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At Wang Mansion


zhan had burnt yibo's shirt from the front. His hands were shivering to hold the shirt, and the shirt fell on the ground. An idea popped into Zhan's mind, and he pulled out the box of needles from the drawer next to the bedside. He took his phone and searched on search engines about how to embroider.

He was watching the video of embroidery while embroidered on Yibo's shirt. He embroidered carelessly. he didn't consider what he was making. When he finished his embroidery, he saw Yibo's shirt. He was shocked and had hiccups. He took a glass of water from the side table and drank it. He made a piggy on yibo's shirt.

He decided to buy a new shirt of the same brand tomorrow morning. But for now, he ironed Yibo's shirt and hung it in the wardrobe. As he closed the wardrobe door and turned, he screamed on a high pitch.

Ahhhhh.....," zhan screamed

Shut your fuck mouth," yibo said in a cold voice.

Why are you screaming like you saw a ghost?" yibo asked zhan.

When did you come into the room? I didn't even hear anyone coming into the room," replied Zhan

I like silence, not like someone noisy." yibo said

What are you doing in my room?" Yibo asked with a stern face.

I had come to do the ironing. What are you doing here? Zhan said with a fake smile.

Now, I have to get your permission to come into my room." Yibo said, looking at Zhan suspiciously.

No, that's not what I meant. All I was asking is if you need anything?" zhan asked nervously to Yibo.

I want to change my clothes. So will you please give me the way?" Yibo said and waved his hand to get zhan out of the room. Because zhan was standing in the way of yibo shielding the wardrobe.

I was saying I know fashion, So I suggest I should pick clothes for you," zhan said hesitantly.

yibo was looking at zhan suspiciously as zhan was behaving weirdly.

Something is fishy," yibo said in his mind.

zhan pulled out clothes for yibo from the wardrobe and gave them to him. zhan pushed yibo to the bathroom and sighed.

Zhan came downstairs to make a black coffee in the kitchen. zhan was scared of what would happen if Yibo found out that he had burnt his(yibo) shirt.

zhan was making a cup of coffee for yibo when he added double sugar to it. zhan started walking towards yibo's room with a mug of coffee. His hands were trembling to hold the coffee mug in fear as he was going to the lion's cave.

God, please save me," zhan prayed.

zhan came to yibo's room and knocked on the door.

come in," yibo said from inside

He walked into the room with trembling feet. He saw Yibo was sitting on the couch in his bedroom and studying at the papers he was holding. Zhan placed the coffee mug on the table in front of Yibo and was about to leave.

Stop! " yibo said in a cold voice.

Zhan turned to Yibo and saw Yibo sipped coffee and place the mug on the table.

Drink it," yibo said.

What?" zhan confused and asked

Drink it," yibo said again

Zhan didn't want to offend Yibo, so he took the coffee mug from the table and sipped a mouthful of coffee in his mouth.

What is it?" Yibo asked, showing his shirt to zhan, which he had hidden behind his back.

zhan was shocked and spilled out his mouthful of coffee to yibo's face.


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