Chapter 26

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He goes back to our table without saying much, he just told me I sang amazing and returned the guitar to get back with everyone.

I follow him, still slightly in shock and sit down.

"That was beautiful, (y/n)," Dante tells me with a very cute smile.

I smile back. "Thank you."

We finish our desserts in peace, not talking too much and then everyone else decides to leave one by one to meet with their family. Laura leaves before me, telling me to not take it seriously and that she just has some work to do for tomorrow.

I tell her it's okay and she leaves. Then I'm alone with Aidan.

"You changed the song," he says, after some while.

"Yeah, I did," I tell him trying to stay as calm as I can.

"I like it," he says.

"I'm glad," I smile.

"So... do you think Mr Blackman will let us shoot our kiss scene?"

I blush. "Maybe, why do you ask?"

"I don't want you to feel uncomfortable, that's why."

I look down, not wanting to answer.

"Are you okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, why?" He says.

I sigh. "Is everything okay between Jane and you?"

He widens his eyes. "I don't like throwing shade on anyone, but yeah, her and I have been a little on edge lately."

"On edge how?" I say, getting closer to him.

He looks away. "She's just not the same and I'm worried." He looks at me. "Do you think I might be doing something wrong?"

I almost scoff. "What? Aidan, I'm sure you would never hurt a girl on purpose, it's either she might have lost interest or has been having mood swings."

"You think she might have lost interest?" He looks at me with a worried expression.

"Aidan, it wouldn't be your fault if that's the case," I lick my lips, "but I wouldn't know. Even though, do you think you're still in love with her?"

He stops to look at his hands. "Sometimes I do doubt it. But then I remember what we've been through, all the things we did together and my heart beats fast."

"That could mean anything, Aidan. But, tell me, how much time have you guys been together?"

"Two years."

Ouch, that's a lot of time

"Okay, and have you made your relationship public? Have you guys talked about it?"

"Not exactly. Really none of us have made it public."

"Really? Not even said anything?"

"I mean," he stops for a second, "I said on Instagram once that I have a girlfriend, I think it was last year, and I think many people already assumed it was her. Many fans saw that I follow her and commented cute things under her pictures. I guess those came out to the public."

A thought rushes across my brain, at a pace fast enough to be able to come and leave my mind in two seconds. But that's not what happens. The thought stays and all I can do is shiver.

What if Jane is using Aidan for fame?

I want to believe I'm wrong, but who knows? I don't know JJ that well, so she might as well be using Aidan, the chances are high. Or maybe she's just one of those people that don't want someone to leave them even if they are with someone else, for some strange reason.

"Look," I place my hands on top of his, "I'd say you should give her a chance. Talk to her. Communication is key in a relationship, remember that. Never let her go to sleep when she's still angry, hug her and tell her you love her. Don't miss a chance to make her happy. That is, of course, if you don't wanna lose her and if you still love her."

Obviously it hurts to say these things, but I have to help him. And if he wants things with JJ to work out, then I can't be between them.

He smiles. "Thanks, (y/n). I appreciate that. We've been having many issues lately, but I'll try and make it up to her. I'll let you know if anything bad happens, so you can eat chocolate ice cream with me."

We laugh. I truly am in love with him, and I can never let that smile fade, my job is to keep him happy even if that means losing the love of my life. If he's happy, I am happy. I wish you best, Aidy. I'll always love you, that can never change.

"Alright," I say, slamming my hands on the table, "my parents just messaged me telling me they're outside. Do you want me to take you?"

"No, that's fine," he answers. "I was just waiting until someone picked you up, I can leave by myself. And I didn't offer to take you because I have work to do and didn't want to drag you around with it."

"Sure, don't worry," I say, grabbing my purse. "We're still up for our practice though, right?"

"Yeah, tomorrow."

"After filming?"


"Got it."

"I'll se you then, bye."

"See you, bye."

I get in the car my mom and dad rented and my mom drives us to our hotel.

"So," my mom starts, placing the keys on the table, "I saw Aidan walking out after you. Did you guys talk about anything at all?"

"It seems like he doesn't wanna leave Jane," I answer, sounding a little sad.

"Really? Wait, what happened?"

"They were having issues, Aidan thought she might have lost interest."

"And what did you tell him?"

"That he may wanna make it up to her."

"You're not ready to tell him, are you?"

"I don't think I will anytime soon," I pause. "But in other news, maybe Dante is the one for me."

"Whatever you do, honey, don't be with someone else out of sadness or validation, don't break anyone's heart because of that, okay?"

"Yes mom, thanks for the advice," I smile.

"Of course sweetheart," she kisses my forehead, "now, how about we watch a movie?"

"Only if it's not romance."

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