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Did I sleep? Nope.

Did I try? Nope.

Did I do anything productive? Also no.

Running on not even 5 minutes of sleep was nerve wrecking. I felt the sleep ache deep in my bones but knew I would just have to ignore it.

So when the sun shown through the thin curtains at 6 I got up. The thick sheets sticking to my skin. Stalking off towards the bathroom to shower.

I was shitting bricks to be honest but the excitement that crept up my spine left a small smile in its wake. I dry off and comb through my hair, picking at the knots through the mane of thick hair.

Once dried I dress in jeans and a riverside shirt, making sure to set my alarms and load up my pockets with everything needed. With one last check of my key card and phone I leave from the dingy hotel room and walk towards the nearest gas station. I grab my normal fruit snacks and a monster, paying for my purchases I head back towards the hotel. Taking a seat on one of the pool chairs.

I scroll through the list of assignments I've been sent for the next two weeks. Most of them just worksheets with videos or work book pages attached. I have a few test that I will have to book out time to complete. These next two weeks seemed  on the easier side.

When my first alarm went off I head towards the meal room. I silently follow behind Jill as she opens the door. I slip in behind her.

"OHH MY DAYS!" She shouts clutching her chest.

"I'm sorry." Mumbling as I fiddle with my hands.

"Don't worry. You're just Umm silent. But breakfast is ready."

"Thank you." I stalk towards the buffet line and load my plate as I take a seat towards the corner of the room.

It takes over an hour for most of the team to arrive. Everyone tries to crowd around the table I was seated at, most pulling up excess chairs. All asking an array of questions from dogs or cats? To what's your favorite color? Then other like what do you want to study?
I answer all mostly one word replies. It's too early for this.

Thankfully Jill dismisses us at 9 to get ready for fitness testing. I follow the rest of the players to the kit room and grab the articles of clothing behind my name tag.

Grabbing them I stalk off towards my room, opening the door I see Tierna appear from the bathroom.

"Well I see you got here just fine."

"Yeah, so you as well."

With that out of the way I head to my bed and shed my clothing switching into my training kit. Grabbing my kit bag on my way out of the room. I slip my headphones over my ears as I walk down to the lobby of the hotel.

Within a few minutes everyone joins me down in the lobby as the large greyhound covered in USSF branding pulls through the loop.

We board wordlessly and take our seats. I snag the first open seat that wasn't filled with staff members as Tierna sits beside me.

"So how has camp been so far?"

"Good. Really like the food." I mumble.

She chuckles and tries to contain herself but falls into another fit of giggles. "So you excited for fitness testing?"

"Yeah. You?"

"No. I hate fitness testing. It's like the most dreaded day of camp."

"I could see that."

"Well since we are here let's get stretched". She mumbles pushing against the rough faux leather of the seats. We file off the bus, I follow the group through the main training gates onto the pitch. Everyone heads towards the bench switching their slides for studs and shin pads.

We all collectively watch as different trainers set up different drills as we run through our stretching patterns.

Once everything has been run through we are split into groups by positions. I'm left as an outlier as all the coaches discuss where to put me. "Alright well Cory you will do all these drills alone as we find the position that will best fit you."

I just nod standing off towards the side. "So each group will start on a different drill. Middies start on the beep test, forwards you have the 40 yard dash and 100 yard dash, defenders you will run hell raisers, and goal keepers will run through the 4 cone drill. And Cory you will be partnered with Dawn as she runs you through everything." I walk towards Dawn who I had met last night.

When Jill said that I would be run through everything I didn't think she met everything. We did everything from speed, to agility, maximum power output, high jump, long jump, standing vertical, and then the beep test that I would run solo at the very end while everyone else got water.

"Alrighty Cory take your mark. Wait for the timed track to signal you." Jill says as I walk to the nearest cone. The track runs through the introduction before taking off on the first beep.

Let's just say I hate this test. It's just so boring. The running isn't even hard it's just boring. And hot, like so stupidly hot. By level 34 I toss away the training top, at 56 I start talking to myself. Trying to break through the boredom. At 72 I walk off the course. The track ends at level 75 and I still want to be able to beat it.

I walk to the far set of cones, picking up my discarded sweat soaked shirt. "Alright ladies let's head to the gym for maxes." I just nod putting the wet top back on, slipping off my studs for trainers.

We walk into the gym and the smell of piss is overwhelming. I get partnered up with kelley and Crystal since we could all use the same J-cups. We squat, bench, deadlift, and a few other drills such as sled pushes.

Once done we board back up on the bus. "Hey Cory can you sit with me for a second?"

"Uhh yeah."

I take my seat. " so you have some of the most impressive numbers we've seen on the women's side in a very long time. Your numbers have left us more puzzled then when we started about where to put you. So do you have a favored position?"

"No ma'am. I like to see the field, and help when needed."

"So we will keep you as a flex player. You will be listed as a midfielder. You most likely won't be getting reps in the midfield but you will be playing at all positions as we try and find your best fit. Is that okay?"

"Yes ma'am. Anything else?"

"You will have an ice bath session when we get back. Lunch is on your own but dinner will be in the meal room, 7 O'clock."

"Perfect thank you."

I move to where Tiernas sitting. "So any weird facts today?"

"Umm yeah Uhh the most painful way to die is to be steamed alive not burned. It's keeps the nerves intact for longer and can take up to three days to fully die if steamed."

"I think I like your cockroach fact more."

"Yeah I like that fact as well."
The rest of the day is spent recovering, getting fitted for new gear, and eating. I run through almost of my school work just wanting to get it out of the way before this week starts.

Short update.

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