10: Enemies or Friends?

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"Y/n, Izana, Mikey. Come here" Shinichiro waved at you three after seeing your heads poked out of your room door eavesdropping.

Shinichiro, Takeomi, Wakasa and Keizo was having a meeting about the Skullfly, your father's gang.

"Sorry, I heard my father's name" you slowly walk to them sitting beside Shinichiro.

"Okay let's continue" Takeomi cleared his throat before talking again.

"So as I was saying.. someone told me they're staying at Roppongi. Their gang has a pretty huge amount of members since they got the Haitani brothers to join their gang. Apparently, his men are calling him with the name Kiyoshi."

"The exact opposite of what he is huh" Shinichiro mumbled

"We're gonna gather the Black Dragons for a meeting about this. We will try to settle this peacefully by talking to him. If he refuse, be prepared to fight." Wakasa stood up

"I'll tell this to Toman too"

"No, it's not just a simple gang fight Mikey" Shinichiro spat looking at Mikey seriously

"Yeah, Y/n's life is at stake here. If they win then Y/n's going back to her cruel father. We need to be as strong as possible to secure our victory"

The elders looked at each other before Shinichiro sighed

"Just take the ones who are willing to fight"

Mikey nods as the three bid goodbye to take care of something leaving the house.

"Izana, let's go to Roppongi tomorrow.. we need to see some things around" Shinichiro spoke lighting up his cigarette.

"What about me?" Mikey points to himself making the older brother shook his head.

"Just stay here with Y/n and Emma" Mikey scoffed and pouted.

"Izana, we have to talk" they stood up and walks out of the door leaving you and Mikey curious.

"Why do they always talk with just the two of them"

You shrugged and walked to your room to rest.

"Y/n.. you wanna go to Roppongi??" Mikey asked peeking in your room

"Huh? Shinichiro told us to stay here. Don't tell me you're gonna spy on them??"

"Yeah but we're not spying on them.. we're going to eat" he smiled before showing you pictures of Roppongi

"It's so lively right? There's lots and lots of restaurants we can go to. Can we go, pleaseeee"

"What about Emma?"

"I asked Ken-chin to take her out tomorrow so she won't snitch on us and we won't snitch on her" he winked showing a thumbs up

"Fine, but they shouldn't find out about this"

"Yeah, we're doing a disguise"

"You like her don't you?" Izana coughed on Shinichiro's question


"Y/n... At first I thought you're that close with her because she's your sister. After finding out that you're not blood related at all, it got me thinking..."

Izana blushed

"The way you look at her, how protective you are, when you talk about her in almost whatever you do... that's not some sibling love" he teased blowing out smoke.

"Is that wrong? She was the only one I have. I kept falling for her day by day" Izana mumbled

"It's not wrong... you're not related by blood and Itaru didn't adopt her officially with papers right? The problem is you have to know if she loves you the way you do before you admit your love to her"

"What if she doesn't?"

"It might ruin your 'sibling' closeness. You know what i mean?"

Izana nods staring down thinking about the possible outcomes. Shinichiro noticed him overthinking, he chuckled before ruffling his hair.

"Don't worry, sometimes I see her staring at you adoringly"

"We're going out now. Y/n, Mikey and Emma, stay at home okay?"

You three looked at each other smiling before nodding at Shinichiro.

Right after they left, you three ran to each others room getting ready.

"Emma, come back before sunset ok?" You reminded before getting on Mikey's bike.

"Yes, you too. Be careful!!" She waved

You're wearing clothes that they've never seen you worn before, a pair of glasses and your hair tied up. Mikey's hair is on a messy man bun with strands of it down on the side. He's wearing sweats that he borrowed from a friend of his so Shinichiro won't recognize you if he saw the clothes.

Mikey parked his bike on the nearby parking lot. You two walked around the glimming lights of Roppongi. Going stall by stall, restaurant by restaurant to try every meal Mikey wants.

"Y/n, wait for me here. I think I ate too much, I need to go to the bathroom" you laughed and nod before sitting at a bench where Mikey left you.

Mikey was taking too long so you decided to buy some medicine for him.

You walked to the nearby shop to see if they have medicine for Mikey's stomach. You were checking the labels and descriptions of the medicines when you heard some mumbles infront of the aisle you're in.

"That one's for chicken dumbass"

"No, that's for meat, we need one for beef!"

"Ugh, why do we even need to buy these things"

"Whose idea was it to cook dinner for ourselves?!"

You tip toed seeing two guys with a confused look written all over their face as they search through the seasoning aisle.

You walk up to them wanting to help

"Excuse me, do you need help with something?" 

They looked at you before looking at each other.

"N-no, we can handle this" the blonde guy with glasses mumble walking back a little

Your eyes landed on their basket seeing that they plan to cook some beef soup. You looked at the seasonings and picked up the things they'll probably need before giving it to the blonde guy.

"Here, if you're planning to make a beef soup. These are the seasonings" you flashed a smile but the blonde guy just looked away after grabbing what you gave him.

The tall guy with two braids chuckled before putting an arm around your shoulder leaning down to match your height

"This is why we want to shop by ourselves... my brother sometimes hates talking to strangers... why did you even entered the shop when you clearly know that we're here" he spoke staring into your eyes

"I-It was open... I didn't know I was not allowed to come in..." you mumble looking anywhere but his eyes. You heard him chuckled before standing up straight.

"Funny...everyone in Roppongi knows that. I can tell you're not from here.. What's your name sweetheart?" He smiled staring down at you

"Y/n.." you answered as the blonde guy stare at you as well.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Ran. This is my brother, Rindou. Thanks for the help by the way" he lift his hand up for a handshake.

You stared at him for a bit before shaking his hand. You moved your hand for Rindou to shake but he just stared at it. Ran took your hand again shaking it.

"If you ever get lost, just tell them to bring you to the Haitani Brothers.. we'll help you get home" he winked

"T-thanks..." you bowed as you smiled awkwardly before walking away to pay for the medicine.

"It's new for you to get shy among girls Rindou"

"Shut up brother"

"Y/n... does it sound familiar to you?"

MY BROtHER IZANA | Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now