Chapter 77

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Due to the indisposition of the Crown Princess, the full moon banquet was not widely celebrated. Invitations were merely given to some close acquaintances and several princes while the rest of the officials were sent away after deliveries of their gifts.

When the Ninth Princess and her party arrived, the banquet had yet to begin and the Crown Princess was receiving people from her maiden family in the inner room. Ignoring the impediments of the court ladies, the Ninth Princess led Yu Xiang into the room while Yu Miao Qi was left alone outside the hall.

The Crown Princess' voice sounded very weak, evidently the news circulating about her serious illness was not an empty rumor. What she actually said was not heard, yet her mother began sobbing and choked, "Then it's up to you, we can't owe those two children ..."

As the Ninth Princess bounced her way in, the two people hurriedly wiped their tears then greeted her with a smile. Being more discreet, Yu Xiang had long ordered both Tao Hong and Liu Lu to push her wheelchair to the outer room and waited quietly.

"Sister-in-law, today is a rejoiceful day. Why are you crying?" Leaning forward, the Ninth Princess stared at her reddened eyes.

Dodging those stares, the Crown Princess turned her face away but was followed in wake by the Ninth Princess and both sister-in-laws played the pursue/dodge game for a while until their faces gradually revealed some contentment. Seeing that, the Crown Princess' mother felt more at ease and got up to take her leave. Once she was out of the room door, she smiled and stepped forward for a chat when she caught sight of Yu Xiang.

Hearing the sweet voice of Yu Xiang, the Crown Princess promptly called out, "Xiang'er is here too? Come in quickly." These two little girls are deeply loved by her, one brings her joy while the other is her lucky star.

After a few simple pleasantries, the Crown Princess sent someone to serve some pastries. Seeing her little sister-in-law immersed in eating, she looked at Yu Xiang and asked in a soft voice, "Is Xiang'er acquainted with the three younger sisters of Bengong[1]? What do you think of their temperament? Bengong is afraid this body of mine is not up to par anymore and eventually thinks of finding a route of retreat for my twins."

Her condition is getting worse each day. Not only her legs are too sore to move, her lower abdomen keeps discharging malodorous fluids and if this prolongs, she will die of excessive bleeding. However, her twins are still young and will be the thorns in the eyes of other imperial grandchildren of the princes. Making sure her twins grow up safely is the anxiety she can't get rid of. Presumably before the childbirth, she received the dragon and phoenix divination drawing lot from Yu Xiang hence she has an inexplicable dependence on this spiritually-temperament little girl, otherwise she would not have said such private and personal matters.

That's right. As the hearsay from outside, she intends to choose one of her three younger sisters to be the Crown Princess' successor and has already notified both the Emperor and the Empress, who have given their tacit consent considering the safety of the imperial grandchildren and to maintain the power balance of the Empress Dowager's maiden family.

Yu Xiang does not leave the manor very often but due to the connection from managing the manor's household and her elder brother's wide network of information, she knows all the noble ladies in the Capital like the back of her hand. In the presence of the Crown Princess, she however, cannot comment on her younger sisters. If she gives good words, it will be flattering but bad words will be defamation. She thought about it briefly then without mincing her words, she blurted, "I am not familiar with them and unable to say what's good or bad, but I do know there's selfishness in people and hopes can't be entrusted to others."

"But Bengong's health probably won't last for more than half a year." The Crown Princess smiled bitterly as she rolled up her sleeves to show her emaciated arms like withered branches. After the childbirth, the imperial physician had obviously said there was no serious problem but who would have expected, she would be dying after just a month. Heavens has bestowed her a pair of children but is taking half of her life away which is really fair, hence she has no complaints but merely wishes to arrange everything for her children before she dies.

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