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I grab Lizzie bridal style taking her into the house. No one's home so I take her upstairs lying her on my bed. I grab my computer taking my headphones as well. I type in a couple different area codes still looking and applying for housing or house tours and whatnot. I have 15 house/apartment tours lined up within the week so I told my employer and now where working around my scheduled. Man I love Reina, I'm glad she understands how tedious it is to be in the moving process.

I click on the stove beginning the process of cooking. I hate the smell of bacon but it's good and Lizzie likes it so I cook some. What follows in the pan afterwards is eggs, mango flapjacks, shredded mushrooms and avocado toast. Mmhm healthy. I take out some cranberry juice and pineapple juice for our drinks then I go to wake up my definitely hungover friend.

"Lizballs wake up. Lizzbell, Liza." Ok saying her name isn't working I lightly tap on her shoulder and see her eyes flicker open as she instantaneously shuts them from the sun coming through the blinds. "Get up so you can eat."

"Mmhm," she breathes out opening one eye "I don't wanna get up." She smiles "Carry me."

"Uck you're such a bother" she raises her arms with a wider grin. "Huh" I sigh rolling my eyes. Bending at the waist to lean over her, she puts her arms around my neck sitting up so I can scoop her the rest of the way. Wrapping her legs around my waist, I just hold her thighs.

"Eehmhmhmhmhm" she lets out this excited squill, squeezing her legs tighter to my body. She bounces up and down pulling my head into the crook of her neck as she tightens her arms around me. I shift my hands to her butt slapping the right cheek. "Stop" she loosen her grip around my neck, leaning back to see my face. "I just didn't think you would actually pick me up."

Why not? I pick you up all the time.

"Well that's because I'm sleep or intoxicated or something not just because, ya know?"

Well don't get used to it girly

"Also, oww. That was a strong hit."

I let out an amused air through my nose "not even" I walk down the stairs, stopping in front of a chair I spin it and set her down. My brother walks in the front door as I'm in between Lizzie's leg with her arms around my neck. He keeps walking, proceeding to his room I'm guessing. I speak up before he fully leaves my line of sight, "want some breakfast?"

"Yeah, let me just go get changed"
"Alright" I go back into the kitchen cooking a bit more eggs, mango flapjacks, shredded mushrooms, and avocado toast. Lizzie's emerged in my computer's screen when I bring in the third plate of food.

"Whatcha looking at... Your moving?!"
"Yeah I am in a couple, what about it."
"You never told me." She looks a little disheartened.
"That's because I haven't found a place yet and I haven't moved."

"So when you moving?" My brother asks as he walks in the room
"mmuhmm" I shrug my shoulder.

Austin's already basically left the house. I mean he's ever only here for sleep or clothes so I've had the house to myself for a minute. I'm sure living alone wont be any different besides not having that little bit of anxiousness that someone could possibly come in on my stark ass nakedness at anytime.

"Whenever I find a suitable place I guess, then y'all can tell me if anything is wrong with it."

"Mhm, ok" he scooped some food in his mouth "damn this is pretty good"

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