Part 22

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"Well actually, we..." She paused glancing at me. I rolled my eyes and spoke up.

"I already know about the run Mags, Glenn told me. I wanted to ask you how you think this is gonna go. I know you said it was a one-time thing, but Maggie you look at each other like... I don't know, you just look at each other like you belong together but you're scared to admit it."

"I just... I think I'm scared of being in a relationship, you're my best friend and you told me about how you thought he was the sweetest, and then you were running from him for so long."

"Maggie, Glenn is absolutely nothing like....... Ethan. He would never hurt you, or anyone intentionally. You should take the risk Mags. I think it'll be the best risk you've ever taken." I said giving her a soft hug.

"All right..." She responded softly after we separated. "How are you and Daryl doin'?"

"Daryl's... he is stubborn, doesn't really agree with arguments and we had a small one. Nothing too big, he just needs some space. I guess I was just really worried about him..."

"Go on," Maggie said after a few moments. "Go talk to him you need to figure it out. You guys are so ridiculously in love it makes me sick." She said in a joking tone.

"Yeah... we are," I paused and smiled a little even at the thought of how much I care about him, and then I looked outside at the almost set sun and remembered Glenn's request. "Oh! Glenn wanted you to meet him in the barn in like... 20 minutes."

"He what?" Maggie rushed as she jumped off the bed raced down the stairs and ran outside, not even giving me a second to answer. That did not seem like Maggie, I was a little concerned but I brushed it off. If she wanted to she would tell me what that was about. After straightening out Maggie's bed that got slightly rumpled during our talk, I went back down the stairs to Daryl's room when I saw Carol leaving it.

"Oh Y/n hi." She greeted happily as she held a tray of food in her hands.

"Hi Carol! That for him?" I asked pointing to the tray.

"Yeah, he's refusin' to take it though, and he seems a little... off."

"I'll try to make him eat, he doesn't really say no to me," I said smiling softly as I took the food tray from her. "As for his mood, we had a slight disagreement but I'm 'bout to straighten it out."

"Alright, see you around. Oh and Y/n?"


"Thank you. For how hard you and him have been trying to find my girl."

"Of course Carol." I said smiling as she walked away and I entered Daryl's room. He turned around on the bed and his face softened as he looked at me. I could tell he wanted to say something in reference to our conversation earlier but he didn't know how.

"Hey.." I said softly as I set down the food tray and sat on the edge of the bed.


"You okay?"


"You're lying." I stated as I noticed him playing with his fingers.

"Yeah..." He said after a sigh.

"You wanna tell me what's going on?"

"This world is shit. I got the first lead on Sophia in a while and then got stabbed." He grumbled.

"Yeah but Daryl, you found a lead. Do you know how much that means to the group? To Carol? It's incredible. Stop beating yourself up about it, you did a good thing today. I mean sure you got impaled but... still." I said joking trying to lift the mood.

They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now