It's Coming Out-

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After running for only two minutes, Dabi was soaked to the skin.

Hold on, he thought, Why don't I just get Kurogiri to teleport me?

He got out his phone from his pocket but couldn't get it to work - the rain made it glitch.

"Damn thing!" He said out loud. "I should have known water resistant didn't mean waterproof!"

He knew he couldn't take a taxi, so he just had to keep running.

The villan eventually burst through the door of Hawks's apartment, dripping wet and leaving splodges of water on the floor wherever he stepped.

"I'm here!" He shouted. He immediately went to Hawks's bedroom where he could hear all sorts of whimpers and groans.

Why does that make it sound like he's getting laid-

He slammed the door open and stood there, looking at Hawks who was curled up on the bed with his knees pulled up to his chest and his wings wrapped around him.

"Uh...hey. You okay?" He walked over to the man who was shivering and drenched in sweat. He panicked inwardly, because he wasn't really sure what to make of the situation, so he just stroked his head.

"Talk to me. You're freaking me out, bird."

His blue eyes locked on pained golden orbs.
"Right. I'm...talking. This good enough for ya?"

"Yeah, you're doing just fi-"

"I was being sarcastic!" Hawks suddenly groaned and clutched his stomach, making Dabi more concerned.

"What's wrong? Does it hurt? Is the pain there?" Hawks didn't answer any of his questions, so Dabi just placed his hand on his stomach, and he was surprised when he felt a bump. He had to pull his hand back though when Hawks screeched.

"OW! That fucking hurts!"

"Yeah well I'm sorry I don't know anything about whatever the hell is happening to you, but it looks like there's something there. Is it a tumor?"

"How should I know?!" Hawks shut his eyes, now in agony, then he suddenly opened them and looked down.

"It's coming out," he said.



this is actually all ive written so far, so y'all will have to wait till tomorrow or maybe a few days. idk. im working on other stuff too so yea


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