Part 2

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I felt so out of place, everyone had someone here. Glenn was friends with about everyone, Andrea had her sister, Rick had his best friend, wife, and kid, Morales had his wife and kids, and Dale was the mother hen, it just felt off me being there. I didn't belong, and I knew that. So I slowly slipped into the shadows to could watch everyone reunite. I knew how scared they must've been every time someone went on a run, knowing full well that could've been the last time they ever saw each other. I stayed behind out of everyone's way until I heard Dale, Rick, T-Dog, and Andrea talking.

"Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon? He won't be happy to hear his brother was left behind." Dale spoke.

Before I could let anyone else respond I walked over and said, "Daryl's alive???"

"Well, yes he's out on a hunt right now," Dale responded. I just nodded and went back to my corner to let them continue talking.

"I'll tell him. I dropped the key. It's on me." T-dog said.

"I cuffed him. That makes it mine." Rick responded trying to take the fall for the other man.

"Guys, it's not a competition. I don't mean to bring race into this, but it might sound better coming from a white guy. Maybe it should even be y/n. I mean they have a history he might not flip out as much if it's coming from her." Glenn responded, clearly annoyed.

T-dog looked at him and said, "I did what I did. Hell if I'm gonna hide from him."

I spoke up from my corner, "Bad idea. I've known Daryl since I was a kid. The best thing to do is tell Daryl about Merle and immediately after I'll come out so he'll be thrown off. Don't get me wrong, he's still gonna be mad but mostly just confused to see me alive."

"That makes sense.." Rick said.

"Or we could lie." Lori said after being silent this whole time. I could tell she was frightened about what would happen, she just got her husband back and if she knew anything about Daryl she knew he'd be pissed.

Adrea spoke up, "Or tell the truth. Merle was out of control. Something had to be done or he'd have gotten us killed. Your husband did what was necessary. And if Merle got left behind, it is nobody's fault but Merle's."

Dale spoke again, "And that's what we tell Daryl? I don't see a rational discussion to be had from that, do you? Word to the wise... We're gonna have our hands full when he gets back from his hunt." Okay, he's got a point and he's clearly the voice of reason. Daryl is many things, but when it come to his brother rational is not one of them.

I stopped listening after that. I just tried to ignore my odd one-out position. Everyone has someone here. Hell, Daryl might not even be happy to see me. Last time he saw me... I had takin' the worst of it from my parents. I finally got out away from them, yet.... he told me he loved me. I'm sure only because he knew he'd never see me again, he hated feelings and expressing them. He only said that because he thought that was the last time. Yet here I am, at his survival camp, during the end of the world...

At some point, I fell asleep after climbing up a tree. When I woke it was light out and almost everyone was up and out of their tents.

"Y/n where did you sleep?" Glenn asked me obviously confused when I made it to the RV. I said nothing and just pointed at the tree I fell asleep in. All I got was a nod in response.

I spaced out again listening to them talking. That's when we heard screams, that was a kid screaming. Nothing was gonna happen to a kid, not if i can help it. I raced down to where the shrill noise was coming from the person almost as fast as I me was Rick. I found that interesting.

It was a zombie about to bite one of the kids, Rick's kid. I raced down and sliced its head clean off with my machete.

"You're okay?" Rick asked his son.

They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now