Cнаpтёя Tщёгѵё|✎

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*Trigger warning this chapter contains heavy content such as abuse and rape. I apologize if it is too much, but you may skip this chapter. It does play an important part in understanding Aliyah*



He closed the door behind him. I sat back down on the couch and started to cry. My chest was collapsing. The pain in my heart was too much. 

He didn't know anything. He didn't know what I had to do or deal with. He doesn't know anything. He can't come in here and judge her like she did something. 

He's wrong. Alya loves me, she wouldn't do something like that to me. I couldn't breathe, my whole body was shaking. It wouldn't stop. Fuck, it was happening again. 


"You're taking your sister's things? Don't you think you have taken enough from this family?" He shouts.

"I didn't," I cry.

"Liar. What have I told you about lying?"

"I'm not," I protests.

His hands slaps me across the face and my head turned to the side. My face stung, but I swallowed the pain. 

"Tell me the truth girl," he orders.

"I am," I say. 

I feel another slap to my face, but they come repeatedly. I covered myself as I felt the slaps turn into punches. 

"Alya, tell him," I scream.

She didn't say anything. She just watched as ever. She lied to him again.

"You should have died instead of your mother," He scoffed.

He stopped and I sunk to the floor and hugged myself. There was nobody to comfort me. Hakeem was too young to understand what was happening. 

I lay on the floor crying as always. The beatings progressively got worse. It started with shouting and it slowly got physical. I couldn't fight back or anything. I was getting thin, I was slowly turning into a corpse.


"Alya, can I have some of your bacon?" I ask.


"Why not? You always shared your food with me?"

"That was before you cause mom to die."

"Daddy, Imani took my food," She yells.

I look at her in disbelief. She knew what he was going to do to me. I could hear his footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked at Hakeem and he looked away. He was only eight and couldn't do anything.

I left the kitchen and went to the living room. I hid and watched as he stormed to the kitchen with the belt in his hands. I crept upstairs and went to our bedroom or Alya's bedroom. I hid under the bed.

I looked at what used to be my side of the room. It was empty. It was only a bed with bedsheets. My posters and decorations were gone. I heard footsteps come upstairs.

"Where is she?" He yells.

He comes into the room and he stands there for a bit. His feet move towards the door and I assume he was leaving. He leaned down and I saw his eyes peering at me.

"Found you."

He reached under the bed for me and I tried to go against the wall. He grabbed my shirt and started to pull me out from under the bed. I already felt the belt lash against my skin. My dad cursed at me and it just went past my ears.

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