Part 13

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"Who's Wanda..?" Daryl asked cautiously trying to make sure I didn't start sobbing again.

"She was my older sister....."

"Oh....what happened..?" He whispered.

"She uh.... got lost in the woods... like Sophia. my parents threw her out after a beating....when she was 12 or 13..."

Daryl hummed in response to silently tell me he wanted to hear about it, that he wanted me to keep talking.

"She hit her head pretty hard when they actually threw her out of the door.. A few cuts and bruises... I drug her to the cellar so I could clean them and stuff. She pulled through... A couple months later... she passed out, and she didn't wake back up.." I started crying again but I pushed through. I wanted Daryl to know now. "My parents, they didn't look for her. Didn't talk about her, it was like she was never there. So when I was locked in the cellar. It wasn't just the dark that was scary. It was that-- that she died in there. Right in front of me. and I couldn't help her. The fact that all I could see in there was her, and then the void she left when she died,"

"Darlin'..... I'm so sorry." Daryl whispered. I knew he was at a loss for words. I mean the fact that I had a sister was a lot to process, I never told him about her. But now he knew why.

"We just.... We need to find Sophia. I can't lose another 12 year old in the woods, both I could have stopped."

"Hey, hey hey. No. This ain't your fault. Neither was Wanda. Don't blame yourself, please. We will find Sophia. I promise you." Daryl whispered kissing me softly.

"Okay... Let's go back to the others and see if we can help." I said. I hadn't noticed how dark it had gotten... I subconsciously moved closer to Daryl. I guess he noticed why, he wrapped an arm around me protectively.

We reached the highway and found the plan for tonight was just to get some rest so we could search early in the morning. I crawled up a tree and it had just enough room for me and Daryl to sleep up there. Daryl climbed up after me. I laid so I was on his chest and he had his arms around me. Holding me there.



"Are you mad I never told you, a-about Wanda..?" I asked quietly and stuttered a bit.

"No, of course not. I could never be mad at you Darlin'. Your parents on the other hand I could kill with a smile." He responded darkly. I knew what he meant though.

"I don't even know where they are... my parents If they made it or not.."

"I know... I know...." He kissed my head softly.

"I don't even know if... if that family.... t-that I was with when I was little... I don't know if any of them made it... they were s-s-so nice to me.. a-and I never got to see them again..."

"I know darlin'..." He said softly holding me a little tighter.

After a few minutes of silence, I said, "I love you dar-bear. Goodnight."

"I love you too darlin' goodnight," he whispered.


this is a short chapter I'm sorry :/

word count 500

~ Shy

They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now