Cнаpтёя Tщёптч-Єїgнт

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I patted the bed next to me and felt only the sheets. I sat up in the bed and ran my hands through my hair.

She must have gotten up early to eat or something. I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom.

I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I rinse out my mouth with water, then gargle the mouthwash. I spit out the mouthwash and wiped my face off.

I looked at myself in the mirror. I needed to shave my beard. It's grown a lot more than usual and I'm not really a fan of it. I might leave it or ask Aliyah if she likes it.

I walk to the closet and put on some boxers. I put black and don't bother wearing a shirt. I know for a fact that she wouldn't be able to keep her eyes away.

She had to force herself out that bed this morning, because I was having my fun last night. I still felt sleepy. It almost three thirty in the afternoon. I might just do workout to wake up.

I leave the bedroom and could smell something sweet. She was cooking? She had energy. I could hear music, but don't know the lyrics.

I walked into the kitchen and she was making pancakes. She had to be bored on another level to be making pancakes. They just take long to make.

"I'm from portmore. That's in JA, we can do it on that beach deh," she sings.

She starts to move her hips to the beat and continues to sing along again. I watch her and just enjoy the moment.

She did it so effortlessly and it reminds me of the night we got high together. My cock was hardening by seconds.

This is not how I expected my day to start. I was going to interrupt her fun. She seems to into it to realize I'm here.

"show me weh u got, Head strong foget mi not, When it sweet you weh you seh."

She finally turns while moving her hips and stop in her tracks. She looks me up and down and stands normally. She pauses the music and stares at me.

"What's with the face?"

She ignored me and flipped her pancakes. What upset her now goddamn it. I moved closer to her and grabbed her waist, pulling her to me.

"What did I do wrong now?" I asked, in Italian.

"Being alive," she remarks.

She pulls away from me and goes back to cooking. She was just being unreasonable now. A loud knock comes from the door.

I go open it and Sasha is standing there grinning her ass off. She invites herself in and I curse under my breath.

Why didn't my guards stop her or something. I slam the door shut and notice Sasha has a bag with her.

"I got you day and night, there's tampons as well. I also got you some candy because I know you love sweet things. There's some painkillers in there if you start cramping," she lists

She was on her period? Couldn't she just fucking say that instead of ignoring me. Do say I know I didn't fuck her that hard. I go sit down at the island counter.

"Hello to you to Sasha," I said.

"Hello asshat, I see you failed to keep her in bed after all my efforts," she murmurs.

"Efforts of what?" Aliyah asked.

"You know the bedroom and all of that, the dick wasn't giving what it was supposed to give," she remarks.

"You would be surprised on what night I had, I'm surprised that she is functioning right."

"Pause, you mean to tell me that Kazimir didn't plan any of this? It was all you Sasha?" She questions.

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