19: Destined?

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"Y/n?" He whispered running to Ami pulling her bag back that made the two stop. The guy she's with looked back at him for a while before furrowing his brows

"Do you have a problem?"

"W-where did you get this?" He held the keychain up

"I gave it to her" the other guy from the different aisle appeared behind her

"Let's go" he wrapped his arm around Ami's shoulder pulling her away followed by the other two guys behind them.

"Izana, who's that?" Shinichiro asked

"I don't know.. she left something.. I just returned it" he lied not wanting Shinichiro to find out that he's still looking for Y/n.

"Why are they wearing a face mask? Are they famous or something?"

"Aahh~ finally we're hereeee! Hello~ Philippinesssssss!" Mikey exclaimed stretching his arms up making some of the people at the airport stare at him

"Mikey, shh don't be too noisy" Emma shushed making Mikey pout

"It's been so long" Izana looked around

"Hey hey Izana, let's go to that amusement park you were telling me about" Mikey clinged on Izana's arm

"Let's go to the apartment and rest first" Shinichiro called a taxi for them to go to the building they reserved their apartment on.

"Huh~ I wanna go out~" Mikey whined plopping himself on the bed. He turned to Shinichiro who's laying down beside him resting

"I'm hungry~"

"Go downstairs.. there should be a buffet on the second floor" Shinichiro mumble giving him his wallet.

"Great, anyone else coming?"

"I'll go by myself then" No one answered so he left the room disappointed but happy because no one would stop him from doing things he wants

He arrived at the second floor and welcomed by the smell different kinds of foods. He stared in amusement before going to the table where he can get the foods.

He's sitting down on a table near the window when a girl with jet black hair wearing a sunglass joined him

"Can I sit here for a while? I'm waiting for someone" she smiled

Mikey just nods not really caring and goes back on eating.

"What's your name?" The girl asked

Mikey glanced up at her before eating again "Mikey"

"I'm Ami.. are you alone?" He nods

"A child like you shouldn't be here alone you know" she laughed

"I'm 15..." the black haired girl looked at him surprised

"Pfft-" she was about to laugh when Mikey shoved a bread on her mouth

"Don't laugh, you look like a kid too"

"I'm just the same age as you" she mumbled while chewing the bread

He shrugged looking around, his gaze turns to a tall cupcake tower with a flag on the very top. His eyes are glimmering with delight as he walks to the huge cupcake tower

He tried to reach it, only a little inch left but he stil can't reach the very top one

"Hmph" he pouts staring up at it.

A brown haired girl chuckled watching him for a while before going to him and give him the cupcake he's reaching for.

"You wanted the flag?" She asked smiling before putting the cupcake on Mikey's plate.

Mikey's face turned into a happy one nodding while glancing up at the girl quickly before looking down at the cupcake.

She has a brown eye on her left eye and gray on the right.

"Thank you!" He happily skips to his table seeing that the black haired girl is now gone.

"Big sis!" Someone shouted but he couldn't care less since he already got the cupcake with the flag already.

"Hey, where did you get that?" Izana appeared sitting beside Mikey pointing at Mikey's cupcake while putting his plates down on the table

"Why are you here?" Mikey asked since he didn't wanna come earlier

"Shinichiro told me to keep an eye on you... someone might kidnap you thinking you're an 8 year old" he sat down about to get Mikey's cupcake before the younger slap his hand away

"Go get your own" he points to the tower cupcake

He chuckled before getting up and get a cupcake

"Hey sis, can you believe? That kid is the same age as me!"

"Really? I thought he's a kid-" Izana glanced at the black and brown haired girl who's now leaving through the door.

"Hey uhm, can you get me one too? I want that one" a girl pouted at Izana trying to reach the top cupcake

Izana reached it for her putting the cupcake on her plate. The girl tiptoed trying to reach for another one intentionally making herself fall on Izana's chest.

Izana's holding his plate on his other hand whole the other hand is on her arm

"Get off me" he pushed her slightly before glaring at her. He was about to walk away when he glared back at the girl who looked surprised.

He walked back at her stopping right infront of the girl. She looked at him smiling thinking he's gonna apologize or ask her out but in her disappointment. Izana grabbed the cupcake from her plate putting it back at the top of the tower cupcake.

"Get it yourself." He spat before walking away

"Bro you're too cold" Mikey spoke looking at the poor rejected girl with pity

"You'll never get a girl like that" Shinichiro sat beside them followed by Emma

"Says the man who got rejected 20 times" Mikey teased

"Their loss" Shinichiro mumbled taking Izana's cupcake eating it

"That's mine!"

"Oh c'mon go back there and get one, you might meet another girl ya know"

"Did you really just put her cupcake back there" Emma asked stopping her laugh

"I did, so what?"

"That's so mean~ when are you gonna get yourself a girlfriend... I'll help you ask her out" Shinichiro winked

"Nah, don't get help from that guy... his ways of asking girls out are the exact reason why he got rejected... I'll help you instead" Mikey stared at Shinichiro before raising his hands volunteering.

"You've never asked someone out Mikey! I know what girls like, I'll help you get a girl instead big bro!" Emma butted in giving Izana a thumbs up.

Izana leaned back on the chair shaking his head

"I'm loyal"

MY BROtHER IZANA | Izana KurokawaWhere stories live. Discover now