You Are The Only Exception: Final Chapter

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A/N: First off, I want to thank each, and every one of you. Because without you, this book wouldn't have come as far, as it has.

Thank you so much, for putting up with me (':

I hope you get as emotional as me, haha.

So without further ado, the final chapter!

~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 38


I saw white light from behind my eyelids. I fluttered my eyes, only to groan from the bright lights above. Stupid fluorescents. "Ugh." I groaned, yet again. Why can't they put fifty watts bulbs, or have a light dimmer, or even better, just shut them off.

Wait. Where the hell am I?

I suddenly heard shuffling to my right, and instantly shot my eyes open. I groaned from the bright lights, once again. I looked to the my right, to see my Mom setting down some sort of food on the table next to her.

"Mom." I whispered with my groggy voice.

She whipped around, a grin broke out on her face. "Michelle, you're awake!" Tears now filling her eyes.

I almost bolted up, but I knew that would only make me dizzy. One of my hands instantly went to my stomach. "The baby." I whispered.

"Doing fine." She smiled.

I smiled back, and caught a whiff of the food she brought, causing my stomach to growl silently. Good thing she didn't hear, because knowing her, she would be shoving food, and whatever she got to drink, down my throat. I also noticed I was wearing one of those hospital gowns. No wonder I could feel a slight breeze on my back. I pulled the blanket that the nurses probably gave me while I was sleeping, up to my chest.

She walked towards me, hovering over the gurney. "How long have I've been sleeping?" My voice weak, I'm so thirsty.

"Uh, a few hours?" She told me, not sure.

"A few hours?" I cocked one of my eyebrows.

"Yeah." She nodded, and pushed my hair away from my face.

I inwardly sighed. "So, what are you doing here?" I laughed slightly.

"Well, Miles called me, and I came straight over here, as fast as I could." She seemed proud.

"Really?" I cocked one of my eyebrows.

She gasped, faking hurt. "Did you really think I wouldn't come?" She moved back towards the food she had brought.

I shrugged, as I inclined the back of the gurney to the most comfortable sitting position for me. "Work?"

"I was off." She pursed her lips, and rolled the mobile table over, so it was hovering over my lap.

"Really? Off?" She hardly gets off. It was rare.

"Yeah, I decided I finally needed a well deserved break." She smirked slightly. "Also, when the baby comes I know I'm definitely taking vacation. I wouldn't miss that for the world." Excitement laced through his voice.

"I can't wait." I smiled at her, then stared down at my stomach. I rubbed small circles into my stomach.

"I know you can't. Your face lights up like a Christmas tree every time you have an ultrasound." She chuckled, trying to cover it, but she failed. Epically, and soon we were both laughing.

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon