30: Failed Successfully

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"What the hell happened to her?!" Izana shouted as he put his coat on running to his bike starting it immediately with Shinichiro and Mikey behind

Mitsuya quickly drove away with Izana following behind

"Shinichiro hurry up! The snacks, don't forget the snacksss!!" Mikey shouted to the older brother running to his bike as well

The two drove to the destination taking the shortcut while Mitsuya led Izana to a longer road for the others to prepare

"Mikey and Shinichiro is here c'mon in fast!" Draken opened the door for them to come in and quickly turning off the lights

You and Emma is laying on the floor with fake blood all over your clothes for a realistic effect

"The cake is done! Now, how do we surprise him?" Emma looked at you and around the house, her eyes landed on the house nearby who looks abandoned

"Should we do it there?" She pointed the dark house

"How are we gonna get him there without telling him about the surprise then?" Draken asked

"Let's make him cry~" Baji mumbled smiling maniacally taking out a bottle of fake blood from a drawer

"Where did you get that?"

"Baji, that's for our school play" Mitsuya spat walking to the black haired guy

"Too late" Baji chuckled pouring some of it on a spray bottle and spraying it on the two of you

"Hurry hurry lay down here" Baji spoke sweeping away the dusts on the floor of the abandoned house while the other guys carry a table setting it up on the side together with the other foods and the lights you're gonna be using making sure it can't be seen right away.

"Hey hey- don't eat yet Pah!" Hakkai slapped the guy's hand from the food he's carrying

"Here let me fix your hair" Yuzuha mumbled while making you both still look good when 'dying'

"They're on the way!" Shinichiro shouted while going behind the walls where the others were hiding. Mikey then hid behind the table of the foods patiently waiting while eating the snack he snatched from Shinichiro's bag while on the way.

Shinichiro asked Benkei and Koko to fetch some filipino snacks while they were overseas since Mikey and Izana recently had an argument about Mikey eating all of the snacks Izana brought back to Japan.

"Mikey! Go buy your own food!"

"Noooo, I want thoseeee! Give me someeee!"

Shinichiro arrived seeing the two fighting again but now it's about food. Mikey is reaching for the snack from Izana's hands while the tall guy is just keeping him away using his leg.

"Hey hey hey! What's going on here, you guys are trying to kill each other again?"

"Izana's so selfish! He's keeping all the Mikmik for himself!" Mikey pouted

"You already ate half of it Mikey, you can't even eat it right, you almost died" Izana reasoned out

"I did not!"

"Did so~" Izana then went to tease Mikey by opening one sachet and eating/drinking it and started coughing from the sweet snack as well

"HAH! See? Told ya it happens to everyone! It's the side effects!"

"Shut up"

"Alright stop it, let's just go out to eat you two"

"Y/n you're such a bad actor! Your eyes!" Baji whispered shouted at you peeking from the side

You nod and decided to cover your face with your hair to cover it since you can't stop your eyes from moving even though it's closed

"Here! We found them upstairs!" Kazutora and Mitsuya led the way to where you guys are

Izana's eyes widened when he saw the two of you laying on the cold floor all messy and bloody

"What the fuck happened here?!" Izana ran to you with his eyes searching the place about what happened

"Y/n babe, can you hear me?" He asked shaking you up a little after checking both of you and Emma's pulse

"Fuc- where's Shinichiro and Mikey" he mumbled panicking looking for the wound where the blood is coming from

"They're bloody.. who did this..." he started overthinking

"Help me bring them to the hospitaAA~l!" You heard his voice cracked that made you internally laugh.

The guys from the other side of the wall also stopped themselves from laughing when they heard it

You couldn't hold it in anymore when Takemichi suddenly spoke

"Ehh? Are you guys doing a play?"

Takemichi and Hina was waiting inside Mitsuya's home since they were invited by Yuzuha but when they arrived, no one was home so they decided to wait inside

Four familiar noisy motorcycles drove past the house and stopped at the nearby house. Takemichi peeked at the guys thinking why it's so familiar when he caught a glance of Chifuyu

"Oh, that's Chifuyu, let's go Hina" he held Hina's hand and ran to Chifuyu who's fixing the bikes outside the abandoned house

"Chifuyu what are you guys doing here? Is there a meeting? Where's Mitsuya and the others?" He started asking as soon as they approached the guy

"I'll tell you later, follow me" Chifuyu ran inside the house followed by the two confused individuals

"Ehh? Are you guys doing a play?" Takemichi asked when they saw you guys in blood and Izana about to stand up carrying you in a bridal style

The purple eyed man glanced at Takemichi raising an eyebrow at him

"What do you mean 'play'?"

"That... I saw the fake blood in the living room earlier.. oh! It's for that school play isn't it?!" he innocently exclaimed pointing your clothes making Chifuyu and the others mentally facepalm

"I wanna punch someone right now" Baji whispered

Izana looked back at the two of you to see Emma moving perfectly fine looking at Takemichi while doing handsigns

He then looked at you who's still pretending to be dead before leaning near your ear and whispers as his grip on your waist and arm tightened

"If you don't open your eyes right now, I'll kiss you"

This is Mikmik... A 'deadly' sweetened milk powder
('Deadly' because you're supposed to drink it? Using the straw...but it's powder...)


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