You Are The Only Exception:Ch 16 {Teacher/Student Relationship}

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~You Are The Only Exception: {Teacher/Student Relationship}~

Chapter 16


I woke up to find the sun shining through the blinds and into my eyes.
I slowly sat up in bed, and leaned against the head board. I blinked
my eyes a few time to get them to focus. I yawned, and stretched my
arms above my head.

I pushed the comforter away from my body, I looked down at my waist
to see an arm wrapped around it tightly. I slowly turned my head and,
sure enough there was somebody sleeping next to me. I lifted the arm
off my waist, and placed it on the bed. I position myself so that my feet
were inches away from the persons stomach.

'One, ...two ... three.' I though to myself, and gripped the head board
with one hand, and the other on the side of the bed. I shoved my
feet in to their stomach as hard as I could until they fell out of bed, and
onto the floor. I felt myself slowly sliding off the edge of the bed, I closed
my eyes, and braced myself for the fall, and the impact with the cold
tiled floor, but it never came.

I felt the warmth of someones arms in my lower back, and under my
knees. I opened my eye's, and I slowly looked up to see Mr. Thompson
staring at me with amusement in his eyes, and he fought the twitches
at the end of his mouth threatening to put on a big, smirk.

"What was that for?" I turned my head to look at Riley, and to see him
rubbing the side of his head.

"Why were in the bed with me?" I snapped, and felt Mr. Thompson
turn to look at Riley. I turned to look at Mr. Thompson, and noticed that
he was shirtless. I felt a blush creep across my face, and started to
squirm in his arms.

"Ha, well, I can explain." I heard Riley say. I looked up at Mr. Thompson
to see him frowning at Riley, and I turned to look at Riley, who was
grinning sheepishly.

"Yes, do explain Riley, I'd love to here this." Mr. Thompson said, with
sarcasm laced with every word.

"Put me down." I said, I and started to squirm in his arms again, while
I started pushing against his chest.

"I was sitting on the couch a while ago, but someone took forever
taking a shower." I turned in time, to see Riley gesturing toward Mr.

"That still doesn't explain why you were in the bed." Mr. Thompson
said, and it was clear that he was slowly loosing patient. I pushed
against his bare chest harder, and he glanced at me a scowl clearly
on his face. He dropped me on the bed, and I brought my knees to my

I slowly looked back up to Riley. "Alright," he sighed, " no need to get
jealous now." I looked out of the corner of my eye, and I could see Mr.
Thompson cross his arms. "I didn't know she was there, besides I
thought it was one of your girlfriends, so I was shocked to see that it
was Michelle," I sighed, "but I now remember you saying, not long ago,
that you were 'cleaning up your act'." Riley was using air quotations,
and he sighed. "So I guess to finish this up, I'm so sorry Everett."
I could obviously hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"Whatever," I heard Mr. Thompson say. "Why don't you do something
useful, and make the bed." I slowly touched the cover, but stopped when
Mr. Thompson hand cover mine. "Not you Michelle, I was talking to
Riley." he said softly, but loud enough so Riley could hear, and pulled
his hand away, and I nodded, then Riley sighed heavily.

I suddenly noticed something under the cover. 'What is that?
It's crawling, and it's brownish.' I leaned in closer, and I already had
goosebumps on my arms. As I leaned closer I could make out one
set of claws, and a tail curved over it back with a stinger at the tip.
My eyes widen when I knew what it was.

"I don't see why I have to do this, " I heard Riley say. My eyes were
still glued on the scorpion, which still hadn't moved. I slowly raised
my right hand, and placed it in Mr. Thompson's left hand. I saw out
of the corner of my eye as Mr. Thompson turn towards me. "you know
you could help me out here, Everett." I heard Riley sigh heavily.

I pulled down on his hand a bit. "Pick me up." I said above a whisper,
and began pulling myself up. I took my eyes off the scorpion, and looked at
Mr. Thompson who was staring at me with a confused expression on his face.
I looked back on the bed, and saw that the scorpion had moved closer
to me, and was continuing to move towards me. "Pick me up! Why did
you put me down, pick me up!" I yelled, and immediately his arms went
to the back of my waist, and the other went under my knees, and he
lifted me up.

"What's wrong Michelle." Mr. Thompson asked concerned. I looked at
him quickly his eyes filled with concern and amusement.

"Oh, there's the problem." I heard Riley say, and I turned to look at him,
my hands close to my chest, he was now gesturing to the scorpion.
"I got it!' he said excitedly.

"Not with you hand. " Mr. Thompson said, and I felt him shaking his
head in disbelief. "Idiot." he murmured.

"Your right! I'll go find a plastic cup." Riley said, and ran out of the
room, leaving Mr. Thompson, and me alone in the room. I started
feeling uncomfortable, and started to move around in his arms.

"Stop moving, or I'll drop you." He threatened, I looked at him with
with fear in my eyes, then quickly looked away. I felt my throat go
dry, and all I wanted was for him to put me down.

"I found one!" Riley said as he came through the door waving around
a blue plastic cup. "Come here, little guy." I looked at him, and saw him
scoop up the scorpion, and he looked up and grinned at me. I felt uncomfortable
and started pushing with more forced against his chest. "I'll just go put
this guy outside." We heard the door close, and Mr. Thompson crouched
down, and put me on the floor with a little too much force.

I leaned against the wall closest to me, and brought my knees up against
my chest, and rested my cheek on my knees. I felt a tear slide down my
cheek, I looked up and saw him walking away, but he stopped and looked
over his shoulder. His eyes widened when they saw my face, and he
turned away.

"Your unbelievable, Michelle." I heard him say, and he turned around
and walked towards me, and crouched down. "I thought you didn't want
me to touch you. Isn't that why you were pushing against my chest?"

'Isn't that what I want? For him to leave me alone? Why do I always
feel so weird around him? Why does he always make me cry?' I asked
myself all these answers, but I couldn't answer them. I immediately
felt embarrassed, and placed my forehead on my knees. I knew he
saw me blushed slightly, because I heard him chuckle.

"Can you answer my question?" I didn't have to look up to know he
was smirking.

I lifted my head up, closed my eyes, and took a deep breathe. I opened
my eyes to look up at him. "I'm going to be honest, I'm the type of person
that, " I said started softly. "if you ask me a question, and I don't know
the answer. I'm going to tell you 'I don't know', " his smirk went away,
and his brow furrowed. "but I'll find the answer. To answer you question,
I don't know." I shrugged my shoulders, and gave him a little smile.

He returned the smile. "Good answer." He stood up, and offered me
a hand. I hesitated, but took his hand and was startled when he pulled me
into him. I instantly felt his body heat off his bare chest, and that my nose
was only a few inches away from it. I then felt his breath on my ear. "Go
shower, Angel." I heard him whisper in my ear.

He pulled away from me, and back up a few steps, giving me a full
view of him. His chest was well defined, I could see every curve of
his muscles. It looked like every part of his upper body was chiseled,
until it reached perfection. I remember pressing, and pushing against
his chest, which was so hard his skin didn't give in easily. I blinked,
and looked back up at his face, and he now had a smirk playing on
his lips. "What did you say?" I asked softly.

"Go shower." He said, the smirk now growing bigger.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"We'll be going places today."


"Shower, and you'll find out."

I sighed in defeat knowing he wouldn't tell me.

"I wanna come too, " I looked up to see Riley in the doorway. "and
dude, put on a fucking shirt." he said while glancing at Mr. Thompson.
"You've been shirtless since I left, and that was plenty of time to put
one on."

"No, you can't go, and now I want you to leave."

I ignored them, grabbed my backpack, and headed for the bathroom.
I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, a black muscle shirt, and black
under clothes.

I showered quickly, and looked at the clock when I walked out of the
bathroom, which read half passed noon. I stuffed my dirty clothes in
one of my free pocket, in my backpack, and sighed. My hair was still
a little damp, and I finally noticed my contact case sticking out of the
side pocket, as If someone had looked through my bag. I picked it up,
and examined it.

"So what's that contact case for?" I jumped when I heard his voice
from behind me, while dropping the case in the process. I turned
slowly, and looked at him, he was also wearing a shirt now.
"What is your real eye color, Michelle." He asked, while walking towards
me slowly.

I took a step back, and watched him cautiously. "Grey." I said softly.

"No they aren't. Your lying." he was only a few feet away from me.

"I am." I whispered.

"Show me." I sighed, and walked back towards the bathroom, and stood
in front of the mirror. I took out my grey contacts, and stared in the
mirror at my eyes. I sighed heavily, I walked out of the bathroom and
made sure my back was towards him. "Look at me." I felt him standing
behind me. I turned towards him, and slowly looked at him. His eye's
widened when they saw my eyes.

"Sea-green that's what my mom always says, this is my natural eye
color. Their blue with a hint of green. I get them from someone." I said
and laugh sheepishly. When he didn't say anything, and kept staring,
I started getting uncomfortable. "Stop."

He blinked, and shook his head. "Sorry, they're just so... beautiful.
Why did you cover them?"

I shrugged, and smiled. "I don't know."

"Is this your real hair color?" he said, touching a stray strand.

"Yes, I say it's dark brown, and that the lighting makes it red." I
said, and pursued my lips.

"I hate to say it, but it looks red." He said while smiling. "Come on,
 I want to take you to the mall."

I nodded eagerly, we stepped out of the room, and headed for the
elevators, then the walk to the jeep.


We parked in the parking lot of the mall, which looked like quite a
walk away, from one of the many entrances. I stepped out of the jeep,
and shouldered my tote, then it suddenly dawned on me.
'What if someone from school sees us.' I thought to myself. I walked
to the back of the jeep, and sighed.


I nodded, and sighed again when I knew we had to walk a far distance.

"Hop on." I turned to look towards him, and laughed.

"No." I snorted.

"Come on, whens the last time you had a piggy-back ride?"

"Since I was in middle school? Look you were an asshole the other
day, I shouldn't even be talking to you, or being so nice." I shook my
head in disbelief.

"Look, I know, but for right now climb on my back. Piggy-backs are
timeless." He said, and smiled sweetly.

I covered my face with my hands, clearly embarrassed. "I can't believe
your making me do this Everett." He looked at me, clearly surprised
that I called him by his first name. He crouched down, and I hopped
on his back, I felt his warm has under both of my thighs. I placed my
hands on his shoulders for support. 'I shouldn't be doing this.' I thought
to myself.

"Were here." I snapped out of my thoughts, and looked to see that we
were right at the entrance. I hopped down, and headed for the entrance,
which he held the door open for me. "So where to first?"

"I'll go to Hot Topic, and then-"

"Victoria's Secret?" He said, with a smirk on his face.

"If I went into Victoria's Secret, and that Pink store, " I said, while
gesturing towards myself. "You'll go in with me."

He looked away from me, as if in deep thought, and then looked
back at me. "Sure." He said, and shrugged.

I smiled, and shook my head, and began to walk away, but he soon
caught up with me. I saw an escalator heading up, and walked towards
it. As the escalator ended, I saw Hot Topic to the left, and walked quickly
towards it. I saw the shirt's lining the walls, the backpacks, the totes,
earrings, and beanies. I looked behind me, but didn't see Everett anywhere.
I looked outside the store, and towards the Jewelry store across from
where I was, and I saw him. I smiled at the sight of him, and continued
to look around.

I was looking through the clearance rack, and found a few shirts, two
wristbands, and one pair of small ear gauges, and all for fifty percent off.
"Your getting all that?" I heard someone say from behind.

I turned to see Everett smirking at me with amusement in his eyes. "Yes."
I said, and went up to the cashier, and paid.

I exited the store, and began to walking around, and I felt Everett walking by
my side. I soon noticed someone familiar come into my sight. Mikayla. She
was slowly turning her head in my direction, and I remembered Everett was
beside me. I shoved him into the nearest store.

"Stay in here." I whispered, and began distancing myself from him.

"Hey, Michelle!" I heard my name being called, and turned around to see
Mikayla jogging towards me. I stared at her, and arched an eyebrow.

"Uh, hi." I said, and gave a small wave.

"Look I just wanted to say, why aren't we friend?" I opened my mouth, but
closed it, and shrugged. "Well how about we call a truce? I mean, I really
want to be your friend. " and she stuck out her hand for me to shake it. "I'm
being serious."

"Sure." I said unsure, and went to shake her hand, but Mikayla hugged me

She released me, and smiled. "Is that Mr. Thompson?" she looked over my
shoulder, and grabbed my wrist. "Come on let's go talk to him." and dragged
me with her.

"Hi, Mr. Thompson." she said.

"Oh, hey guys." He said, and smile sweetly.

"So are you here shopping, and stuff?"

"Uh, you can say that." He said, and ran a hand through his hair.

"Mikayla! Come on sweetie!" We turned around to see her Mom.

"Aw. Well bye Mr. Thompson," She said and smiled at him.  "and bye
Michelle, I think I still have your number, I'll text you." and she gave me a hug,
and walked away.

Once she was out of our sight I turned, and looked at Everett, to see
him staring at me.

"You do realized you shoved me into Victoria's Secret, right?"

"No I didn't, I-" I looked over his shoulder, and noticed bra's lining
the wall, and counters filled with panties, and I also noticed the
perfume in the center of the store. I looked back up at him, and
I bit my tongue to keep from laughing.

"The lady actually asked for my underwear size." he said, and shook
his head in disbelief.

I laughed. "That's what you get for being mean to me."

He sighed heavily, and looked at me. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"Excuse me sir." we both turned around, and saw a women who worked
at Victoria Secret. I noticed Everett stiffen, and I resist the urge to laugh.

"How about we go upstairs again." I said, and started to walk away, and
stepped on the escalators. I started looking around, and spotted Hollister
not that far away. As we walked closer to the store I could smell that
fragrance that they spray in the store. I walked inside, and went straight
towards the girls side. I picked up a pair of jeans, and imagined if I could
see myself wearing them.

I felt a hand on my upper arm, and looked to see that it was Everett. He
had a serious look on his face. "Michelle, you have know idea how sorry
I am."

"Really? You know how stupid I'll feel if I forgave you, after what you did.
Sometimes sorry isn't good enough." I finally looked at him, and saw a
hint of hurt in his eyes. "Don't make me regret this." I said, and shook
my head in disbelief.


We finished shopping, and browsing at about seven. It was barely
getting dark, Everett was nice enough to carry my bags. We made
our way towards the jeep, and all my things went into the back, and
I was already sitting in the passengers seat waiting for him.

"You made quite a hall there." He said, a smile playing on his lips.

"Yeah, it's only a few bags. So where are we going now? " I said, and

I saw him give a mischievous, and I arched an eyebrow, and then turned
to look out the window. "Do you like pool?"

"Pool as in water, or pool as in pool table?"

"Pool as in pool table." I turned to look at him to see a smirk on his face.

"I haven't played in a while, but yeah I like pool."


I turned back, and started to look out the window again. We've sat in
rode in silence for about thirty minutes. The only thing in sight were tree's
shrubs, and bushes lining the fence line. The moon, and stars, were
beautiful, there was no buildings, or power lines. I must have spoken to
soon, because a building came into view, with a sign flashing red, but
I couldn't make out what it said. As we pulled in the sign read, Brooke's

"Ever been here." he asked, and shut off the engine.

"To be honest, I never knew this was here. So, no." I said, and climbed
out of the jeep. I made my way to the front of the jeep, and began
examining the graffiti covered building. I saw a paper on the ground, which
clearly said, there was an arcade, pool hall, laser shooting, paintball,
and poker tables inside.


I nodded my head, and we moved to the front of the building, and
stood in line. The line moved quickly, and I noticed a priced chart.
I owed fifteen dollars. As we got to the front of the line I put my hand
in my pocket to search for money. I felt a hand on my forearm, and
turned to look at Everett. "No." he whispered into my ear.

He looked away from me, and placed thirty dollars on the counter
for the cashier.

We went through the doors, and I quickly felt overwhelmed. I felt a
hand squeeze my ass, and jumped. I turned around and found myself
face-to-face with Riley.

"Hey!" he said excitedly, and then pulled me into hug him.

"Hi, Riley."

"Riley, what are you doing?" I heard Everett say.

"Why don't you go hug Everett?" I suggested to Riley, but not loud enough
so he would hear.

Riley let go of me, and I sighed in relief, and pulled my sweater sleeves
over my hands. I turned back in time to see Riley hugging Everett.

"Why are you hugging me for?" Everett said, while trying to push off

"Cause she told me to."

"Get off me."

"No, you know you like it." Riley said, but let go. "Bye Michelle." he
waved and left.

"Are we safe in here?" I said quietly.

I felt a hand go on my waist. "Yes." he whispered in my ear, and I felt
his hot breath go on my neck. I breathe in deeply, and felt myself tilt
my head the slightest.

We made our way to the pool hall. Poker tables were scatter around the
room, and the walls were painted black. Blue felt pool tables were in the
center of the room, the air was filled with cigar, and cigarette smoke. A
bar was at the right side of the room. Everett chose a table at the corner
of the room, which was also the farthest away from the door.

"I'm going to get some drinks. Water?" he asked. "Choose a cue." He said gesturing to the
cue rack, a few feet to my left.

I walked up to the rack, and chose a cue that had a dark turquoise stripes
on the lower half, and returned to the table.

"Your cue stick almost matches your eyes." I looked over my shoulder to
see Everett holding two bottles of water in one hand, and a cue in the

He handed me a water, and then began placing the balls in the rack.
He must have noticed me staring, since he looked up at me, and
smirked. He rolled the white cue ball towards me, gesturing for me
to go first. I placed the white cue ball in front of me, and then I leaned
into the pool table, and planted my left hand on the table.
I glided the pool stick through the circle, and over the knuckle of my
middle finger, which felt a bit uncomfortable since I haven't played pool
in a while.

I rammed my pool stick into the cue ball, which shot forward, and
shattered the perfect triangle, sending all the balls ricocheting in all
directions on the table, and after a while the balls stopped moving. I noticed that no balls went into the pockets, I looked up and saw Everett smirking at me. I stood up
straight, and gesturing at the table.

He scanned the table, then looked at me. "If I make the solid blue, I
want your sweater off."

I smiled, showing teeth and all. "Alright. Five dollar bet." I challenged.

"I don't want your money, Michelle." he lend over the table, and aimed the white
cue ball at the solid blue cue. He did one practiced stroke, and drove
his pool stick into the cue ball. The cue ball hit the solid blue cue, which
went into the pocket. He was still bent over on the table, and looked at
me, and shortly after he stood up straight.

I cracked my knuckles, and rubbed my slick hands on my jeans. I slipped
both of my arms through my sweater, and gripped the hem of my sweater
with both hands, and pushed it over my head. I felt my muscle shirt creep
up, showing a strip of skin. I looked back at him to see him staring at me,
his look made my skin feel warm. I pulled my shirt down, and aimed the
cue ball to the red striped ball, and watched as it went into the pocket.

"Hey guys!" I turned to see Riley walking up to us, and I smiled at him.

"What do you want." Everett said, and sighed.

"Nothing, I just came to watch." he said, and grinned.

"Five dollars say you can't make the green ball." I said, and smirked.

"Angel,... I don't want your money."  Everett said, and the tiniest dimples

"Alright, let's keep this conversation PG-rated. Otherwise I'll leave." I looked up at Riley,
to see him shaking his head.

I looked back in time to see the green ball slowly creep closer, and
closer to the pocket, and then watched as it fell in the pocket. I felt
Everett's stare on, and looked towards him. I remembered I was still
wearing my scarf, I reached my hand towards the end of the scarf, and
began tugging on it until it came off.

I examined the table, and felt Everett behind me. "Much better." his
hot breath on my neck, I felt goose bumps on my arms, and then felt
a warm hand on my hip, and his chest pressed up against my back.
I stiffened, and moved away.

I looked at him with wide eyes. "What are you doing?" I asked softly.

"What do you mean?" He asked, and cocked his head to one side.

I felt my internal temperature go up a few degrees.

"Let's get out of here." he said, and I nodded, and put my pool stick
on the table.


We made it back to the hotel in about thirty-five minutes. I began walking
towards the entrance, when Everett stepped in front of me blocking
my way.

"What's wrong, Angel?"

"What did you call me?"


"I don't like it."

"Well, I do. It stays." he said, and grinned.

I felt my stomach turning and do flips, while I felt a blush creep across
my cheeks. I felt my hands go clammy, and I wiped them on my jeans.
I moved around him, and went straight to the elevators. I remember what
my Mother had said, 'In order to love, you must risk pain.'
'He's my teacher... and I like him, my teacher. Is he the only exception?
Does he even like me?' I smiled at the thought, and shook my head in

We reached his room and I placed all my shopping bags in the living room,
then went to the kitchen I saw him standing there staring at me, and turned
away quickly. I turned around again, and jumped when I saw him standing in
front of me.

"Your beautiful." he whispered.

I looked away. "I'm not beautiful... I'm not even pretty. I'm just... okay looking."

"Who made you believe your not beautiful, Michelle"
He tucked a stray strand of my hair behind my ear. I took a step back,
but felt my back hit the counter. I felt his hands on my waist. "Michelle,
tell me, are you nervous?"

"Yes." I whispered. "What's you biggest dream?" I asked quietly.

He sighed, and chuckled. "Kiss you."

"That's not funny." I looked down at my hands, anything to keep from
looking at him again. "And did you quote just use a quote from a book. It's quite popular."

"I know, but I'd do anything to see you blush. You probably have a good idea
of what I think of you Michelle, right?" I felt his breath on my cheek, and he ignored my last bit.

"No." I said, not quite sure if he heard, but I knew he did when he
smirked. I took a deep breath, as I felt my heart beat faster. I shoved
him as hard as I could, and ran out the door, and towards the elevators.
I repeatedly pushed the 'down' button, until one of the doors opened. I
quickly stepped into the elevator, and hit the '1' button.

The elevator hit the first floor and I ran towards the entrance doors, it
was raining but I didn't care. I walked out into the rain, and was instantly
soaked, I looked up towards the sky, and took long deep breaths.

"Michelle!" I turned, and saw Everett running towards me. He stopped
in front of me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm scared." I said quietly, and looked down at the ground. 'Can I
really trust him? I don't want him to hurt me. That's the last thing
I need. Please don't hurt me, please.' I thought to myself.

I felt his finger under my chin, and tilts my head back to look at him.
He laughed quietly, "Michelle, I see sparks fly, whenever you smile.
I'll never hurt you, Angel. I promise." I felt his lips graze my cheek.


This chapter by far, has to be my best!
Well in my opinion it is. (:

I liked how it ended..... kinda.... (;

and I think my last chapter had the most
comments too! I was so happy!
Now if that only happened like,... all the time (:

Please leave comments!! and vote!......
Thanks in advance for
anyone who does! (:

Tell me what you liked!! .... or if you hated it!?
Man I'm excited! (;

I'm just loving how I ended it! X)

Also, new cover! (: ... but I'm not sure if everyone can see it?!

You Are The Only Exception {Teacher/Student Relationship}Where stories live. Discover now