-Chapter Thirty Three-

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There are only 4 PG13 chapters left, and so i'm dedicating each one to the four people who have supported this book the most and made my day on so many of my chapters with the amazing comments they made. 
(Not that i don't appreciate everyone else who's read, these four people are just the ones who comment and talk to me about the book and give me there thoughts and all that. )

Each one of you has already had a chapter or two dedicated to you, BUT you each get one more

So This one is dedicated to:
Your support and comments on my book are amazing, and mean so much to me.
Your comments about your opinion on the book and characters never fails to make me smile

Song 1234 Plain Whits T's is on the side :) i love the song, it's sweet and just adorable, like Arianna and Damon! 


Chapter Thirty Three

I smiled as I watched him start grabbing the different things he’s going to need to make dinner; I really hope this doesn’t turn out horribly. Food poisoning is not my idea of fun.

I walked over and sat on one of the counters so I could watch him, this is just one of those simple things you love and that make you happy.

“What are you thinking about?” he turned and looked at me, and I noticed I was staring off into space smiling.


“You look happy” he put everything down and turned to look at me

“So do you” I pointed out

“I am” he smiled and leaned over to kiss my nose. This is another simple gesture that makes you happy.

“Me too”

“So tell me what you were thinking”

“Nothing important” I waved it off

“Was it about me?” he pressed, he looked determined and I rolled my eyes

“Partly” I admitted.

“So I’m not important!” he faked hurt

“Saying that is like saying our baby isn’t important”

“So you were thinking about both of us?” he asked and walked to me and stood in between my legs, resting his palms on my thighs.


“Why won’t you tell me” he pouted, I really need to make sure to hide how much that gets to me, because I swear that face can always make me cave.

“It’s stupid” I looked down, blushing slightly. It’s a stupid thought that will probably never happen.

“I bet it’s not”

“Go cook. I’m hungry and going to get grumpy if you don’t feel me something edible”

“Fine” he sighed dramatically and went back to the stove.

“What do you want from this?” I blurted out and mentally face palmed. I really didn’t want this to end bad and ruin out date.

He put down everything again and turned to face me “What do you mean?” he tiled his head and furrowed his eyebrows. But the look of determination is saying he wouldn’t let this conversation drop.

“With me.”

“I already told you, love. I want to be with you, always love.” He came over and ran a hand over my cheek softly and I instantly leaned into it.

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