Chapter 20

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"What are you all planning to do on the night of the premiere?" Dante asks.

"What do you mean exactly?" Aidan asks him.

"Supposing you will all go," Dante chuckles, "I mean if you have somewhat an idea of what you'll be wearing or what you want to wear, maybe if you know who you'll be going with."

"Well of course I'll be going with my pretty Cupid," Blake says, side hugging Eden.

Eden giggles. "Agreed."

"Have you guys made it public that you're dating?" Cameron asks.

"Not yet," Eden confesses. "We don't want anyone making up rumors or anything, besides we're barely a month and a half into our relationship. But we will announce it on the night of the premiere."

"You guys look so cute together," TJ tells them.

"Thank you TJ-ee," Eden replies.

"You call her Cupid?" I ask, turning to face Blake.

"Yep," he replies, "because she shot my heart."

I smile.

They love each other so much, it's so cute

"Oh, stop it," Eden tells him, pushing him playfully.

"What about you, Cameron?" I ask him.

"I-I'm still not sure," he says, slightly nervous.

I chuckle. "That's okay, you still have time to think it over."

The waitress that took our orders comes back with our food and we all start eating.

"What about you, (y/n)?" I hear Cameron ask.

"Huh?" I say, swallowing a mouthful of my food, looking up from my plate.

"Do you know who you're going with?" He asks, innocently.

I shiver.

The thing is, I'd love to go with Aidan but I know he wouldn't want to go with me for obvious reasons. I'm left with Cameron and Dante as options, or well, doubts about who will I be going with between them both

Even though Cameron first caught my eye, I was unsure. I didn't quite feel like he's the one for me to be honest. Not to misinterpret myself, he's amazing, it's just that we're very similar and it feels it would be better for us to stay friends, it feels more comfortable. People who have too much in common can't work as a couple, I've heard that before.

Dante on the other side, he's a little shy at first but very outstanding when you get to know him. I don't know, it feels like... I was meant to meet him for a reason. Maybe I'm just crazy and this means nothing but I feel deep in my heart that him and I could be something.

"I'm not sure," I giggle.

"What?!" Eden almost screams. "What do you mean you're not sure?!"

"Nobody has invited me," I say, dumbfounded, "and also I have no boyfriend."

"Wait, you're not talking to any guy at all right now?" She asks.

"We did hang out together," Dante says, thinking out loud.

I look at him and he blushes.

"I mean," he starts.

"I want you guys to go together," Eden interrupts him.

Someone chokes on their drink and when I turn to see who it was, Aidan grabs a napkin and wipes his lips.

"Uh..." Dante says.

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