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Chapter Twenty-Six:

Reneé Trinity JacksonChicago, Illinois

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Reneé Trinity Jackson
Chicago, Illinois

As she counted the money, Reneé could tell something was up. Of course she wasn't as present in the salon as she'd liked to be, because of the tattoo shop, but she knew that something wasn't adding up. As she continued to count the money that had been made in the past week and then compared it to the number of customers listed, she knew some money was missing.

Each worker had more than 10 customers today, each paying over 100 dollars for hair and nails but 25 for lashes, meaning that on average $3000 should've been made. However, only $1,200 was present on each day.

"Somebody lying." She chuckled, shit wasn't funny but at this point she didn't know how else to react. People constantly tried her and she was so fucking sick of it.

Glancing up at the cameras around the shop, she smiled and thanked God that she'd opened her Salon in the boujee area because the buildings were top-notch. She grabbed her MacBook and checked the app that was connected to the cameras and just like she'd suspected, someone was stealing from her.

Sighing, Reneé grabbed her stuff packed them up and left the store before locking up as usual. As she drove her usual route, she called the police and reported a crime, they agreed that they would rush to the scene, which was the salon.

"I'm so fucking tired, every time I focus on me somebody gotta ruin shit for me." Reneé said to herself as she did a u-turn and drove back to the salon.

Everything was going according to plan, she smiled when she saw the police there already. Parking the car quickly, she rushed out and followed them inside the salon and just like she'd suspected, she was standing there taking some money.

"Boo bitch!" Reneé shouted, causing Lisa to jump and turn around to see some police officers.

Her jaw dropped to the floor as she stared at her, you could tell she wasn't expecting them. She'd been coming to the shop 15 minutes after it was closed and had taken $2,800 everyday, without realising that Reneé had noticed. Lisa would wait until Reneé had driven home and would come in.

Which was why Reneé had to act as if she was going home.

Lisa didn't even look like herself, she looked as if she hadn't eaten in weeks, she was bony. Her skin was lighter but in a sickly manner and her under eyes were black. She looked like a drug addict.

"Miss Mellisa Brown you are under arrest for the act of stealing possessions. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." The police officer said as he cuffed Lisa and dragged her to the car.

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