You Are The Only Exception:Ch 15 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 15!

Hope you enjoy it! (:


I felt the hand holding the air horn drop slowly. I felt my left leg slowly
slide along the cool tiled floor, and my hands started to get clammy.
I stopped moving when he leaned forward.

"Good morning to you too, Michelle" He said, with that smirk, still on
his face.

I felt something warm, grasp around the hand that wasn't holding the
air horn. I felt my face heat up, and I looked away,and down at the
floor. I suddenly felt his lips graze my cheek, I snatched my hand
back, and looked back at him to see that he was smirking. I bit my
cheek, and shook my head, and turned to head for the bedroom.

I picked up my backpack, and placed the air horn in the side pocket.
I looked out the corner of my eye, and saw him leaning on the door

"Your welcome, by the way." I heard him say.

"What?" I said, and turned to look at him.

"For carrying you to the bed last night, and the bathrooms right
there." he said, and smirked, while pointing to the door to my right.

"I didn't asked to be carried, and what's that room then?" I said,
pointing in the hall, to the door across the study room.

He looked over his shoulder, then back at me. "The Laundry room."

"You have a Laundry room." I said in disbelief, he nodded, and I
turned to go to the bathroom with my backpack.

I closed the door, locked it, and sighed. I took off my clothes, and
folded them neatly, and placed them in the second section of my

I showered quickly, savoring how the hot water felt on my body. I
shut the water off, and wrapped a towel around myself, and dug
through my backpack for a black bra, and underwear. I dug deeper
to find my dark blue basketball shorts, and a navy blue V-neck

I finished getting dressed, and was surprised that all those clothes
could fit in such a medium size backpack. I grabbed my brush and
parted my hair to the right, which was still damp. I shoved my hair
brush back into my backpack, and opened the door.

I grabbed my backpack, and started walking towards the living
room. I saw him sitting on the couch watching TV, and I placed
my backpack on the floor, and tilted it so it was leaning against the
couch. I saw my phone in the side pocket of my backpack, and
grabbed it.

He saw me, and stood up. "I'm going to take a shower, Mick, and
then we can go eat breakfast."

I raised an eyebrow. "Mick?"

"Yeah. Oh, and if anyone knocks,... don't answer it. Alright?" He
said, while looking at me seriously.

I smiled at him. "Alright. I'll make sure that's at the top of my 'to-do
list'. " I said, while sitting on the couch.

I heard him sighed, then the bathroom door close, and shortly after
I heard the water running. I sat there for a good five minutes, then I
finally was about to grab the remote control, when I heard a knock
at the door. I stood up, and headed for the door. I began to turn the
knob, and opened the door.

"No Mick, no!" I heard Everett say from the bedroom.

In front of me stood a women a few inches taller than me, wearing a
black dress, a few sizes too small, and some very, high heels. Her lips
were crimson red, eyes dark brown, and flowing, curly brown hair.

She smiled. "Hi, there. Is Everett home?"

A smirk made it's way across my lips. I leaned forward,and spoke
softly. "He's in the bedroom."

Her eyes drifted towards the bedroom, and her eyes brightened. She
pushed passed me, "Darling!" she said excitedly, and I took a step
back to balance myself.

I turned around, and saw them making out, and I instantly felt goose
bumps on my skin. I closed my eyes in disgust, and opened them to
see that she was now on top of him on the bed. I shook my head, and
decided, to leave. I closed the door quietly, so they couldn't hear, and
started for the elevators. I pushed the 'down' button, and waited.

'No girlfriend, my ass.' I thought, and one of the many elevator doors

I was in the lobby in no time, and I smelled breakfast. I looked around
and saw that there were at least sixteen table, and an area where the
food was being put out. I saw everything from muffins to fruits, pancakes,
eggs, bacon, and sausage. I grabbed a plate, and started to serve

I placed two pancakes, and then some cut-up strawberries on top, and a
blueberry muffin, on the side. I picked a table near the window, that
had a great view of the scenery, and to the left an indoor pool. I was
about to take a bite out of my muffin when I heard high heels coming
down the hall, very fast. I looked to my left to see the same women
heading for the lobby doors. She also caught the attention of the many
people scattered around the dining area.

I took a bit out of my muffin, and looked out the window again. I
stopped mid-chew when I heard the chair to my left move along
the carpet on the floor. I turned slowly to see that it was Everett, and
that he was trying hard not to smirk.

"I said 'No Mick, no'. " he said.

"Oh, I thought you said 'Go Mick, go'. You see how that kinda sounds
the same." I said, and stared at him in disbelief.

I tried to be serious, but once I glanced down at his neck, and saw
all those red lipstick marks, I couldn't help but chuckle.

"What?" He said, while smirking.

"Next time you have a quickie, you might want to clean up everything."
I said, while trying to suppress my laugh.

"Quickie?..." He said, with a confused expression. "Oh, no. She was
my girlfriend... two years ago. I can't believe I dated her." He said
while shaking his head.

"That's nice to know," I said, while smiling, and I picked up a napkin,
and wiped some of the lipstick off his neck. "but I was laughing at this."
I showed him the napkin.

His eyes widened. "Shit, is it all over." He said, while touching his
neck, and smearing it more in the process.

I laughed. "Here let me help, your just smearing it." I grabbed another
napkin, and began wiping off the rest of the lipstick. After I finished
I saw that he was staring at me, but I ignored it, and began munching
on my muffin again. I then, felt his knee press against mine, and felt
the warmth coming from it.

"Your amazing, Michelle." He said softly, and I nodded.

"Everett." I heard a sweet voice say.

"Shit." Everett mumbled.

I looked up towards the lobby desk, and saw a tall blond, walking
over to us. She stood in front of Everett, and grabbed his chin, and
kissed him. I felt like my breakfast muffin was about to come up, and
I put a hand over my mouth.

"Hi there. What's your name?" she said, while smiling sweetly.

"Michelle." I said softly.

"Oh, that's a pretty name. My names Jesse. I'm Everett's girlfriend."
she said, and gave Everett a quick peck on the lips. "I'm gonna go
to your room I'll be waiting for you." She looked at Everett, then looked
at me, and smiled. "Bye, Michelle." I smiled slightly, and she left.
We sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Michelle." He said, and tried to reach out and touch me, but I moved
out of reach from him.

I put on a fake smile, and looked at him. "You should go." I said, and
stood up, and began to walk towards the lobby doors.

"Michelle, wait." I heard him say from behind me, and then I felt him
grab my wrist. "I can explain."

I looked towards him. "Oh, you can explain. What's the excuse this
time? Is she your girlfriend too?" I snatched my hand back, and went
through the lobby door's and into the parking lot.

"Michelle, wait, just let me explain." he said, while raising his voice,
and grabbing my wrist again.

"Don't. Touch. Me." I said, while pulling my wrist from his grasp.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend, but it's been a crappy relationshi--" I didn't
want to here it, and started to walk off. "Michelle!" He yelled.

I turned around, and stood directly in front of him. "Why did you
agree on taking care of me?"

"I don't know."

"You don't know!" I yelled.

"No I don't! You know I thought we were bonding!" He yelled.

"Bonding! I didn't come over here to bond with you!" I yelled back.

"God!" He said, while running his hands through his hair.

"So why? Huh? Why did you lie?"

"I don't know." He said, while staring at me.

"Is that your answer for everything." he just stared at me. "This was

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now