Cнаpтёя Tнїятч-Єїgнт

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I couldn't say no to her as she asked me if she could take her for a few hours. She just wanted to spend time with her daughter. She looked so happy yet so sad seeing her.

I was confused slightly because I don't understand much Spanish. Also, the fact she had a daughter, I thought she gave birth to twin boys. There were just a lot of questions I wanted to ask. 

We sat in the car as she talked to her in Spanish. I sat in the front seat next to Mikhail and we occasionally stared at each other. They giggled at something and I wanted to turn around, but decided not to.

"Azura, don't disturb them."

"I'm not, I just have a question," she says.

I looked down at the little girl. She had her mothers nose and smile. I can see that she was her daughter.

"Mister, are you my mommy's boyfriend?" She asked.

"Azura," Aliyah, awkwardly laughs.

Azura beams up at me and was smiling. She looked so innocent and sweet. I didn't know know how to answer this question. I glanced at
Aliyah and back down at Azura.

"I am," I answered.

We had no title over what our relationship was, but I was sure we could discuss it back at the house. I said it because I didn't want the girl to be confused about the way I acted towards her, but to her to know she was mine.

"Uh oh, daddy's not going like that," Azura mutters.

Aliyah starts to talk in Spanish talking to the girl. She seems to be asking them questions and she answers her. She didn't seem all relaxed by what Azura was telling her.

Aliyah says something and Azura starts to smile because of what she says. I was dumbfounded throughout the whole conversation.

"Mikhail, can you drive us to the mall?" She ask.

Mikhail looks at me and I nod my head. Although Mikhail was her appointed personal guard and I trusted him the most out of my men. I was still weary because of the traitor, but it couldn't possible be anyone around me.

My men knew I took loyalty and I would kill them. I would also kill the next three generations of their family.

Mikhail headed towards the mall and I listened to them talk in the back. They switched in between English and Spanish. I would sometimes turn back and watch them.

Especially Aliyah, she looked over the moon while talking to her. I haven't seen her so happy and I wonder what this will mean.

I had eight men following us around and I couldn't say we were discreet, because eight big men with tattoos on their neck and some of their heads is not discreet.

People avoided us and at least some got the message. I wonder what I could bring back my mother. Anastasia is going to nag me to get mother a gift.

I feel a small hand wrap around my point finger. I look down and Azura smiled up at me. I didn't know how to react to the small child. I haven't had much interactions with children. Not enough to say that I could understand them.

"My mommy says you're her friend," she says.

"Don't believe everything your mommy says."

"Are you calling her a liar, Mister?"

"No, I am her friend, but I am not her friend," I chuckle.

She reminds me of her Aliyah. She was cheeky and knew how to twist a person's words. This girl would be extremely mischievous when she is older.

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