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Chapter Twenty-Five:

Reneé Trinity JacksonChicago, Illinois

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Reneé Trinity Jackson
Chicago, Illinois

Four Months Later

Reneé waved at the last customer she had for tonight before she locked the entrance and walked to her office. She slumped down on the sofa before leaning her head back and releasing a deep sigh.

After being shot, she was sent to the ER and was luckily saved by the doctors. She stayed a whole month in hospital because this was her second time being shot and they wanted to make sure she had healed to her fullest capacity, that meant that she'd missed Koop's funeral. Which she was devastated about.

Even though Koop's name was a sensitive topic, she could now deal with the fact that he was dead. She did cry every night, she did miss him all the time and she did carry that guilt in her soul but she also continued on with her life. It was a pain that she'd accepted to carry for the rest of her life.

Reneé even tattooed his name along her middle finger and on her ring finger she'd tattooed his date of death. She had this tattoo done at his shop. The one that he'd left in her hands.

Apparently, a week before he died, he added to his will that he wanted Reneé to own his shop after he'd died, and continue it on for him which broke her heart even more but it motivated her. She worked even harder to keep his legacy alive.

Due to her trauma with guns and dead bodies, Reneé had to go to therapy twice in a week. She was quickly diagnosed with PTSD and even had pills that she took when she was overwhelmed or struggled sleeping.

Her life had been flipped upside down, she couldn't sleep without smoking a blunt. Just like Cameron. She carried a gun around everywhere, just like Cameron. And she'd developed major trust issues...just like Cameron.

Meeting Cameron had been the best and worst thing that had happened to her, because of him she'd met Koop, Mama D and Kadeem but because of him, she'd lost all hope in love, she'd lost her friend and she had so much trauma that she sometimes didn't sleep and eat for days.

On a brighter note, Reese had beat his case of attempted murder for when he'd shot Cameron. He'd claimed that he was simply acting impulsively and wanted to protect his sister, which the judge ruled as not guilty. However, he was banned from the state of Illinois so he was currently back in Jacksonville, Florida.

Cameron was in a coma for two months until he woke up and was moved to a mental institution where they would keep him there until they declared him sane enough to go back out into the real world. His psychiatrist, Ms Hill, had claimed that Reneé was a huge part in his process to recovery but Reneé had rejected all of her calls and advances.

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