Can I Get Milk?

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Dabi fidgeted before walking over and taking a proper look at the egg. It was pale but speckled, and it really did look quite beautiful with how polished it was, even though it came out of the same hole as shit.

"Here, you hold it," Hawks said, catching him off guard. The villan flinched and took a step back.

"No thanks." He held out his palms on each side of him and shrugged. "I'm not good at this sort of thing, but you're a natural, see? Keep doing it."

Before he could even take his next breath, something heavy was placed in one of his open palms and he suddenly brought his other hand around to steady it.

"Hawks!" He said indignantly. He felt himself tense at the weight of the egg, knowing he had to be careful with it or it would fall out of his hands.

"What? If you're going to be a parent you need practise."

Dabi groaned. "I don't want to be a dad."

Hawks closed his eyes in in a smile. "That's okay, you can be the mother."


"Don't even think of running off. You're sticking with me and our kid no matter what."

Dabi needed to think of a way to escape. He didn't care how stupid it was, he just had to get out of there.

"Alright...mind if I just go out to get some milk?"



i see dabi as that parent who disappears as soon as the kid is born.

The Egg - DabiHawks [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now