Zen aoh

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"Ahh I'm so full, let's just sit down and chat for a few ... Hours" I roll my eyes and smirk at Lizzie. We walk to the car with our to go bags in our hands. I had left over Alfredo and she damn near had her whole plate. Ok that's a bit dramatic but she only ate her risotto and bread she was working on the steak but I was like nah g I want drinks, Lego. Also i was tried of the atmosphere, people's stupid kids started pissing me off.

I don't care for the crying babies, they're babies it's like their only way to communicate. Cool don't give a shit but when you let your unruly ass kids go around bothering other people and touching everything with their nasty ass claws that's where the problem starts. And then they don't even listen to you when you tell them to come back and they're not even older than 6, that's a fucking problem.

But then this dick head boyfriend texted me back all cool ona bitch talking about "what up sis"

I fucking went off. Of course not in public I stepped outside, told Lizzie I was going to the bathroom and to wrap up when she was finished if that was fine by her. I slipped her my card and told her I don't care how she pays. I called him and yelled at him for a solid 15 told him he was a dumbass and that she was being harassed. I yell "you know she's being stalked. she has a FUCKING STALKER! what if it goes further? She needed you and your out her cheating you pathetic piece of garbage." He was silent for a moment then started to quietly apologize. I wasn't done I did care about his feeling " no shut the hell up idiot. I hope you know that there's no coming back from this and we can't even hang out anymore because firstly you hurt my girl! she loves with everything you fucking know that!."

"Secondly you know I hate cheaters the most after what happened last time and how it messed up Tory's family."

-A little background on this situation will happen later but -

"I can't stand it. You've cross the line and there's no coming back. I don't know if she's yelled at you yet but I doubt it because she's too damn sweet for her own good." I may have took it a bit to far chopping down his ego a bit afterwards but I was just telling of little things that I noticed.  It may have been nothing wrong with it in all honesty but I nit-picked everything. It was like someone pressed play on everything that I'd been holding down and I just let it all go at once.

I was outside of the restaurant blowing off steam at this point then hung up in his face after I told him I'll listen to his side of the story. Now that wasn't a lie but it just wasn't right now. Besides if he had his dick in her or the intentions of putting his dick in her he was wrong. It was only one way he would successfully convince me that he wasn't a cheater and that's if he was being sexual assaulted. Which is a whole nother thing of it's own but hopefully that ain't the case.

This whole thing brought up the memories of my slightly older friend Tory. She was a great mom and a women who's brightness never died down even when she was gloomy...she was brighter than the rest of us. Her husband of 16 years cheated on her with her best friend but that was only on the surface. Turns out he was blackmail her and her family —that being her dad because he has a corporation— and since she wasn't giving him money he started abusing Tory and he eventually forced himself on their adopted 'daughter' (her friends teen child) that disgusting pig. Anyways I got that chance to lay my paws on em after he mistakenly backhanded me at this little party we were handing.

And just for the hell of it I told the males in my family. That poor man nearly died thrice. And then we got the chance to put him in jail because of some other sick shit he did but that neither here nor there. Tory's kids lived with their grandparents for a while, while Tory got herself back together and we all helped pick up her shattered pieces. Her kids are back with grand she's just as bright as she was before. You love to see it.


I walk back into the restaurant and see Lizzie picking at her food, I walk up behind her and grab her hips startling her. "HMMM" She doesn't yell she just clenches her body and her skin crawls. It puts me back in my good mood but she hits me a few times. "Don't do that you scared the hell out of me" I laugh it off and grab the bags, "you paid right?" "Nope" .. "dead ass?" "Dead ass." I see the waiter boy come over and he smiles thank you for the generous tip miss" ... "No problem" I say walking out. "How much did you give em? 50$?"

She smiles "Don't worry bout it" "I swear to God I better have more than 200$ on my card" "it wasn't even on yours, cheapskate" "Ah!" I say in an offended tone. "Ah!" She says through laughs. I bump her shoulder and she does it back, we get in the car and I set my food in the floor in the back signaling for her to do the same. I drive to the nearest convenient store getting a few bottles of water and juice. I check out handing the items off to Lizzie as I pull of to the bar.

Down and under the sign glows, I park and we head in sitting at the bar. We start off light with some Ron Barceló imperial and we progress at a rapid rate from crown royal to straight whiskey then it got worst. We started bobbing through the drink from light to dark from heavily distilled to fruity drinks. Smirnoff to oak heart to Ketel one. From margaritas to gin and juice we even had Kir it was going to be a rough time getting home.

My last drink was this big light blue, white and pink fruity drink mix that was really tasty. I stood up to go to the bathroom after sipping on this big boy after 2-3 minutes. My god I don't even know how i managed because I blinked and I was in the bathroom. I knocked on the stall and went in. Popping a squat I put my hands on the wall because I'm pretty sure I was falling. I wiped, flushed and washed my hands leave the bathroom. My legs are about to give out as I lean on the wall. Damn I'm getting sleepy. I guess I'm at my limits. I blink again and push myself off the walk stumbling back to Lizzie. "We gotta go." I tug on her sheer sleeve. She looks at me and I pull her up "come". She burst out laughing as I grab her hand pulling her to the door.

She says bye to everyone as the cool air hits us once we step out of the bar. She tugs my arms making me turn around to see what's up. She buries her face in my chest. Ok she's beyond gone, I wrap my arms around her waist walking backwards for a little. "You smell good" she mumbles. I'm sobering up a bit and getting mad that I can't go to sleep fast enough. I unlocked the car and she gets in as well as I. Rolling down the windows a bit I turn the car back off and give Lizzie a cranberry juice and some water. I eat a little bit of my Alfredo and pass out. It's 3:45 in the morning once I wake up and my pasta is gone and Lizzie is absolutely dead in my back seat. Great. I put my seat back in an upright position so I can drive properly. I pull in front of someone's house to take another nap. Climbing in the back to lie with Lizzie. I push her body off the seat as I took her place. She stirs on the floor then stops. I put my playlist on scramble and lowly play the music so I can rest.

~Austa wakes up on her back with Lizzie atop of her~

"What the hell" she mumbles. She pauses for a sec opening her mouth again to say "Immigrants we get the job done" she lays back down grabbing her phone "when you knock me down I get the fuck back up again" she sings. "The world turned upside down. freedom for American freedom for france. I gotta start a new nation gotta meet my son. We won? we won.  We won! We won!!" She text a couple people and share a couple post layer tapping on Lizzie's shoulder so she can get up. "Baby girl it's 7 we gotta get up" she cooed. 'Well at least I do we can't stay in front of these people house all day.' Austa thought.

"Mmh don't wanna"
"I have to I need to move the car"
"5 more minutes then we have to go ok?"

I want pancakes, eggs and bacon. I really want eggs. Austa thought. She picks up singing again "un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf" "123456789!" ... She silences herself after humming the song 'say no to this' then she sits up. Lizzie babes come on want breakfast?

"You can sleep in just let me go so I can take us home ok?" Lizzie frowns her brows. "You wanna cuddle more or you wanna eat something?" She doesn't move. Austa puts Lizzie into a position where she could pick her up. She slides out of the back seat tapping the door shut with her foot. She holds Lizzie while opening the car door, placing her in the passenger seat and tilting it back a little. Austa walked over to the driver's side starting the car a turning on the chair warmers for a bit until Lizzie went back to sleep fully. She takes off down the freeway stopping at Aldi for breakfast. She pulls into her drive way, taking in the groceries before Lizzie.

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