side was a pair of Rhinoceros.

We saw a baby Giraffe, and India Elephants, Hippopotamus, Black and White Ruffed Lemurs, and another exhibit filled with crocodiles.

We were almost finished with the zoo. We stopped and looked at the Black-Footed cat, with a Clouded Leopard, and we saw about three more exhibits with lemurs. Finally we reached the end where there were North American Black Bear, Grizzly Bear, and a Spectacled Bear. I smiled at the Grizzly bears that had a cub playing around.

I saw something out of the corner of my eyes, and stopped, making Everett stop also. "Come on, we'll go in there." He said, and smiled down at me. "Hey Riley!" he yelled and Riley looked away from the Lemur exhibit. "Were going in there, do you want to come?"

"Yeah sure, let's go to the Butterfly Exhibit." he snorted, but was already ahead of us.

I stood in front of the Butterfly Exhibit, and waited for Everett to grab the tickets from the gift shop near by.

"Alright, and here's your ticket." I reached for the ticket Everett had, and grabbed it but he pulled me into him by my wrist, and gave me a kiss. I blushed, and pulled away, and he smirked down at me. We walked up into the door, and knocked as the sign said.

A man opened the door, and we stepped inside. "Alright so everyone know, the women at the other door will be checking to see if any butterflies are sticking to you or anything, and please refrain from touching any butterflies, as they are fragile." he smiled at us, and opened the next door, and a fan above the door began to blow. I guess so that butterflies wouldn't be able to get out.

We stepped through the windy door, and I smiled at the beauty of the garden. A variety of colored flower were all around the garden, and I saw a pieces of fruit on the ground with a butterfly on it. It was huge, and the wings were beautiful.

Butterflies were fluttering throughout the how enclosure, and it made me smile. I saw a huge butterfly that had landed on a flower, and crouched down to admire it. "Michelle look at this." I stood up, and went to see what Everett was looking at. Inside of a small net like cage, were cocoons.

"That's way cool." I said quietly.

"Well if you like that, what about this." and he pulled me, to see a huge moth that had landed on small bush.

"That's so beautiful." I said admiring it's wing patterns, and colors.

"We still need to go to the gift shop Michelle." he said staring at the same moth I was, and I looked at Riley, and nodded.

We went to the next door to exit, and there was another fan like in the first door. "Hello, okay so could you please turn around for me." I turned slowly, and so did Everett, and then Riley.

We walked out of the door butterfly free, and headed towards the souvenir shop. I rubbed my hands together when I saw a stuffed animal that was a Tiger. I grabbed it, and hugged it to my chest, and carried it along with me, and I went to go look at the t-shirts. I found a purple shirt with a few animal printed on the front of it, and the zoo's name below it.

I felt Everett stand to my left, and he whispered into my eat. "Get what you want Angel. I'll pay."

I turned my head to look at him, and blinked. "No way. I'm putting this back." I turned to put the stuff animal back, but he grabbed my wrist.

"It's fine Michelle." and he kissed my cheek. "Please, I want to buy something for my girlfriend," and he kissed my other cheek. "Get whatever you want okay?"

I looked up at him, and sighed knowing I wasn't going to win this. "Fine. Your so rich for a teacher." I sighed again. He pulled down the purple t-shirt I was looking at, and held it for me.

He chuckled at my answer. "Good, now go look around." and with that he kissed my forehead.

I looked around and noticed mugs, shot glasses, and blankets, and key chains. I walked over to the wall that had necklaces lining it, but didn't find one that caught my eye.

"Michelle come here." I walked towards Everett to see him looking at some bracelets with animals on each of the wooden beads, while each bead was dyed a different color. I bit my lower lip when I smiled, and I heard Everett chuckle. He put a hand on my waist, and grabbed one of the bracelets. "Riley are you ready?" he turned to ask him.

"Yep all set." He put his stuff on the counter, and Everett grabbed my stuffed animal, and t-shirt, and also placed it on the counter.

The women behind the counter rang up everything, and Riley paid for his, and Everett paid for mine. We left the souvenir shop, and I stopped, and looked up passed the tree branches, and towards the sky. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath, then let it out slowly.

I shifted my gaze to Everett who was standing in front at me, and cocked his head to one side. Studying me, and I sighed. "Thank you, for everything you did for me today. Thank you." I said, and gave him a small smile.

He cupped one of my cheeks, and kissed me, and pulled away. "Michelle, I love you." he whispered in my ear. "And I'm glad I could be the one to take you today." he kissed me once again, and we both smiled into it.

"Can I have a piggy back ride?" I murmured against his lips.

"I thought you would never ask." He turned his back to me, and crouched down slightly.

I grabbed my souvenir bag, and I jumped up, wrapped my arms around his neck, and his hands grabbed my thighs to hold me up. "Riley, come on!" I yelled to him.

"Whoa you have a big ass." I stared at him, shocked. "I mean, ha, let's get going!" he grinned sheepishly, and began walking towards the exit.

"At least I don't have slim jim legs like you." I replied, and Everett laughed.

He turned around, and began walking backwards. "That's messed up." he said with a smirk on his face.

I felt Everett's hands move up my thighs, and he held onto my butt, and squeezed. I gasped, and started looking around to make sure no one was looking. "It's not big, it's perfect, round, and-" Everett started.

"Round like a beach ball or a couple of softball?" Riley questioned.

"Perfect melons."

"Melons are big though."

"Alright, well a couple of oranges."

"I still think softballs."

He squeezed again. "No, it's too soft."

"Two mushy guacamole's then?"

"Guacamoles aren't all round, they kind of look like pears."

"Alright, stop talking about my ass." I muttered embarrassed, and by that time he moved his hands back to my thighs.

And they did, they started talking about spring break, and basketball. "Dude did you see the game with the Los Angeles Lakers, and the San Antonio Spurs?" Riley questioned.

"Yeah, I for sure thought the Spurs were going to win though."

I rested my chin on Everett's shoulder, and listened to their conversation, while we took that long walk back to the car.

"I love you." I murmured in his ear.

Everett turned slightly towards me with a smile on his face. "I love you too." my smiled widened, and I kissed his neck.

"Oh come on, you two always do that in front of me." I turned to look at Riley who threw his hands in the air.

"I love you too Riley." I said, and flashed him a grin.

"You too Michelle, you too." he smiled, and they started up their basketball conversation again.



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You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now