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Julien finished off the hot pot that Reina brought me. And helped type up some off my work for a small fee. A da-tae. Not just any date either he's been waiting for someone to go with him to this fairly new attraction 'Foul wolf" it was just a big kids playhouse resort kinda thing. That's why it's not a date but a da-tae because it's to be flattering, very little to me though because I was just a second choice.. or so I thought.

"This is so much fun" Austa beams. The name of the actual resort is 'Pakx'. 'Foul wolf' was the name of a different part of the park. It's a mechanical bull riding room, either in liquid (water or mud) or you can do it dry (where you get thrown on a mat.) We didn't go there we went to the water park located on the opposite side of wing A. We went to this giant purple slide, it just so happened to be the biggest. We got the two holed pool floaty and threw ourselves into every activity we wanted.

Julien's Pov

Austa swims to the top of the pool, wiping her face of the water. "This so fun" she beams. She has on this black top and while she does have on the cute panties to go with it she's a modest girl -kinda sorta- so she's wearing swim shorts too. She has a really nice figure, but I'm sure she knows it. It's so cute, she's into that baggy clothes look never showing off her curves. Even around the watered area, the only time she takes off her oversized shirt is when she's getting in the water or when she's away from people and just want to settle in the sun for a bit, but that was this morning. I'm not complaining it's kinda hot thinking that she's not going to show anyone her body until... My mind wonders a bit as Austa comes towards me. She's walking over probably ready to go to the next one but she asks "you ready to eat?" No wasn't even thinking about it until you put it in my mind. "Sure you know where you want to go!"

"Nope so come on so we can get back to the fun" We get out the pool, rinsed off, and walking around to find food. We stop by a couple of shops and I noticed at least 3 dudes tried to hit on her. It's like every time she gets even just a little distance someone approaches. Now I'm not going to cock block her but.. it's getting a little irritating. Seeing her joke and play with other people. Wtf this is getting on my nerves. I walk up to Austa tapping her shoulder, "come on, let's go"

"Mhm" she swallows the drink in her mouth and begins "let me finish this"
She sucks down the rest of her Pina colada and excuses herself. "So what's up" she ask. "You said you were hungry didn't you?" "Well, that is true. My bad, let's go eat"

Austa's Pov

We get out of the pool and rinse ourselves. We go into this little stuffed animal shop and i see this cute white rabbit that had stocking socks with a wand and wings. I need it. Checking out the cashier sparks up a conversation with me and we end up taking a picture so he gives me his phone number and I send it to him. He's into the same anime as me that's so fun. We stop in another shop down the way just to look and another for accessories, phone jingles to be exact. I buy us matching cases and a little bear key ring for me. Walking out of the store I spot my old friend Dee, we chat and swap numbers. He's out with his family right now so I cut the conversation short.

Next I walk into this bar that looks like a giant hut. It has the brown shredded material on the top with like straw mixed in to really sale this hut style. I ordered a Pina colada and take a seat, spinning my chair to face the door and wait for Julien. While they do have a small selection of fruits listed I'm sure they're not to simply eat. I see Julien walking up when he sits a few seats down. It was a seat next to me at least it was when I first came. I stare at him for a couple second then turn around, brushing my knees on this gentleman to the left of me. "Oops my bad"

"Nah, it's cool." I look him up and down seeing his pretty detailed tattoos. They're nice. It was one peeking from under his sleeve. It was a coiled up dragon with beautiful flowers blooming around it. The dragon was shaded with black and greys while the flowers around it were popping with pink and blue. "If you don't mind can I ask about it."

"It's so beautiful, does it have any meaning?"
"Yeah, it's about my family. I have two boys which represents these two pink flowers" he says as he rolled up his sleeve. "And a newborn baby girl hints the blue one" he continues " the oldest is represented by this Hibiscus 🌺, the second is the Sakura blossom, and beautiful baby girl is this Gentian. The dragons are actually me and my wife. She's this head of the dragon." He points, it's the black and grey one while there was another it was swirled around not only the flowers but the coiled dragon. It also was shaded with black and grey as well. He says it wasn't finished and that he had to get the colours put into his yellow and orange and whatnot. So he's poisonous if you mess with his family.. Awwe so cute. "Does you wife like it?"

He goes silent for a second while scrunching up his face then smiles widely as he speaks "enough to give me the baby girl" I smile and kinda pull away a bit flabbergasted with his answer "Damn." I smile fondly tapping him on the shoulder "I guess actions do speak louder than words" I laugh and he joins in as I take another swig of my drink. Then feel a tap on my shoulder "come on, let's go"

"Mhm, let me finish this" I down my Pina colada and say farewell to my friend. Oh I realized I never got his name. Well whatever. "So what's up."

"You said you were hungry didn't you?"
"Well, that is true. My bad, let's go eat"
We walk out of the shop and he pulls me into this little restaurant a couple of stores and stands down. 'Khaleesi' it's called, We get a table, eat, and head out back to play. Later going to two different "worlds" all together. There was what can only be described as Super Mario world with all the castles, princesses, go carting and the actual set up for it. It's basically one of those buy me/souvenir 'attraction'. Then when we were at our last stop of the day, the Spa. We go in and get to do the spa day together.

We start off with a mud bath continuing on with a much needed ear clearing cleaning. As I go on to get a wax and then meet back up for our facials and lastly our messages with the hot rocks.

"Hhmm" I unwilling let out a sign as the masseuse presses down on my spinal cord causing it to crack. He beats a melody on my back then he puts on hot rocks after untensing my shoulders. I look over to Julien who is sleeping with his face towards me. I smile and enjoy the rest of this de-tensing moment.

Pov Julien

After 4 hours in the spa we go back to our room. Relaxed and ready for bed we take a shower and lie down. I turn on the tv as Austa turns on her headphones lying down. She falls asleep in a short amount of time as she stirs from time to time. She moved her leg up making them look like a 4. I hop out of the bed about an hour later to take a piss coming back to see her in this position that makes her ass so.. noticeable. She lying on her belly with her arm under her head while one of her legs are straightened and the other at 90 degrees. I look her over, thinking how hot she is. Getting back in bed I fall asleep faster than I think only later realizing when I'm overheating and open my eyes.

Austa's pressed against me, her skin notably cooler than my own. I take off my shirt bearing with it as I snake an arm around her. I pick up my phone looking at the time 2:37. I let out a sigh, cutting off the tv that was now playing 30 rock. Closing my eyes again.

Austa's Pov

I wash up and hit the sheets when we get back to the room, putting on my headphones to get some rest. I sit on the bed and sink into it "hmm it feels good." Julien sits behind me and rest his head in the crook of my neck placing his arms around my waist.

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