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Kelley had been a ghost in her apartment up until the day she left. Cory sticking to her word had gone to school everyday, making all practices. They were on track to another state title. Heading towards 7-0 on the season. All ready bagging 31 goals and a dozen or so assist. Named to the state team halfway through the season. Worrying about how she would fit into the European scheme. School was easy- it always was for her. Reading years above her grade level. Wise beyond her years as her teachers liked to put it. 

Pulling herself from the diner booth. Sweaty skin sticking to faux leather. Slipping the laptop into its desired spot. Pulling the keys from the front pocket of her black school bag. A single notebook and a pack of .2mm pencils residing within the large bag. A grocery bag of practice clothes sat in the bottom.  Driving to school, white monster cracked open in hand. Discarded pack of welches fruit snacks laid on the dirty floorboard. Muting her radio as she pulled into the painted parking spot, removing the key from the ignition, Gathering her school bag and kit bag from the passenger seat. Stalking around the school, six minutes early like she always was. Terrified of being late. A staple of her childhood. 

Her seventh period was useless in all sense of the word. Today was vocabulary like it always was on Monday. Scrolling through her phone wanting to head to the field early. Just to get moving on the ball. She feared for her arrival across the pond. How would she fair in the talent pool. How well she could match up against the super stars both on her team and oppositions. Would she even mesh with her teammates. Technically they weren't her teammate yet. That oud mean the pen touching the paper. Skimming over Jonas's email once more. She would arrive for a trial period of one week. After the week is up she would either be handed a contract or turned away. 

The anxiety rose in the pit of her stomach, creeping up her spine like a serpent in wait. Her stomach coiling around the unknown. Her whole life had been derailed in the matter of minutes, no time for calculated moves. Whose to say that this trial would be any different. Spending a week of her life scratching and clawing for an opportunity only for them to come to the conclusion that she would not fit into their scheme. Leaving her on the steps like an orphan.

She knew deep in her mind these were all 'what ifs'. But on the other hand everything in history was a 'what if' at some point. The dismissal bell pulling her from her internal spiraling. Tossing a hand up in farewell as she trudged from the old classroom. Kit bag in hand, taking a left into the gym and then a right past the open door of the girls locker room. Stalking to her locker, flipping in the code, pulling the pin from its locked position. Dressing quickly into athletic shorts and the practice shirt dawned with the schools mascot. Pulling on long socks and tightening the pony tail. Leaving the locker room through the back door, heading towards the field. Aimlessly scrolling through notifications. Nothing from any other team. She didn't expect anything but the hope prevailed- it had too. 

Coach Acre moved liked a rusted turnstile creaking about the practice field setting up yellow man marks and orange cones, white and red jerseys sat in two neat piles the wind lifting up a corner before dropping it. "How you doing Corey?" He murmured stalking towards her. 

"Good." fiddling with the frayed ends of the worn jersey. He nodded in response. A man of few words. A trait Corey loved about him, a man that was content in silent. They waited for the rest of the girls to filter out of the locker room. Leaning down to tie the laces of the adidas boot snug to her feet, pulling the socks taunt before slipping in yellowed shin guards. Messing with a stray ball.

The girls arrived no later than 10 minutes after their conversation. Practice was focused on ball  movement throughout the wings focusing and full width switches. They worked quickly moving the ball doubling touches as they moved the ball diagonally completely by passing the middle section. They moved into a double team situation to better equip everyone with lateral movement when help was and was not present to represent game situations they constantly got themselves into.

It was easy, not having to think. Just get of the ball as fast as you can while forcing it across the field causing a full field shift in defense. Corey focused on defending, shifting the pressure with every approach whether it be pushing them towards endline or trying to cut off the switch. Everybody would need to face different presenting pressures to be fully equipped with the skill. Practice was called just shy of two hours. The sun sinking further and further past the horizon, the stadium lights not reaching far enough.

Heading back to the locker room girls flanking either side of her "So what were they like?" Alison questions. she had shut down all attempts at questions in the past three weeks since she returned. 

"Normal I guess." It was half assed and lazy. The long drives and endless expanses of highways catching up to her. late nights and early mornings wearing thin on her recall. Roe laughs from her spot a few feet ahead, shoulder to should with Tessa. "Guys she isn't gonna answer your questions. Why keep asking." Sending a thankful smile her way, following her path back into the locker room, grabbing the school bag from its spot tucked away in the locker, hidden by freshly laundered jerseys and team jacket. 

Clutching the shoulder strap in her hand, walking out of the school and towards her car. Unlocking it once its in sight. Slinging the two bags into the passenger side, her kit bag falling into the wheel well. Pulling from her spot, not needing the GPS anymore. Memorizing the route, skipping through her playlist as she merged onto the highway. She would need to grab something on the way home. No food left in the fridge. Meaning to have stopped by the grocery store this morning. It was weird without Kelley there. 

Only interacting with her classmates, and of course the waitress at the waffle house. She stopped going to the diner 'round the corner when they closed on Tuesdays. Her days were spent checking her email, scrolling through old text messages, muting twitter notifications, and watching the news. Pulling through the Wendy's drive through ordering her normal "4 for 4 with a large sweet tea." An order she repeated more days then not. A normalcy when everything in her life was anything but normal. Collecting the contents, placing the large drink in her cup holder, placing the paper bag behind her school backpack, driving the last four minutes of the drive in silence. 

Kelley's apartment smelled of waterlogged boots and old takeout containers. She had fallen into what most would characterize as a depression. Even with the bedroom vacant she couldn't bring herself to sleep anywhere but the couch. Her phone plugged in on the coffee table, buzzing away like it always did. Curtains drawn shut as she hunched over the burger, taking small draws from the red straw, overly sweet tea pushing through parted lips. munching though the two pickles on the burger. 

Anxiety and excitment filled her stomach with what arsenal could hold. To be out of this country away from overly sweeten drinks and high fructose corn syrup, away from barren apartments and long expanses of highway. To get out from under her fathers name even after her renounced his stake as her dad. The future was always daunting but it couldn't be worse than a lonely apartment and a sparse text from a classmate asking for answers. 

Sleep came easy. The stillness of the flat. Worn leather pressed against rough skin. The throw blanket settled over her shoulders. Feet sticking out past the end of the blanket. Knees bent to fit on the couch.  She needed to get across the pond- to show them what she could do.


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