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As you and Vanitas both went back to the ballroom where the chaos started, you felt uneasy seeing vampires on the floor who were already dead before you could save them, you thought to yourself, If only I controlled my thirst, if only I knew beforehand this won't even happen. What a useless detective am I? A detective should know before the crime takes place. I wanna blame Vanitas. However, if it wasn't for him, I would be rampaging like them as well.

Vanitas pats your head, "Oi...you're overthinking again?" You still had some troubles in your mind so you can't deny his soothing hand calming you down, "Mhmm..." You don't even want to talk to him just yet. You two arrived at the scene and saw Noe being all anxious as well. You went up to him trembling with nervousness, "N-noe." you stuttered. Noe turns to you with a tear on his cheek. You wanted to cry too but you hold it in, "Noe, I-I'm really so-" Noe suddenly hugged you real tight before you could finish. "Y/N, I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm sorry I took advantage of you. I'm sorry I couldn't even control Charlatan's manipulation. I'm sorry I couldn't be much of a help. I-I'm also sorry maybe I stole your first kiss" he blurted out everything that he was thinking. You were shocked and embarrassed to even say anything so you thought, Oh wait, was Noe my first kiss? Well, Vanitas just kissed my neck so does it count? WTF! It's so unlike me to think these kinds of things. Not that I'm complaining but if that was Noe's first kiss, he's too good. Maybe he doesn't even need practice. Should I do it again with him? Maybe because he drinks a lot of blood before that it became natural. What the- but why did I even push him away tho? Vanitas pops up in your mind and you became flustered, Haa- I should stop...

"Y/N?" Noe was concerned that you didn't utter a single word. You stuttered, "N-no, you don't need to apologize Noe. It's my fault that I didn't help you right away." you patted his head and stroke his hair. Noe was about to burst out crying but he didn't. Instead, he never lets go of you and still hugging. Vanitas was just at the side and had a jealousy expression. You didn't pay attention to him so that he won't notice. Suddenly Noe whispered to your ear and said, "Y/N, I have a confession to make." While stroking his hair, you laughed because you thought he was messing around again, "Why so serious Noe?" Noe clenched his teeth and touches your neck, "Y/N, I've always wanted to drink your blood. I think your taste must be more delicate than your smell." You got confused. "What do you mean by that?" you asked. Noe continued, "Not only that, I wanted to kiss you a couple of times as well. I think you have a cute reaction to it. Earlier, I was about 40% in the right mind so I kinda knew what I was doing." You didn't say a single word. "Y/N, when I was in memories, I remembered all the pain I went through. My friend dies right before my eyes. Domi was frustrated as well. My master..." Noe sighed and didn't continue. You wanted to comfort him but you, yourself don't even know-how, "Now, I-" "Maybe that's why I wanted your touch Y/N. Does it have to be Vanitas? I want to treasure you more. Can it be me?"

Noe's words kept you in a trance and you instantly pushed him away, "Noe, I don't know what you're talking about..I-" you clenched your fist and trembled with confusion. Noe's expression was so sad that he suddenly smiled at you so that you won't blame yourself, "Y/N, forget what I said. I'm just tired. I'm sorry I blurted all that out." You sigh and became slightly relieved that he didn't take what he said seriously. You laughed and patted his back, "HAHAHA! Yeah, I'm tired too. Let's wrap this up, shall we?" Noe nodded and Vanitas walked up towards the both of you.

"Phew! It's all over right?" Domi came into the scene with her ripped gown. Her glossy legs are so exposed as she has blood all over her top clothing.

 Her glossy legs are so exposed as she has blood all over her top clothing

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