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Yesterday you and Gus ended up finally finishing your project, It took a lot of hard work and concentration but you ended up finally doing it.

Today was the last official school day, then the rest of the week you could relax. You were kinda excited for after school to see GG. The fact you saw him out of work made it a bit awkward, but your looking forward to seeing him again.

You and Gus ended up getting a B on your project, not perfect but it was still amazing, you were both very proud. In bard class you were learning a lullaby, to put your enemies to sleep, it was quite interesting.

Abominations have been fun too, with a little help from Amity you got to make your own portable abomination to take with you just in case. Crafting them in the first place was ridiculously hard though.

Finally now that school was over you were in your way to the castle. You couldn't help but smile the entire way.

As you opened the gates to enter you immediately made your way into the library, and set your stuff down as usual. There wasn't any sign of him so far.

"Ah excuse me." A voice says.

It was a patrol guard.

"Sorry to bother but, I'd like to warn you... recently the emperor has not been feeling well and the garden is a bit of a mess, is it possible if you could stay overtime?" The guard says.

"Oh it's no trouble." You say.

"Perfect perfect, thank you so much, I'll leave you be." the guard says before they walk off.

You let out a deep sigh snd decide to hurry and finish the plants in the hallways before the garden, best to save the worst for last.

As you walk down the hallways there still seems to be no sign of him, gosh why are you so curious? He could be working, stop worrying about it, it's not important. You shake your head and continue to work on the plants until you finally make it into the garden.

And just like the guard had mentioned the garden was a complete disaster. Belos must have not been in a good mood cause literally half of it was completely destroyed.

You take a deep breath and then begin to work on mending the garden back together. The fences were completely destroyed, so you couldn't fix them you'd have to wait for the construction coven to fix that so for now you just worked on the plants.

You made sure to alert your family that you had to stay overtime. It took a lot of work to fix it all up and it was around 10 at night, it's a good thing it's a weekend though.

You were starting to get tired, but you had to force yourself awake to fix these. You were a bit upset because you didn't get to see GG today, but it's okay, he must be busy.

You managed to fix about 3/4 of the garden today, you were starting to get burned out so you went back to the library, as you were walking about you kept your eyes peeled for him, you don't know why your so interested in talking to him.

You slowly opened the library door, and you sat down at the table where you put your things. You needed a second to rest you were totally wiped out.


I just returned home, gosh today was a long day, I had to kill some things for uncle Belos today, don't know why but he requested it.

I probably missed Y/n today, oh well, she should be here tomorrow. What a bummer though...

That's when I noticed the library door was slightly creaked open, which made me curious so I decided to walk in and take a peek. It was a bit dark so I used a light from my staff.

☆ЅUℕ ℬᎾᎽ☆ (Jealous Hunter x Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang