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"No kell. I can't." I mumble not pulling my eyes from the floor. The shame weighed heavy. "I need to try and get into the accounts. Give myself some cash. I gotta plan on how to get through this."

"Okay kid. I'm here if you need anything."

"Thanks kell. For everything and especially for coming to dinner. My father is great at what he does and that's about the only thing he's great at."

"It was nice. Weird but I've been to about 100 of similar events."

"I'm gonna head back to my room kell. Goodnight." I mumble walking out of the room and into my own.

"How was dinner Cory?" Tierna questions as she scrolls through her phone.

"It was something. I'm gonna try and get out of taking over the company."

"Sounds fun." I nod and grab my laptop. Opening up my bank account I find the two accounts and work through the logistics of taking everything out before I do it. I move it all onto my personal card. Everything was moving in the right direction just at a snails crawl. I make sure everything is set up so I can turn down ownership of the company. I knock shortly after- staring at the ceiling till sleep took over.


The sun crept through the thick curtains. Shining brightly in my barely opened eyes. I groan once before stretching my back. My phone buzzed in my hand. Dad read across the top in big,bold letters. I grab a shirt; pulling it over my head as I step into the hallway. "What's up dad?"

"When are you thinking of announcing your position as the new head of the company?"

"I wanted to tell you that I will not be taking over the company."

"Why? Do you really think soccers gonna take you somewhere? Don't live in dream land little girl. I won't have two kids that are failures. I won't stand for this Cory. Not now, not ever."

"Then don't count me as your child."

"Count it done. Everything I've given you is taken away. Don't come back even when you're out of money. You are officially nobody to me."

"I haven't been a person to you since the 8th grade. Goodbye father." He hangs up the phone. I stare in disbelief. Had I really thrown away everything during a 3 minute phone call. Staring at the darkened screen. I could only blink.

Enough time passed before I head back into the room. I had thirty minutes before breakfast opened, getting dressed I head outside and scroll through Twitter. Everything that was popping up had to do with Demarcus tech. My father's press release said they were looking outside the company to inspire innovation and revel in revolution of new ideas. All it read to me was no one wants it and I definitely don't want it. But it was off my plate. Beggars can't be choosers.

I head back into the hotel and go to the meal room. I was right behind Jill. "I fixed everything." I mumble walking towards her.

"What do you mean?"

"I told my father I wouldn't take over the company. All ties are cut. I'm on my own I guess."

"Thank you for telling me. Have you looked for jobs?"

"I accessed the two funds my father created in my name and took all of it. Probably gonna couch surf for the rest of senior year and see if any team takes interest in me."

"If you wanna play soccer professionally I can get your name out to teams."

"If you could that would be lovely."

"It'll take a few weeks but by next camp you should have a list of people knocking."

"Thanks." I mumble grabbing a tray and getting in line. I make my plate before taking a seat. I read through everything before checking my email. The shit Storm that occurred right after opening the app. Every hateful that could be typed was... it wasn't just from my father but every other board member. I delete most of them.

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