Chapter 128

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Yu Xiang sat down with her elder brother to have a small chat, only to learn that Lin Shi had helped the third branch of the (Yu) family to discredit Yu Pin Yan. She was so angry that her teeth almost broke as she gnashed them.

"As of now, the third branch of the (Yu) family has been in the capital for almost a month. They live in the courtyard opposite Marquis Yongle manor and they are running about everyday for vindication. In order to overthrow the Prime Minister and completely purge the Crown Prince's power in the imperial court, the Fifth Prince and the Sixth Prince's supporters are making every effort to make this happen. There are rumours that not only will Yu Jun Wei be reinstated, but he will also inherit the title of Marquis Yongle and his eldest son's title will be restored. The third branch of the (Yu) family will be the most prominent line of the Yu family in the future. And all those who were dealt with by Yu Pin Yan are now flocking to Yu Jun Wei's side. There is a high chance for him to become the patriarch of the clan. He is not as ruthless as Yu Pin Yan. Following his return, he has brought Lin Shi and Yu Miao Qi under his care. Moreover, he also visits the Old Madam every day, saying that he wants to provide for her." Shen Yuan Qi slowly explained the Yu family's current situation.

Yu Xiang's fingertips were shaking as she listened. She said vehemently, "That good third branch of the family! This is a deliberate attempt to anger the Old Madam. They haven't yet gained power, but they are being so rampant. The time will come when they will be the ones crying. I always thought that Lin Shi would have at least some affections for Elder Brother, but I didn't expect that she would slander his honour just after learning of his death. Even a vicious tiger will not eat its cub,[1] she is worse than a beast!"

Shen Yuan Qi was extremely repulsed by Lin Shi's actions, yet he also felt that his younger sister's bias was unfair. He teased, "Yu Pin Yan has a mother who is worse than a beast, and a younger sister who is heartless and ungrateful. I, Shen Yuan Qi, am the most pitiful of them all. I have only one family member left who always sides with the outsiders instead of her own and leaves without saying a word, causing me to be worried and having difficulty sleeping."

Yu Xiang was very embarrassed by his comment that she hugged him and acted coquettishly. As the pair of siblings spent more time together, their personality complemented one another and their initial reservation and estrangement had long since been replaced by a tight-knitted kinship.  

After coaxing her brother, Yu Xiang immediately prepared a gift and went to visit the Old Madam on the outskirts of the capital.

Meanwhile, Yu Miao Qi was getting dressed. Behind her stood two beautiful-looking maidservants, both of whom had been given to her by Zhuo Shi, Yu Jun Wei's wife.

"Young Miss, which of these sets of hair ornaments do you like?" The two maidservants were each holding two boxes containing luxurious head accessories embellished with precious stones and pearls.

Although the third branch of the (Yu) family had just returned to the capital, there was an endless stream of dignitaries who came to visit and sent many valuable possessions. This was on account of Yu Jun Wei's anticipated reinstatement and regaining his title due to the painstaking efforts of the two imperial princes.

They suffered for several years in Shu, and returned with only baoguo,[2] appearing to be in dire straits. However, in just one month's time, everything came under their possession, and they were only waiting for the imperial edict to vindicate the injustice. So that they could open the sealed-up Marquis Yongle manor across the street and live there gloriously.

Therefore, although these sets of hair ornaments were expensive, they were nothing to the third branch of the (Yu) family

Yu Miao Qi pointed to the Luan[3]-Phoenix head ornament made of jadeite with exquisite workmanship. She said leisurely, "I shall wear this set. It matches my dress."

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