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An hour or 2 has passed, and you and Hunter were finally at the place you needed to be, to look for the manticore.

He dressed you up so you would be unrecognizable, he gave you a silk white mask, only revealing your eyes, and a white cloak as well, with your hoodie on.

"Okay, I don't know where to search now, all I know is he's somewhere in this area, I need you to keep hold of my hand now, don't let go, not unless I tell you too, understand?" Hunter says, looking at you for confirmation.

You nod, and grab his hand, he holds it tightly.

"Keep a lookout, don't talk unless I tell you too ok? If you see something tap me and point." He says.

You nod. He holds your hand tighter, guiding you around.

It's foresty where you are right now, a forest near a village. You've never really seen a manticore before, so you're really nervous, but excited to fight it.

You hear a twig snap. And you both fart your heads to see what it is. Hunters grip on your hand tightens.

There's nothing there, you both slowly turn your heads forward and continue walking to search around.

That's when you hear it, some odd squelchy squishy noises and you smell blood. You tap Hunter and point in the direction you hear it and he nods, the 2 of you head that way.

That's when you see it, the manticore. The two of you were standing directly behind it. It seemed to be eating a rabbit or badger of some sort.

Hunter let's go of your hand and points at you, and mouths: "Stay here". You nod and stay where he left you as he approaches the manticore. He readies his artificial staff and it powers up. However, the noise totally gives him off. The manticore spins around wildly, and snarls at Hunter angrily.

It charges at him, letting off a ferocious roar. Hunter immediately backs off and runs in an opposite direction, to further his distance away from it.


That's right, Flapjack is still gone and we both don't know where he is. If Hunter would have happened to have him, the manticore probably wouldn't have noticed him due to the noises an artificial staff makes rather than an actual palisman.

"STAY WHERE YOU ARE! DONT MOVE!!" Hunter yelled at you.

You nod as he continues trying to defend himself from the manticore. He's running around wildly, throwing objects nearby, such as rocks and fallen tree branches at the manticore, only stunning him for a little bit.

You have an idea, manticores can fly, you'll need a way to pin it to the ground to refrain it from flying away. Rope... we need something like a rope or something to tie it to the ground.

That's when the idea strikes you, you could use your plant magic to create vines, binging it to the ground to refrain it from flying. You know Hunter did not want you to do anything but it seems he hasn't thought of any ideas how to bring this thing to a weaker and vulnerable state.

Sorry Hunter, I need to do something, I can't just sit here and watch.

You summon some vines with your plant magic and shoot the bursting vines from the ground up into the air, to somehow catch it. A few of them miss, but that doesn't stop you from continuing to try and capture it in your vines.

Finally, you grab hold of one of its feet, trying to drag it toward the ground. Hunter darts his head at you to see what you're doing.

"Hey! be careful doing that!" He says, using some basic fire spells to try and harm it.

☆ЅUℕ ℬᎾᎽ☆ (Jealous Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now