Chapter Six

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I tried not to let Christopher see how shocking I found the revelation that he designed my dream home without ever meeting me.

"You did what?" I asked him, hoping I might have missed some crucial part of the conversation while I was stuck in my own thoughts.

"I designed the house." He looked up at the balcony off the second story and smiled. "I'm an architect, I mean. So I designed the structure. The interior design and fancy finishings were all done by a friend of mine who's a designer. Obviously, she is very good at her job."

I tried to hide the shock on my face. He doesn't need me being rude to him when he looks more nervous than I do.

"Is it that surprising?" he asked me, probably because I was terrible at hiding my feelings.

"I mean... a little, yeah." I laughed in an attempt to hide how awkward I felt. "It's just that we only met minutes ago and you already seem to have a perfect grasp on my tastes, so it's a little surprising."

"Again," he reminded me, "I didn't do the decorating. So I can't be blamed for that."

I laughed at his use of the word 'blamed.'

"Well, thank your friend for me." I couldn't help but smile as I ran my hand along the beautiful outdoor furniture. "Because it's just perfect."

"I will and I'm glad." He held out his hand, offering it to me. "Shall we check out the rest of the house?"

I didn't know where to look, but something about him was making me feel comfortable, and I didn't want the neighbours getting any ideas, so I placed my hand in his and allowed him to lead me through the glass doors and back into the house.

He held onto my hand all the way up the staircase, which was surprisingly wide enough to accommodate us walking side-by-side the whole way up. When we closed in on the top of the stairs, I could already see a small open area with a chair and a lamp — the perfect reading space.

I let my eyes wander around the small reading nook and the guest bedroom that was just through a door beside the bookshelf. We quickly looked into the small room, which was decorated in pale blues and creams, before making our way down the long hallway.

I casually looked into each of the rooms as we walked past — three bedrooms and three bathrooms, all decorated beautifully with a gentle colour scheme. No matter how hard I tried to be interested in the rooms we passed, my eyes just kept returning to the double doors at the end of the hallway.

Christopher, obviously oblivious to my inner struggles, continued his running commentary on the house. "And this is the linen closet," he said, gesturing at the small closet door beside the double doors that had been taunting me since I first caught sight of them.

Finally, Christopher turned his attention to the ever-looming doors at the end of the hall. He didn't have to tell me what was behind it. I knew as well as he did that the master suite was tucked behind those doors. In a normal marriage situation, that would be our bedroom.

But this isn't a normal marriage situation, is it? I don't wanna sleep in the same bed as him! I only met him half an hour ago.

I glanced over at Christopher to notice him biting his lip and looking anywhere but at me. The only thing making the situation less awkward was the fact that we had four other bedrooms. At least we wouldn't have to fight over who got to sleep in the bed.

Christopher looks as nervous as I feel, so I break the silence. "The doorway is very nice." I ran my hands through my hair, trying anything I could think of to calm my anxiety.

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