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It's Saturday, meaning there's no school today. If anything you couldn't really stop thinking about work. Weird to say you actually WANT to go to work.

You let out a deep sigh and open your phone, it's currently 12:30 a bit last lunch, might as well get something to eat.

But before you do, that's when you had the idea, maybe you should make something for Hunter as well, you're planning on going there today anywho.

Your mainly specialize in making sweet treats made from fairies. You always made some stuff like that growing up with your mother, sometimes you still do, it's how you both bond.

It takes a little bit but you managed to quickly make some more fairy tarts, and you made some tea as well. You poured the tea in a thermos so you can give it to Hunter, you don't know if he'll like it, but hopefully he does.

You grab your bag and wrap up the tarts in a little bag, and carry the thermos. That's when your about to head outside when your mother catches you.

"Y/n? Where are you heading off to? You don't have work today." She says.

"Oh I don't?" You say pulling out your work schedule.

It's correct, you do not have work today.

"Oh, I thought I did, um.. well I'm already all packed and ready maybe I'll head to a friends place." You grin.

"Seems fine, text me when you get there darling." Mom says.

"Of course! See ya mom." You smile, then opening the door way, making your way out.

She waves you off before the door completely shuts.

As you are about to start walking you see Hunter standing right there leaning against his staff. This time he's wearing his hood and mask.

"Haaaaii~" he tweets.

"Hunter! I didnt expect to see you at my house." You say.

"Well~ I was a bit bored... I wanted to see you, I'm supposed to be working today but I asked Kikimora to cover me, which she did~" he chirps.

He looks down at your hands noticing the tea and tarts.

"Whats this?" He asks bending down to take a peek what you have.

"Oh! I made these for you." You smile.

"For me?" He says.

"....I don't often get gifts." He says softly.

"Well please take it!" You say, handing it to him.

He opens the wrapping on the tarts, they're still warm and they look delicious as ever. The smell is so good, and it's still warm too.

"...thank you." He says sadly yet warmly.

He stares at the tarts.

"I... kinda don't wanna eat it now cause I feel very... honored." He softly says.

"Cmon!! Try it!" You beg.

He takes off his mask and puts it on his side, snd then chucks a little tart into his mouth, it actually makes his cheeks flush a sweet pink color.

He savors the tart, slowly eating it and then finally swallows it and makes eye contact with you once done.

"This is really nice." He says.

☆ЅUℕ ℬᎾᎽ☆ (Jealous Hunter x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now