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Bullock's luck.
Dafny's chest.
Dani's eyes.
My hair, cause this sh*t ain't like nobody else.
Pretty dark Carmel skin.
Naturally skinny
Nice white smile.
5'8 with most of it being my legs.
ANNNDD a talent for being oblivious.

That's how I would describe myself with a little bit of thought and no job interviews lined up asking me to "Tell me about yourself?"

An average everyday bORING person, well that is UnTilllll....

Nope nothing ever happens. Damn it I wish I could just live like I was in a movie sometimes or that the world was filled with all the down right preposterous, obscene things from anime cartoons.

Only in my dreams I guess. I vibe out to the music in my headphones as I walk up to the schoolhouse.

"Huh another boring ass day with two-three maybe even a 2024 faced people and my friends that I kinda don't wanna see because I don't want to see anything or anyone today.

Walking into 2nd period I see everyone in their designated groups made up of friends or acquaintances chatting away. I sit at my unassigned assigned desk and wait till class begins.

"Good morning, everyone"
" Mr. Amobu, How was your trip?" One girl asked
"Good, I got to see my brother and our aunt."

The kids next to me snicker
"Fufu go get the lion" one of them mocked.
"Rawr" another growled.

A smirk tugged at my lips as I roll my eyes. Mr. Amobu was from overseas not that I can remember where but he was closer to his background than the rest of us most definitely. A princely beauty?.. no more like a warrior who's transitioned into a cute, kind teacher. Not cute as in appearance, cute as in nice or having a pleasant air about you.

He started to teach the class after a handful more of questions and then it was time for work. 1, 2, 3 worksheets.

I don't really understand this one so I ask my buddy to the left of me. "Hey how you do this one I can't get pass the first few steps." He looks at me and begins to explain the situation at hand. "Mmh yeah I guess I get it but how do you get to the ... This" I point. "Oh." He further explains. I take a break between worksheets before looking in the book flipping through the last 5 pages that we are supposed to do for today. "Ughhh" I let out an exhausted sigh. I finish 3 of the of the five chatting in betwixt the intake of knowledge. We have 30 more minutes and I pop my headphones in focusing solely on these last few problems. Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. "Come on. Time to go"
"Tsk. Fuck. Aye what's the answer to this one?"
"Um.. 70... 4 I think."
"gOOD ENOUGH" I hand my paper off to Mr. Amobu and bid him a good day.

3rd period a different language, fuck yeah. "Sign me the Fuck up mmhhmm mmhmm good shit good shit oooohhh." I chuckle at the memed out boy in my head. "Whatcha laughing at" the slightly shorter male asks. "Mmh Nothing" we begin chatting about the weekend and our interest of anime, food, gore and other things as our teacher briefly enters in our conversation. We split apart to our self assigned seats. 3rd hour passes in a breeze and then of to lunch. Fuck I love some of the food here. Scrumptious. 4th, 5th and 6th roll around and then I finally get to head home.

This continues for the next couple of months. It's spring again, but it still cold as ever. "Paa" I let out a puff of air to see my breath, I stuff my hands in my pockets further then hurry to the school. Walking up the stairs I stump off the remainder of snow on my shoes. "Ooh chilly" I stuff my coat in the locker and head to class. It's 5th period and my buddy starts throwing sexual situation 'what ifs' at me. She makes my day, especially since I dropped my phone in the toilet today. I came back to class and sat down not talking to her and she asks "what's wrong?" as she lightly slaps my shoulder.

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