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Waking up to the obnoxious ring tone. I roll over and slap the stupid machine until the ringing stops allowing me to flop back on the bed. I begrudgingly push myself up from the hard mattress and place my feet on the floor.

I stand up and throw on shorts before heading down to the kitchen. I make myself a sunny side up egg and a few pieces of bacon. I place them on a paper plate and eat as I watch a commentator talking about the college football match that would be taking place later that day.

I throw away my trash and start a few loads of my laundry before grabbing the practice bag and heading to her room. She showers quickly and puts her hair in a top bun before dressing in school sweats a riverside Rebel women's soccer shirt and "beetroot" Jordan 1 lows. She packs a clean sports bra, compression shorts, a compression top, two new rolls of at tape, and sunscreen. She double-checked everything before glancing at the clock. 8:05.

She needed to leave in 15 minutes at the latest so she would have time to get food at the gas station and head to the field.

She would bring her school bag to knock out the rest of her homework since today would be dedicated to soccer and tomorrow will be recovery and American football.

I turn on the tv and listen to the same commentators as before. I routinely check the clock positioned over the mantle every 2 minutes.

At 8:14 I turn everything off and grab both of my bags. I make sure I have everything on me. Wallet, phone, keys, knife, and a spare rubber band.

I chuck my stuff in the backseat. heading to the Gate right next to my school. I grab a bag of fruit snacks, a monster, and two protein bars for after the game. I pay for my purchase and fuel up my car before heading to school.

I turn down my music the closer I get to the school as I don't need everybody knowing I still blast Miley Cyrus. I see coach waiting on the back of his tailgate as I pull into the student lot.

I pull into space 12 and turn off my car. I grab bags and walk to coach. "Good morning Cor." Coach acre offers up as he sips from his rebel mug.

"Morning." I offer shortly and pull out my book that I had to do a chapter summary on. Me and coach sit in silence as we await the arrival of the team.

I finish my chapter and close the book after putting my make-shift book mark between my page. " there are going to be scouts at the game."

I freeze in my movements at coach's revelation. Thankfully a few girls that were carpooling showed up saving me from the awkward tension. The rest of the team shows up soon after allowing for the girls to board the bus and head to the college stadium. Everyone gets settled in their own row as the JV team piles into the very back sitting 3 to a row.

Coach Acre pulls everyone's attention as the bus sputters to life. "The game will be televised. There will be scouts in the stands. For all of you seniors and juniors this could be a major opportunity. We are going to arrive early and dress in the visitor's locker room. Until then please stay seated and don't fool around. Let's show those California girls what they make down in Georgia." We cheer and fall back into our seats.

I pull out my English notebook and start writing my chapter summary to pass the time as my teammates sing to the music flowing through the old speakers, some film tiktoks and the others gossip back and fourth about the "tea" that was spilt over the past week.

I finish my summary and jam my earbuds into my ears. I tune out the noise around me as I succumb to the screams of three days grace. Shortly after we pull into the UGA soccer complex parking lot. We all stare out the window in awe of the big grey hound bus with Stanford Athletics branding on the outside spanning the length of the bus.

AwkwardTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang