Author's Note

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Okay, so i'm writing this story, and i know there are going to be mistakes. 

I decided to wait until i either have writers block or till the end until i go through and edit, unless i get a direct message about something, i might go and change it right away.

Thank you to everyone who has messages or commented telling me about specific things i need to correct, i really don't take offence as long as it's friendly advice.

Timeout, thank you for the long and detailed messages explaining the mistakes i'm making with my puncuation, I read one of my sections, and i realize just how much i do it. 

If you point poit out anything about the editing that needs to be done, i will always welcome the advise, but please don't be rude about it, i've seen comments on others stories telling people their stupid for the mistakes they make, and that really isn't very nice. 

You can either comment on the section or if you message me, please point out the chapter so i know. 

Thank you Lovely Wattpad people who are reading this, because it means your reading 

-Chellsey :)

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