Chapter 96

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Rubbing and kneading really made her feel much better as the temperature of the large palm was moderate which was more useful than the hot water bottles. Yu Xiang glared fiercely at her elder brother yet she still nestled obediently in his arms.

Yu Pin Yan once again covered both of them properly with the quilt and seeing that his younger sister raised her neck of her own accord, he smiled and extended his arm as a pillow for her while his other hand wrapped around her slender waist trying to draw her into his arms.

The first menses came rather heavily while underneath was the olden times 360° menstruation belt with side-leaking padding. So, Yu Xiang lay rigidly for fear of soiling the newly changed under pants and mattress. Seeing that her elder brother was about to move her, she cried out anxiously, "Don't move me!"

"What's wrong? Does it hurt again?" Yu Pin Yan did not draw her closer again, instead changed to press and knead her abdomen again.

Once he pressed, a gush of warm flow rushed out that Yu Xiang simply wanted to die. Face flushing, she yelled out, "I said don't move me!"

Yu Pin Yan sighed despondently, "The imperial physician said you might be a little moody these days and it's indeed true. Be good, don't lose your temper indiscriminately. Rub kneading will make it better faster." He continued to press and knead as he spoke.

Yu Xiang covered her face and groaned, feeling the plant ash might not be able to absorb it. She leaned closer to his ear and whispered bashfully, "Don't move me again. Once moved, the blood will flow like a river. Don't blame me for soiling your clothes later."

It took two breaths for Yu Pin Yan to understand the profound meaning of her words. Eyes darkened and breathing deepened, the large palm covering her belly no longer moved.

There was silence in the room. A moment later, Yu Pin Yan laughed hoarsely, "Let it soiled then. It's not worth enduring the pain over a few pieces of clothes or a few sets of mattresses. Elder Brother will continue kneading you. At worst, just ask Tao Hong and Liu Lu to help you change your pants and mattress later." Ignoring her protests, he continued rubbing with a low chuckle.

Yu Xiang wanted to pry her large palm away but couldn't, so she had to compromise. Burying her burning cheeks in the nook of his neck, she asked, "Elder Brother, why are you such a rascal today? You don't look like yourself at all."

Yu Pin Yan's deep voice was full of joy, "Because Xiang'er has finally grown up today, so I am very happy. Do you know how long I've waited for this day?"

Although he did not say it explicitly, the hidden passion between his words was obvious to even a fool. The rims of Yu Xiang's eyes reddened slightly. She moved away from the nook of his neck and turned her face to the other side. She was reluctant to take that step in wake of his enticement because the road ahead was just too difficult. What kind of sentiment could be stronger than family affection? Why should she exchange the existing eternal family affection for an unpredictable future romance?

Yu Pin Yan's eyes sank. He then grabbed her chin to make her look straight at him and about to speak of her origin when he heard Ma Momo shouting outside, "It's not good, Marquis. Something big has happened! The dried jujubes for the banquet's guests have been poisoned!"

Turning pale with fright, Yu Xiang attempted to get up but was held back by Yu Pin Yan who admonished in a deep voice, "Lie down well. With Elder Brother here, everything will certainly be fine." He called out to Tao Hong and Liu Lu once those words faltered, "Watch you master and do not let her run around."

Tao Hong and Liu Lu bowed to undertake the task. Only then did Yu Pin Yan follow Ma Momo to the main courtyard.

Yu Miao Qi was to blame for this. In order to win popularity's opinions, she deployed her own cronies to the most lucrative jobs in the Marquis manor and one of them was purchasing food provisions. She, however, had only managed a merchant household of the Shen family and nevertheless underestimated such a huge wealthy family like Marquis Yongle manor.

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