Chapter 11

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My parents take me back to our hotel and when I open the door, I immediately crash onto the bed, very tired. I close my eyes and drift off.

"Hey," I hear a whisper behind me, so I turn my head.

"Cameron?" I say. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I thought you were just tired of everything and I wanted to cheer you up," he confesses.

My vision focuses on my surroundings, not just him now, from blurry things, I see a little more than 180°. I realise that he probably knocked or rang the bell because I'm standing right in front of him and I have my right hand on the doorknob. I opened up for him.

"Yeah, come in," I say, signalling him to step inside.

As if he knew the way, he goes right to the left, into the living room to sit down on the couch.

"What happened?" He asks, noticing my clear confusion when I step inside the room.

"Have you come here before?" I ask.

"Of course, you invited me twice," he chuckles.

"And what exactly made you think that I was sad?"

"You've been acting different lately. I have the feeling that it's probably Aidan's fault."


"I know you love him, but maybe I can cheer you up and help you forget about him for a while."

"Oh, thank you, Cameron, I appreciate it."

I sit down next to him, close my eyes and open them up again.

It's all dark. It's nighttime. I fell asleep and had a dream of Cameron. Why exactly? I don't know, but I heard this myth that when you dream of someone, it's because they fell asleep thinking about you...

Well, maybe he just remembered me last minute.

I get up to take a shower and when I get out of the bathroom, my stomach rumbles so I go into the kitchen to look for something to eat and just make a simple sandwich. I go back to the bedroom to wake up my parents.

"You should eat some dinner," I tell them.

"What?" my mom asks, rubbing her eyes.

"It's late," I answer. "And we haven't eaten anything yet."

"Oh," she takes a deep breath and tosses. "I just don't have the energy to go out, I'm tired from being so much time outside at the studio."

"Yeah, me too. I can call for a delivery, what do you want?"

"Perfect, could get us some tacos?"


I take my phone and ask for 5 tacos. Knowing some places, the tacos could be very small and my parents are most likely hungrier than me, so it's better to have leftovers than to be short on food when we're hungry.

We wait for 25 minutes until my mom brings the food. We sit down to eat while they ask a couple of questions about today.

"What did Steve Blackman tell you?" My mom asks.

"Well, he first accidentally told me that Aidan begged him to let me in the series," I say, slightly grinning.

"Oh, and then what happened?"

"He told me I was very good," I smile, "well, both of them did. Aidan and Steve."

"That's good to hear. Well, you've always been a good actress, you always memorized movie lines when you were little."

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