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Dabi wasn't really listening to what Shigaraki was saying. Something about kidnapping this angry kid at U.A, because apparently he would be useful to them. Dabi didn't really see the point - they already had Toga, did they really need another whiny teenager?

His phone rang, and he swiped the answer button on screen, not caring to see who it was.

"And who the fuck is this?" He said into the phone. It was how he answered every call.

He recognized the voice immediately.


"Dabi? Who is that?" Shigaraki asked. Dabi knew he couldn't tell him or he'd be in big trouble.

"I'll explain later!" He yelled, knowing he definitely wasn't going to explain later.

He grabbed the black hoody he took off before and dashed out of the bar into the rain. It was odd, since the weather had been fine earlier that day, but now the skies were dark with clouds.

Dabi pulled his hoody over his head, stepping in a rather large puddle when he wasn't looking. He cursed as he felt water sloshing around in his boots, but he couldn't think about that now.
He was only focused on getting to his boyfriend in time. Hawks was dying, remember?



The Egg - DabiHawks [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now