Chapter One

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In my experience, weddings are the type of events that either make someone irritatingly happy or outrageously sad. As I sat at table number three on that particular night, I had no shame in admitting I belonged to the second group. Melody radiated light as she twirled around the dance floor with her new husband, Paul. Her dress swirled around behind her, the gems catching the light and distributing it around the room.

One of the lights landed square on the face of Melody's mother who, like the other parents, was standing in the corner greeting guests and collecting gifts. These events are at least as much for the parents as they are the couple getting married. Perhaps moreso.

The bride and bridegroom looked so happy twirling around the floor it was almost contagious. But I couldn't help but feel sadness over my own lack of success finding a husband. I was acutely aware that Melody's wedding meant I was the only one of our friend group to remain husbandless. It's impossible NOT to be happy for her, though, when she looks so radiant and joyous. It was also impossible not to be sad for ME. It was a very conflicting feeling.

I downed the last of my champagne and before I'd even set the glass down on the table, Melody was dragging me out onto the dance floor. "Come on, Maid of Honour!" she shouted in my ear so I could hear her over the heavy thumping of the bass. "I need to dance with you!"

"Thanks for reminding me of the maid part!" I shouted back, resisting the urge to roll my eyes only because it was her wedding day.

"You knew what I meant so don't sass! This is the last time you'll be a maid of honour like ever, so let's just celebrate it, okay?"

"Oh, yes." I couldn't keep the sarcasm out of my voice or stop my eyes from rolling that time. "I just love not having found someone to marry. I'm so excited for my parents to start having a say in..." I looked at the silver watch adorning my left arm. "In just over twelve hours."

She looked at me, her mouth pulling into a frown. "Marriage isn't all bad."

"You saying that from all your experience?" I teased her, before continuing more seriously. "But no, I don't think marriage is all bad. I think it's probably great if you find someone you want to do it with. But I--"

Our conversation was abruptly cut off when the music changed and Paul returned to collect Melody for a dance. If anything could convince me that marriage was something worth pursuing, it was these two looking at each other like they were the center of the universe. But then, I reminded myself, these two married by choice, not necessity. Not only does that sound a lot more romantic, but also like a better recipe for happiness.

"Do you mind?" Melody called over the music.

"No, go ahead!" I waved my hand dismissively to indicate I didn't need her to stay on my account.

I glanced around the Grand Ballroom, looking for someone I knew and could talk to. The room was beautifully decorated in reds and golds and filled to the brim with Melody and Paul's family and friends, many of whom I had known since I was three years old.

Maybe, if I play my cards right, I can find someone in this room who might be the love of my life, I thought to myself. If I even believe in that sort of thing. It was possible the next twelve hours would result in me finding someone to at least date, I guess. It was a slim chance, but maybe having someone I wanted to date would hold off my parents for a little while. Maybe I could stop them from choosing for me if they thought I was going to choose for myself. I could buy a little time, at least.

I stepped to the side of the dance floor to avoid getting swept up by the conga line and let my eyes wander the room looking for someone I hadn't known since we were in diapers. Curse my mother and her vast array of friends. I had to admit, not many of the guys in the room looked like they had the potential to be the love of my life. At least not at first glance, and a first glance was all I had.

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