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Urgh, so this was unexpected. You got stunned by the situation and laughed awkwardly as you averted your eyes to other things.

"It's been so long Doctor!" Vanitas smiled happily as he approached Moreau. Doctor Moreau hugged Vanitas tightly, "I'm glad you still found your way here, Number 69!" Vanitas tried to hold it in because he couldn't breathe, "Doc- doctor..." Doctor Moreau lets go of Vanitas, "Oh my, you have company, I see." You tried to hold your laughter. Noe looked to you, "What's wrong, Y/N?" You replied in a downward smile, "Oh-oh nothing, Noe." You then thought to yourself, I think Noe is too pure to even know these things, I'll keep it to myself hehe, 69 really. He could be 68 but oh well. Roland also looked at you and you both caught each other's glances and laughed so loud. "WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING, Y/N? HAHA!" You replied as you burst out from laughter, "I SHOULD ASK THE SAME TO YOU!" Damn, this Roland. So much for being a chasseur. Here I thought you were so holy. 

Doctor Moreau was confused, "Number 69, are they here to entertain us?" Vanitas replied, "Oh no, Doctor. They're your supporters. But it wouldn't hurt if they could put up a show later." You smirked, Hooo- what are you plotting Vanitas? Roland wasn't pleased though and put his guard up. As Vanitas introduced us to Doctor Moreau, he also told him that we were informed of his amazing experiments and that we also want to learn from him. You played along with Vanitas, "Yes! We are very intrigued that we want to assist you the best way we can Doctor. And that we can also guard you doctor since these people here are Chasseurs." Noe hold your wrist as if he was trying to protect you for he sensed something is off after your reply. You signaled to him that you were fine. Noe had some thoughts as he kept quiet, I feel like someone...no, more than one person is watching us in the shadows. Y/N... I'm gonna do my best way I can to assist. After this, I am going to buy ice creams again, maybe a matcha flavor this time. I could ask Y/N on an ice cream date too. I wonder what's her favorite flavor. As you continued the conversation, Vanitas wants a confirmation from Doctor Moreau if it's okay for us to stay, "So what do you say, Doctor?" Doctor Moreau is overjoyed, "Excellent! Excellent! The beauty of science has reached you, children. I give props to all of you." He wiped off his tears of joy. Still, all of us are keeping our guards up. Dr. Moreau added, " Good thing you all are not evil beings wanting to capture me. I would have had to kill you right here and now. Now, let's go!" Noe whispered at Vanitas, "Vanitas...he..." "Relax, he gets carried away easily." You tried to put up the missing puzzles together, now then...what has become of the abducted vampires? Is Doctor the mastermind? We just have to get the information we can from him today. Or else... I'm afraid we'll leave without getting one. "Oh, thank you." as you all sat down for some tea, you got intrigued by the server, so these are the enhanced humans Vanitas spoke of? Now that everyone was settled down, Doctor Moreau introduced himself again and told us that he was researching vampires. Roland raised his hand, "Doctor! Why do you research vampires secretly?" "Huh?" Vanitas was startled and corrected, "He's just curious doctor since this is such valuable information, he thought that you were a famous scientist." Doctor Moreau laughed and clarified, "I'm flattered but that's a secret teehee, but I do want to be a vampire someday. Well, I did see some research from the church about vampires but later on, I got super curious that I couldn't stop thinking about it. HMPH! THOUGH THE CHURCH SEE ME AS CRAZY, I WANTED TO GO OVER THE OTHER SIDE RIGHT AWAY! HELL'S BELLS. CURSE THEM!" Doctor Moreau then cried, "Tsk, if only the Vampire of the Blue Moon didn't attack the lab that day...my children wouldn't be stolen. All destroyed! My equipment, everything! HELLS BELLS." You pretended to sip from your tea since you still have trust issues, so there were more of them. Other than Vanitas? Vampire of the blue moon, huh. Vanitas has a lifeless expression, "I'm really sorry doctor." Dr. Moreau looked at him, "Oh no, no, dear number 69, forgive me! I have never been angry with you. You're the best prototype a scientist could ever have. Being tortured, sliced, and diced on the verge of death, you really helped me a lot without shedding a tear." You widen your eyes and looked at them with resentment. 

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