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Chapter Eighteen:

Reneé Trinity JacksonChicago, Illinois

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Reneé Trinity Jackson
Chicago, Illinois

It was a late night in Chicago and Reneé was ready to go home. Grabbing her stuff, she yawned as she walked around to make sure everything was set and ready for tomorrow. Although she was already established with loyal customers, she was never going to slack off because her business represented the type of person she was. She believed herself to be professional, resilient and hard working and that was going to show through her work.

Reneé remembered that Travis had left his keys so she walked over to her office to get them. As she reached down to get them she heard a knock at her door.

"Hey baby, thought I should surprise you." Cameron's head popped up, immediately making Reneé smile, she was always happy to see him.

"I'm tryna take you out fa' dinner tonight." He said as he pecked her lips with a small smile, showing his grills.

"I would love to but first I gotta get these keys back to Travis." Reneé said as she picked up the keys on the sofa and showed them to Cameron.

His brows furrowed as he looked at them. Cameron did have trust issues, not because of anything that had happened to him personally but shit that he'd seen or heard. For him to find his closest nigga's keys in his girl's office made him feel some type of way but he brushed it off.

"Travis? Y'all close huh." He said as he followed her out of the office and eventually out of the building.

"Yeah, he reminds me of Reese a little bit." She said with a chuckle, she locked the doors before they walked over to her car.

"Why was he here?" He asked innocently, Koop was goofy but he stayed to himself. Never been the type of nigga to trust easily, out of all three of them, Koop was the most damaged by far. It was a shock to hear Reneé call him by his government and for him to be visiting her.

Tucking her hair behind her ears, she replied vaguely, "He needed my help with something, that's all."

Nodding his head, Cameron kissed Renee's cheek before speaking, "I'll text you the restaurant address, I'm gon' be waiting." He said before walking over to his car and driving off.

Reneé stood there for a few minutes, she knew that he was jealous and it made her feel giggly but she also wasn't a teenager anymore. She hoped that Cameron wasn't overly possessive or anything of that sort because she'd gotten so attached to him already.

Slipping into her car, she drove over to Travis' tattoo place and parked outside. Luckily, all the lights were on so she walked inside to see him doing a tattoo on a man. He pointed at a seat for her as he continued the tattoo. After a few minutes he was done and the man left, leaving them alone.

"Whatchu here for?" He asked as he wiped his hands, he hadn't even noticed that he'd lost his keys yet.

Reneé stood up and threw the keys at him, "You are so forgetful." She shook her head before waving and walking towards the door.

Travis followed her out and as Reneé walked towards her car, a red spot stood still on her chest. Right on her heart. Travis' eyes widened when he saw it and he immediately pushed her down to the floor as shots were fired.

Pulling his glock out, he quickly started shooting round the area. It was dark so he couldn't see who was shooting but after a while, it quieted down to a calm silence.

Travis looked around before looking down at Reneé who was balling her eyes out. She wasn't shot anywhere but as he watched her he saw something very familiar in her.


The gunshots. She had experienced a traumatic event and pushed through it like a soldier but of course there would be repercussions, the sound of guns made her panic and struggle to breathe. Travis knew that feeling all too well since he'd once been in that position.

Pulling her into a hug, he rocked her back and forth while he texted Cameron and Cash. Ten minutes flew by and Cameron's car pulled up behind Renee's shot up car and he rushed out towards Reneé.

Cameron could only just stand there as he watched him comfort her. He didn't know how to help calm people down with PTSD and it broke his heart that he couldn't be there for her.

Police soon pulled up to write down statements of what had happened. Travis explained everything but he knew that this wasn't going to get solved, they had to do it themselves. Someone had just declared war on them, just a week after there was a treaty.

"Im gon' kill the niggas who did this." Cameron threatened while Reneé sat down at the stairs of the tattoo shop, she still had tears running down her eyes. His anger made her even more nervous.

"Nigga yo aggressive ass is scaring ha." Travis said before he sat down and pulled her into a hug, he understood exactly what she was feeling which was why he could comfort her even better than anyone.

Cash walked towards them with Lisa beside him, Lisa ran over to hug Reneé while Cash talked to Cameron.

"You know which side did this?" Cash asked quietly.

"Ion got no idea but niggas are stupid, they prolly left a clue." Cameron said before he checked for his guns.

Sighing, he turned around to look at Reneé who wasn't crying anymore. This was the second time that she'd gotten shot at, luckily, she was with Koop this time but he didn't know if she'd be that lucky the next time.

"She gon' sleep at my house." Cameron walked over to them before pulling Reneé over to him. She clung to him while they said their goodbyes.

Cameron put her in the car and they drove to his crib, he didn't even know what to say. All he could think about was whether or not she was okay and how he needed to find out who had done this. Fast.

One thing about them was that they'd never had any weaknesses so Reneé was their only weakness which was why all of them were targeting her. Everyone wanted to kill her because she was their soft spot after so many years of them not having any soft spots.

Parking the car, they walked inside in silence and when they reached his bedroom, Reneé just laid on the bed.

Cameron grabbed the bonnet that she'd left here last time and put it on her head. He wiped her make up for her and ordered KFC , the chicken rice box meal for her since she'd be able to finish it and sleep.

"Reneé baby, Whatchu need from me?" Cameron asked softly as he held her hand.

"Can I ask you a question, Cameron?" She opened her eyes and sat up slowly. Looking at him with red and puffy eyes.

"Go 'head." He said.

"You know the night we first met, who were the people that had stabbed you all over your body and why did they do that?"


When I tell y'all that this is only the beginning please. Y'all gon hate me fr :)

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