31: Doubt

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It has been 10 years after all those incidents. After that, nothing suspicious happened to you anymore and you stayed with Izana till now. Everything and everyone was doing good, Hina and Takemichi also got married a few months ago.

The gangs of  Shinichiro, Mikey and Izana took the spots in the top on being the strongest gang in Japan so the three gangs decided to fuse together to form an organization called BONTEN with Shinichiro, Mikey and Izana as leaders. They help keep peace and stop wars between gangs in Japan, they are also looked up to by the other smaller gangs. Bonten are also associated with businesses outside Japan making their organization famous all over the world. 》

"Mikey~ can you help me buy groceries? I'll treat you lunch after" you called out to Mikey who just came out of his room still half asleep

He looks at you for a while and waved  "Sorry Y/n, I can't... Ami and I have a date today" he spoke walking to the bathroom to get ready

You frowned because Izana and Shinichiro said they can't come with you either.

"Izana, let's go buy groceries~" you interwined your arm with him as soon as he walks out of the bathroom

"I can't babe.. I have to help Shinichiro with the shop... I'll go with you next time okay?" He pat your head

"I'll go help you then" you smiled

"You can't... I promise I'll go with you next time, just stay at home, I'll treat you icecream after this sounds good?" You nod as he kiss your forehead before leaving to change his clothes

"Sorry Y/n, the shop is pretty crowded today.. Waka's gonna kill me if I leave him for too long in handling the shop alone" Shinichiro apologized while tying a jacket around his waist

"It's fine... I'll ask Inui instead-"

"He's busy as well... he'll work with us" Izana cut you off coming out of the room wearing a shirt and jeans like Shinichiro

"I'll go with 'ya insteaddd" you didn't notice Emma was behind you all dressed up

"Aren't you going anywhere?" You asked looking at her outfit

"Yeah, to go out with you?"

"Sure~ let's have a girls out" you smiled texting the other girls

"Is Senju coming? Hina and Yuzuha said they will" she asked you while waiting at the cafe in the mall

You nod and took a bite from your cake "she's on the way"

"Hey~" Hina called out running to your table with Yuzuha

"What's up? What's with the sudden meeting?" Yuzuha asked sitting down

"Nothing, just to hang out I guess... The boys have been pretty busy these days..." you explained

"Yeah, I just noticed... Mitsuya always goes out with Hakkai saying they're doing a big project for the shop" Yuzuha

"Chifuyu and Kazutora always picks Takemichi up to help them in the shop too.. whenever I ask why, they always answer 'it's Baji's order'." Hina stated

"Shinichiro and Izana has been busy on the bike shop too!" You exclaimed putting your fingers on your chin "Although, Mikey has a free time to go on a date despite the shop being busy... does that mean Shinichiro choose to work than taking Chesca out on a date?"

"Yeah, I haven't seen them going on a date lately..." Emma mumbled

"Who's Chesca??" Yuzuha and Hina asked in unison

"Shin's girlfriend.. They met during the Top Gang  War 3 years ago.. she's the first girl to date Shinichiro" Emma giggled happy for her older brother

Three years ago, a huge evil gang soared high with the goal of taking Bonten out the top. Bonten had no interest in fighting them until they discovered that they're threatening innocent people to cause trouble around Japan. That's where Shinichiro met Chesca, the girl was the leaders sister yet she was used as a hostage.

Then the fight of the Top Gang happened and still, Bonten remained the strongest also freeing the hostages from the opposite gang. 》

"Heya, what are you ladies doing in a cheap place like this~" Senju arrived wearing a business suit partnered with her blinding accessories and expensive sunglass. 

"Woah, as expected from Bonten's Business Division Executive!" Emma exclaimed admiring her  aura

Yeah... Senju, Takeomi, Koko, and Inui are some of the executives that handles the business of Bonten not just in Japan but in other countries too.

"You look... expensive.... Good thing you're not busy right now.. it has been hard reaching you lately" you smiled when she sat down beside you

"Yeah, I just came back from States, Koko said he's busy so Takeomi went with me instead. I can say our business is going great" she smiled back then hugs you and clings into you like how she used to everytime she sees you.

Two familiar girls entered the cafe as your eyes meet with a pair of brown ones

"Hey you girls are here too" Chesca waved and walks to you with Ami

"Girls this is Chesca... Chesca, meet my friends.. Hina and Yuzuha." You introduced then looked at the girl behind her "Ami? I thought Mikey's taking you out on a date today?" You asked looking at your sister

"He cancelled it.. he said he's helping you with groceries..." she answered sitting on your other side

"But he said he can't because he's taking you out on a date..."

"Shinichiro also cancelled our date" Chesca mumbled

"Takemichi left early today too"

"Also Hakkai and Mitsuya"

"Draken too"

"I didn't see the other guys in the Bonten's office earlier as well"

"Do you think they're hiding something?..." you mumbled

"Maybe a boys outing?" Emma guessed

"Why would they hide it though? Plus their reasons are different from each other..." Ami stated

"Girls, looks like we need to investigate this case" Hina took out an eyeglass and a detective hat.

Senju nodded before handing each one of you glasses to match. Yuzuha took out a pen and paper to write each reason of the guys

You girls are getting carried away investigating that you didn't notice the time passing by when a sudden strong swing of the cafe door caught your attention.

There you saw Chifuyu and Kazutora panting

"Y/n! Izana got shot!"

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